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逻辑方法的局限性:Godel incompleteness theorem和Chaitin theorem

已有 16365 次阅读 2010-3-9 13:18 |个人分类:基础数学-逻辑-物理|系统分类:科研笔记| Godel, Chaitin, 哥德尔不完全性定理, 柴廷定理

逻辑方法的局限性:Gödel incompleteness theoremChaitin theorem



 1931年的Gödel incompleteness theorem哥德尔不完全性定理)和1966-1974年的Chaitin theorem柴廷定理),就是这样说的。


      Gödel incompleteness theorem Encyclopaedia of Mathematics, Edited by Michiel Hazewinkel


      A common name given to two theorems established by K. Gödel [1]. Gödel's first incompleteness theorem states that in any consistent formal system containing a minimum of arithmetic ( +, ·, the symbols , and the usual rules for handling them) a formally-undecidable proposition can be found, i.e. a closed formula such that neither nor can be deduced within the system. Gödel's second incompleteness theorem states that if certain natural completeness conditions are met, one can take this formula to be the formula which expresses the consistency of the system. These theorems indicated the failure of Hilbert's program on the foundations of mathematics, which expected a full formalization of all existing mathematics, or at least of a substantial part of it (Gödel's first incompleteness theorem proved that this is not possible), and attempted to justify the resulting formal system by a finite demonstration of its consistency (Gödel's second incompleteness theorem showed that even if all the tools of formalized arithmetic are considered to be finitary, this is still insufficient to prove the consistency of arithmetic).


    哥德尔K. 在《中国大百科全书(卷名:数学)




   Chaitin theorem:

It is also possible to make a similar analysis of the deductive method, that is to say, of formal axiom systems. This is accomplished by analyzing more carefully the new version of Berry's paradox that was presented. Here we only sketch the three basic results that are obtained in this manner. (See the Appendix).

  1. In a formal system with n bits of axioms it is impossible to prove that a particular binary string is of complexity greater than n+c.
  2. Contrariwise, there are formal systems with n+c bits of axioms in which it is possible to determine each string of complexity less than n and the complexity of each of these strings, and it is also possible to exhibit each string of complexity greater than or equal to n, but without being able to know by how much the complexity of each of these strings exceeds n.
  3. Unfortunately, any formal system in which it is possible to determine each string of complexity less than n has either one grave problem or another. Either it has few bits of axioms and needs incredibly long proofs, or it has short proofs but an incredibly great number of bits of axioms. We say “incredibly”' because these quantities increase more quickly than any computable function of n.

见:Gregory J. Chaitin. Information-Theoretic Computational Complexity. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, IT-20 (1974), pp. 10-15.



  介绍数学家的一个网站:MacTutor History of Mathematics,网址:http://www-history.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/

  Kurt Gödel1906 – 1978)在MacTutor History of Mathematics


  Kurt Gödel1906 – 1978)照片在MacTutor History of Mathematicshttp://www-history.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/PictDisplay/Godel.html


   Gregory J. Chaitinhttp://www.umcs.maine.edu/~chaitin/

   Gregory J. Chaitin的照片:http://www.cs.auckland.ac.nz/~chaitin/bio.html 


Gregory J. Chaitin, Visit to Cornell University, Winter 1973-1974, Photo by Terry Fine








2)逻辑方法的局限性:Godel incompleteness theoremChaitin theorem




4)什么是“证明” The definition of Proof





上一篇:科技与钱:想起了van Gogh
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