“It is not people who break ethical standards who are regarded as aliens,” Perelman said. “It is people like me who are isolated.”
Peer review: Troubled from the start.
作者:Csiszar A1. 刊名:Nature 出版日期:2016 卷号:Vol.532 期号:No.7599 页码:306-308 doi:10.1038/532306a
A paper surfaces that was rejected by a Royal Society referee in 1845, outlining the kinetic theory of gases more than a decade before James Clerk Maxwell’s famous paper. Might referee systems be fundamentally flawed?
“It is not people who break ethical standards who are regarded as aliens,” he said. “It is people like me who are isolated.”
约翰∙冯∙诺伊曼(John von Neumann)是布达佩斯年代 Budapest generation 取得高度智力成就的人员之一的人。他出生于下面的人出生于差不多同一个时期 Theodore von Kármán (生于. 1881 冯–卡门现代航天动力性创始人,钱学森的老师), George de Hevesy (生于. 1885/1943年获诺贝尔化学奖), Leó Szilárd(生于.1898构思了核连锁反应,构思了电子显微镜。构思了直线粒子加速器和回旋加速器。促成了研发原子弹旳曼哈顿计划), Eugene Wigner (生于. 1902奠定了量子力学对称性的理论基础,原子核结构的研究上有重要贡献。在纯数学领域也有许多重要工作), Edward Teller (生于. 1908/氢弹之父), and Paul Erdős (生于. 1913/,数学家,三岁时就能轻松心算一个人一生所活的秒数.)