REVIEWER REPORT FOR ISSI ONLY (Written comments for the ISSI Selection Panel)
Title: (略)
There is nothing new in the methodology used and the results obtained. But considering the fact that Iran is a country isolated , to some extent, from the outside world for various reasons, any new fact about this country is welcome and interesting. Therefore I suggest that we hear their voice.
REVIEWER REPORT FOR AUTHOR (comments to be made available to authors)
Title: (略)
This is an interesting paper, which could offer a lot of relevant information. If possible, I would like to suggest authors to add the following analysis——the comparison between papers published in domestic Persian journals and those published in SCI journals. Many other non-English speaking developing nations are faced with the tough issue of how to balance the internationality of science and the self-reliance in developing science and technology. Whether to support, financially and morally, domestic journals in native language is only one aspect reflecting the issue.
Please check spelling carefully. For instance, in the 5th line of page 2, “qualitity” seems to be wrong.
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