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[打听,资料,趣闻] 1905年前后《Annalen der Physik》的拒稿率

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[打听,资料,趣闻] 1905年前后《Annalen der Physik》的拒稿率






一、打听:1905年前后《Annalen der Physik》的拒稿率的权威原始出处   

   施郁老师在 2016-08-01 的博文《爱因斯坦被拒授过博士学位和副教授职位吗?》里说:


   1095年爱因斯坦奇迹年的论文“全部发表在Annalen der Physik。当时该刊拒稿率只有百分之几。”


   刘进平老师在 2018-05-07 的博文《爱因斯坦奇迹年的5篇论文经过同行评议了吗?》 精选 里说:


   “爱因斯坦在1905年将他的四篇著名论文在《Annalen der Physik》发表,当时这些论文并没有采用我们今天所谓的同行评议过程。该杂志的接受率非常高(约为90%-95%)。”




   The first part of Einstein’s career was in the German-speaking world. The German physics journals, in which Einstein published his breakthrough work, didn’t have the same peer-review system we use today.

   For instance, the Annalen der Physik, in which Einstein published his four famous papers in 1905, did not subject those papers to the same review process. The journal had a remarkably high acceptance rate (of about 90-95%). The identifiable editors were making the final decisions about what to publish. It is the storied editor Max Planck who described his editorial philosophy as:

   To shun much more the reproach of having suppressed strange opinions than that of having been too gentle in evaluating them.

   Many of the core scientific discoveries were not peer reviewed to modern standards. For example, the publication of the foundational paper describing the double helical structure of DNA by James Watson and Francis Crick in 1953 would have been jeopardised in the context of the classic review system as we know it, because of its speculative nature.






   The story reminds us that double-blind peer review is only a relatively recent invention. For most of history of science, scientific advances were judged in a much more open and public fashion. It also shows us that the peer-review process can provoke displeasure among even the greatest. It can mean scientists not listening to criticism. Sometimes the result is that many ideas don’t see the light of day.

   These anecdotal lessons point to wider issues with the peer-review process, which itself hasn’t been studied in much detail. The review process was meant to save scientists from mistakes and public embarrassment. The idea was that peers help to improve our work, and the review process of high-status journals can serve as “stamps of approval” or simply signal of quality.

   But sometimes a collegial discussion rather than formalised peer review can be a better way of getting the message across. So far the peer-review process has been largely an item of faith – something that probably produces better science. However, there is a growing body of evidence which is challenging this notion.







   Historians Christa Jungnickel and Russel McCormmach have studied in some detail the editorial policies of Annalen der Physik, the leading German journal of the early 1900s, and note that “the rejection rate of the journal was remarkably low, no higher than five or ten percent.” 11 They describe the editors’ reluctance to reject papers from established physicists, even relatively junior ones. As they put it, “Now and then the journal published bad papers by good physicists.” In one specific example, editor Paul Drude annoyed Max Planck by printing what Planck considered a worthless paper, whose author had “appealed to [Drude] personally, and Drude lacked the heart to refuse him.” 11  

   【机器翻译】历史学家Christa Jungnickel和Russel McCormmach详细研究了20世纪初德国领先期刊《物理年鉴》的编辑政策,并指出“该期刊的拒绝率非常低,不超过5%或10%。”11他们描述了编辑们不愿拒绝知名物理学家的论文,即使是相对初级的物理学家。正如他们所说,“该杂志偶尔会发表优秀物理学家的糟糕论文。”在一个具体的例子中,编辑保罗·德鲁德(Paul Drude)发表了普朗克认为毫无价值的论文,这让马克斯·普朗克很恼火,因为这篇论文的作者“亲自向德鲁德(Drude)求助,德鲁德没有拒绝他的心。”11


   C. Jungnickel , R. McCormmach , Intellectual Mastery of Nature: Theoretical Physics from Ohm to Einstein, vol. 2, U. of Chicago Press, Chicago (1986), p. 309.



   Physicists refer to 1905 as Albert Einstein’s Annus Mirabilis. In that year he published four papers that transformed the understanding of the physical laws of the universe (Isaacson 2007). Similarly, historians of science suggest that Isaac Newton enjoyed his own ‘Miraculous Year’ in 1666. In this exceptionally productive year he developed the integral calculus, experimentally verified the composite nature of light, and refined his gravitational theory (Palter 1970). Historians also point to the ‘Year of Wonders’ of 1543, when Copernicus and Vesalius initiated the scientific revolution by transforming prior understandings of planetary motion and the human body (Gribbin 2004). In their various ways, the words Mirabilis, Miraculous or Wonders denote exceptional years in the history of science. Though rare, those exceptional years changed the trajectory of knowledge and the careers of their authors. Those peak productive achievements created scientific revolutions and launched new paradigms (Kuhn 1962).

   【机器翻译】物理学家将1905年称为阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦的《奇迹之年》。那一年,他发表了四篇论文,改变了人们对宇宙物理定律的理解(Isaacson 2007)。同样,科学历史学家认为艾萨克·牛顿1666年享受了自己的“奇迹之年”。在这富有成效的一年里,他发展了积分学,实验验证了光的复合性质,并完善了他的引力理论(Palter 1970)。历史学家还指出,1543年是“奇迹年”,当时哥白尼维萨里通过改变先前对行星运动和人体的理解,发起了科学革命(Gribbin 2004)。Mirabilis、Miraculous或Wonders等词以各种方式表示科学史上的特殊年份。尽管罕见,但这些特殊的年份改变了知识的轨迹和作者的职业生涯。这些最高生产力的成就创造了科学革命,并开创了新的范式(库恩1962)。





[1] John Maddox. How genius can smooth the road to publication [J]. Nature, 2003, 426(6963): 119

doi:  10.1038/426119b


[2] Anonymous. Coping with peer rejection [J]. Nature, 2003, 425(6959): 645-645

doi:  10.1038/425645a


[3] 刘进平,2018-05-07,爱因斯坦奇迹年的5篇论文经过同行评议了吗?  精选


[4] 施郁,2016-08-01 08:20,爱因斯坦被拒授过博士学位和副教授职位吗?


[5] The Conversation, 2020-09-21, Hate the peer-review process? Einstein did too


[6] Gad Yair, Keith Goldstein. The Annus Mirabilis paper: years of peak productivity in scientific careers [J]. Scientometrics, 2020, 124(2): 887–902

doi:  10.1007/s11192-020-03544-z




[1] 2019-12-21,爱因斯坦“奇迹年”的直接原因:没有“同行评议”







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