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已有 5688 次阅读 2021-9-3 14:09 |个人分类:科研杂感|系统分类:科研笔记





本次会议的主办地设在英国格拉斯哥,具体地点为苏格兰盛事园(Scottish Event Campus),会期为2022731日至85日。会议主题为“土壤学—跨界融通,改变社会”(Soil Science – crossing boundaries, changing society)。在疫情缓和前景不明朗的背景下,主办方提供了线上和线下两种参会方式。值得一提的是,主办方安排了前后共计10天的可选会议考察,线下参与者可以饱览大不列颠的各种土壤。本次会议还将延续以往惯例,继续主办土壤判别大赛(Soil Judging Competition)。

不难看出,“跨界”与“改变”是本次会议的主要特点,会议还因此在交叉学部会议(Interdivisional Sessions)中设立了10个相关议题。笔者在第一时间查阅了本次会议的全部科学议题,粗作翻译,与大家共享。不当之处,敬请批评指正!

Interdivisional Sessions交叉学部会议

1.       Spatial decision making and mapping for implementing policies for sustainable soil management.


Convenors: Fabio Terribile; Erika Michéli; Jack Hannam

2.       Soil carbon: From particle to planet.


Convenors: Boris Jansen; Ellen Kandeler; Curtis Monger; Pete Smith

3.       Interdisciplinary soil science for impact.


Convenors: Leo Condron; Phil Haygarth; Thomas Scholten

4.       Plant soil interactions and their roles in soil formation and sustainable crop production.


Convenors: Ciro Rossolem; Peter Gregory

5.       Soil Science and the emerging philosophy of regenerative agriculture.


Convenors: Leo Condron; Christine Watson; Martin Blackwell

6.       Dynamics of soil erosion and land loss under past, present and future environments.


Convenors: Artemi Cerdà; Maria Bronnikova

7.       Soil securing humanity | Humanity securing soil.


Convenors: Damien Field; Alex McBratney

8.       Sustainable land use.


Convenors: Bob Rees; Claudio Zaccone; Sonoko Bellingrath-Kimura

9.       Novel methods and techniques.


Convenors: Steve Hillier; Qjaoyun Huang; Alfred Hartemink

10.    Land contamination and degradation, including urban land.


Convenor: Thomas Aspray

Scientific Sessions科学会议

11.    Soil genesis土壤发生

Commission 1.3.

Convenors: Endre Dobos; Megan Balks

12.    Soil classification and palaeopedology土壤分类与古土壤

Commission 1.4, Commission 1.6.

Convenors: Curtis Monger; Maria Bronnikova; Bipin B Mishra; Elizabeth Solleiro-Rebolledo

13.    How Pedometrics can cross boundaries and change society计量土壤学如何跨界并改变社会?

Commission 1.5.

Convenors: Titia Mulder; Nicolas Saby

14.    Soil geography: basic science and new technologies土壤地理:基础科学和新技术

Commission 1.2.

Convenors: Thomas Scholten; Sergey Goryachkin

15.    Soil structure - Observation, resilience and its role in ecosystem functioning.土壤结构—观测,恢复力及其在生态系统功能中的作用

Commission 1.1, Commission 2.1

Convenors: Stephan Peth; Richard Heck; Fabio Terribile

16.    Nitrogen Cycling and Soil Health氮循环与土壤健康

Division 2.

Convenors: Ryusuke Hatano; Liz Baggs

17.    Sustainable Use of Legacy Soil Phosphorus土壤磷残留的可持续利用

Division 2.

Convenors: Leo Condron; Tandra Fraser

18.    Biogeochemical cycles in the soil - processes linking the abiotic and biotic realms土壤生物地球化学循环—连接非生物和生物领域的过程

Commission 2.2.

Convenors: Boris Jansen; Karen Vancampenhout

19.    Soil microorganisms under changing environment变化环境下的土壤微生物

Commission 2.3

Convenors: Ellen Kandeler; Magdalena Frąc; Richard Bardgett

20.    Soil biology in transition: from descriptive to mechanistical understanding转型中的土壤生物学:从(现象)描述到机制解析

Commission 2.3

Convenors: Ellen Kandeler; Magdalena Frąc; Penny Hirsch

21.    Soil water, pollutant and gas movement in the context of a changing climate气候变化背景下的土壤水、污染物和气体运移

Commission 3.2

Convenors: Lillian Øygarden ; Nobuo Toride

22.    Soil evaluation and land use planning土壤评价和土地利用规划

Commission 2.2

Convenors: Ivan I. Vasenev; Jagdish Prasad

23.    Effects and processes of biochar and soil organic matter on plant nutrition生物质炭和土壤有机质对植物营养的效应和(影响)过程

Commission 3.3

Convenors: Bruno Glaser; Toru Fujiwara

24.    History, philosophy and sociology of soil science土壤学历史、理念和社会学

Commission 4.5 Convenors: Eric Brevik; Lorna Dawson

25.    Soil education – in School, university and In-Service training校园和职场中的土壤教育

Commission 4.4

Convenors: Cristine Muggler; Damien Field

26.    How to move towards gender equality? 如何实现性别平等?

Commission 4.4

Convenors: Laura Bertha Reyes Sánchez; Eric Brevik; Lorna Dawson

Working Groups工作组

27.    WG1.1 Progress in understanding cryogenic soils at the ends of the Earth: mountainous, polar and periglacial regions.


