老外也忍受不了或者讨厌这种运行模式。最近发表在美国NOTICES OF THE AMS上一篇文章The Dangers of the“Author Pays” Model in Mathematical Publishing 就指出. 这种要作者支付版面费的Open Access 模式,虽然方便了穷国和发展中国家的学者,杂志可能以快速、大量发表论文为追求目标,从而导致审稿徒具形式,发表的论文难免粗制滥造、质量下降。另一个问题是(至少在数学这个学科是这样),支付版面费是一个沉重的负担。对年轻的研究生和退休人员来说更是如此。
我自己也经常收到一些约稿邮件。这些邮件把自己的杂志吹得天花乱坠后,少不得来一段揪心的告白:To defray the publication cost, authors of accepted papers are requested to arrange Article Processing charges of their papers at the rate of US$ 25.00 per page for USA and Canada; and Euro 20.00 for rest of the world from their institutions/research grants, if any. Twenty-five reprints of a paper are provided to the authors ex-gratis. Additional copies of reprints may be ordered at the time of proof correction. Articles are accepted for publication and published solely on the basis of merit. 这样的邮件只能当垃圾邮件处理掉。