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已有 1913 次阅读 2021-7-31 10:28 |个人分类:图书情报学研究|系统分类:生活其它




Respected Chair, Distinguished guests, dear friends,


I am very pleased to have this opportunity to say a few words on behalf of ISTIC. It happens that ICSTI and ISTIC are an anagram, so is  CISTI, implying that at lease ISTIC and CISTI should be the loyal members of ICSTI. With the end of the meeting in Finland, the next ICSTI conference will be in Beijing in 2011, so a glorious torch relay is started.,  


On behalf of the host of 2011 ICSTI conference, ISTIC, I would like to invite you, formally, to submit papers to and attend this Conference scheduled June,7th –8th,2011.It seems  a historical trend for all professional information institutes to transfer their mission, step by step,  from the provision of sci-tech information service to that of knowledge service.Under the new digital environment,it is one of our most important tasks to provide high-quality knowledge service to meet the needs of various entities involved in scientific discovery and technological  innovation.Thus, the theme of the next conference would be Upgrading Information to Knowledge. The specific topics would include the three aspects:  

1. Development and services of information resources;

2. Knowledge Organization and Knowledge Discovery;

3. Engaging with information environment.


We will strive to get the conference proceedings ready before the meeting.

The estimated audience size would be around 300 people.

2011 Beijing Conference venue will be set at a four-star or five-star hotel. The hotel has spacious exhibition hall and is well equipped with advanced facilities to satisfy diverse exhibition requirements.


The design of the official website for the meeting is completed, and is expected to open any time in recent future. The site is www.icsti2011.org. ISTIC has formed a special taskforce to prepare the meeting.


In addition to academic exchange, the meeting participants will have the opportunity to witness some historic and cultural heritages of Beijing, as well as some newest landmark architectures.  


ICSTI 2011 Beijing Conference has received constant help from ICSTI members and looks forward to your continued collaboration. I'd like to avail myself of this opportunity to express our earnest gratitude for you all! I believe that the Beijing Conference will also be a successful one. 


Last but not the least, I’d like to repeat the slogan of the Beijing Olympic Games: 北京欢迎你,or Welcome to  Beijing.



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3 杨正瓴 范振英 许培扬

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