Convenor: Alexey Lupachev

28.    WG1.2 Digital Soil Mapping : advances towards Digital Soil Assessment


Convenors: Laura Poggio; Alessandro Samuel-Rosa

29.    WG1.3 Progress in Digital Soil Morphometrics- deeper and more precise soil observations.


Convenors: Alfred Hartemink; Jingyi Huang; Richard Heck

30.    WG1.4 Global Soil Map, main advances and ways forward.


Convenors: Dominique Arrouays; Pierre Roudier

31.    WG1.5 Sensing soil chemical, physical and biological properties - advances and emerging techniques.


Convenors: Craig Lobsey; Asim Biswas

32.    WG1.6 Soil information standards and systems - current initiatives and advances.


WG1.6Convenors: Fenny van Egmond; David Medyckyj-Scott

33.    WG1.7 Advances in soil monitoring.


Convenor: Thomas Bishop

34.    WG1.8 Advances in Universal Soil Classification.


Convenors: Budiman Minasny; Jingyi Huang

35.    WG1.9 Advances in understanding soils as reflected by the 4th edition of the WRB.


Convenors: Peter Schad; Stephan Mantel; Cezary Kabala; Cornie van Huyssteen

36.    WG2.1 The Legacy of Henry Lin and the future of Hydropedology.


Convenors: Hans-Jörg Vogel; Johan van Tol

37.    WG2.2 Modelling soil processes from ped to global scale.


Convenors: Roland Baatz; Martine van der Ploeg

38.    WG3.1 Acid sulfate soils, sulfidic materials and wetland soils.


Convenors: Anton Boman; Vanessa Wong

39.    WG3.1 General Meeting of the acid sulfate soils working group.


Convenors: Anton Boman; Vanessa Wong

40.    WG3.2 Carbon and nutrient cycles under intensifying climate change and land management


Convenors: Zhihong Xu; Chris Johnson

41.    WG3.2 Advances in innovative technologies and methods for quantifying biogeochemical cycles of carbon and nutrients in forest soils.


Convenors: Zhihong Xu; Chris Johnson

42.    WG3.3 SUITMA: Soils of Urban, Industrial, Traffic, Mining and Military Areas.


Convenors: Kye-Hoon John; Przemyslaw Charzynski

43.    WG3.4 Recent advances in nutritional, biological and physical processes in paddy soils.


Convenors: Mizuhiki Nishida; Bentio Heru Purwanto

44.    WG3.4 Mitigation and adaptation strategies for climate change in rice-based systems.


Convenors: Mizuhiki Nishida; Bentio Heru Purwanto

45.    WG4.1 The application of Soil Science in the Criminal Justice System.


Convenors: Lorna Dawson; Rob Fitzpatrick

46.    WG4.2 Culture and Soil. Outlook and insights from around the world.


Convenors: Nikola Patzel; Sabine Grunwald



一、Overview IUSS divisions & commissions学部和委员会概况

Division 1 – Soils in Space and Time土壤时空

COMMISSION 1.1 – Soil morphology and micromorphology土壤形态和微形态

COMMISSION 1.2 – Soil geography土壤地理

COMMISSION 1.3 – Soil genesis土壤发生

COMMISSION 1.4 – Soil classification土壤分类

COMMISSION 1.5 – Pedometrics计量土壤学

COMMISSION 1.6 – Paleopedology古土壤

Division 2 – Soil properties and processes土壤属性与过程

COMMISSION 2.1 – Soil physics土壤物理

COMMISSION 2.2 – Soil chemistry土壤化学

COMMISSION 2.3 – Soil biology土壤生物

COMMISSION 2.4 – Soil mineralogy土壤矿物

COMMISSION 2.5 – Soil chemical, physical and biological interfacial reactions土壤化学、物理和生物界面反应

Division 3 – Soil Use and Management土壤利用与管理

COMMISSION 3.1 – Soil evaluation and land use planning土壤评价和土地利用规划

COMMISSION 3.2 – Soil and water conservation水土保持

COMMISSION 3.3 – Soil fertility and plant nutrition土壤肥料与植物营养

COMMISSION 3.4 – Soil engineering and technology土壤工程与技术

COMMISSION 3.5 – Soil degradation control, remediation and reclamation土壤退化控制、修复和复垦

COMMISSION 3.6 – Salt-affected Soils盐碱土

Division 4 – The Role of Soils in Sustaining Society and the Environment土壤对社会和环境的支撑作用

COMMISSION 4.1 – Soils and the environment土壤与环境

COMMISSION 4.2 – Soils, food security, and human health土壤、食品安全与人体健康

COMMISSION 4.3 – Soils and land use change土壤和土地利用变化

COMMISSION 4.4 – Soil education and public awareness土壤教育与公众意识

COMMISSION 4.5 – History, philosophy, and sociology of soil science土壤学历史、理念和社会学

二、Overview Working Groups工作组概况

Acid Sulfate Soils酸性硫酸盐土壤

Critical Zone System关键带系统


Cultural Patterns of Soil Understanding土壤理解的文化模式

Digital Soil Mapping数字土壤制图

Digital Soil Morphometrics数字土壤形态学

Forest Soils森林土壤

Global Soil Map全球土壤图

Heritage Soils遗产土壤

Land Degradation土地退化

Modelling of Soil and Landscape Evolution土壤和景观演化模拟

Paddy Soils水稻土

Proximal Soil Sensing土壤近地传感

Soil Information Standards土壤信息标准

Soil Modeling Consortium土壤模拟联盟

Soil Monitoring土壤监测

Soils of Urban, Industrial, Traffic, Mining and Military Areas (SUITMA)城市、工业、交通、矿山和军事区域的土壤

Universal Soil Classification通用土壤分类

World Reference Base世界(土壤资源)参比基础


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