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挑战生物学:中国科学家用双父改造老鼠 精选

已有 7639 次阅读 2025-2-1 19:20 |个人分类:新科技|系统分类:博客资讯




Fig. 1 Scientists successfully created a bi-paternal mouse—born from two male parents—by modifying imprinting genes, overcoming key reproductive barriers in mammals. Though some mice lived to adulthood, they had developmental defects, were sterile, and had shortened lifespans, highlighting the challenges that remain in applying this technology. (Stock image).


Fig. 2 Imprinting modifications in sperm-derived haploid ESCs. Credit: Current Biology, Li et al.

细胞出版社Cell Press2025年2月1日提供的消息,挑战生物学:中国科学家用双父改造老鼠Defying Biology: Chinese Scientists Engineer Mouse With Two Male Parents)。

研究人员通过修改印迹基因(imprinting genes)创造了第一只双父系小鼠,这推动了生殖科学的发展,但面临着不育和低存活率等挑战。Researchers created the first bi-paternal mouse by modifying imprinting genes, advancing reproductive science but facing challenges like sterility and low survival rates.

一组干细胞科学家利用胚胎干细胞技术成功地培育出了一只双父系小鼠。这只老鼠活到了成年,标志着生殖科学的重大突破。他们的研究结果发表在2025128日的《细胞干细胞》Cell Stem Cell)杂志——Zhi-kun Li, Li-bin Wang, Le-yun Wang, Xue-han Sun, Ze-hui Ren, Si-nan Ma, Yu-long Zhao, Chao Liu, Gui-hai Feng, Tao Liu, Tian-shi Pan, Qing-tong Shan, Kai Xu, Guan-zheng Luo, Qi Zhou, Wei Li. Adult bi-paternal offspring generated through direct modification of imprinted genes in mammals. Cell Stem Cell, 28 January 2025. DOI: 10.1016/j.stem.2025.01.005. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.stem.2025.01.005

参与此项研究的有来自中国科学院动物研究所(State Key Laboratory of Organ Regeneration and Reconstruction, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China)、中国科学院干细胞与再生研究所(Institute for Stem Cell and Regeneration, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China)、中国北京干细胞与再生医学研究所(Bejing Institute for Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine, Beijing, China)、中国科学院大学(University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China)、中国广州中山大学(MOE Key Laboratory of Gene Function and Regulation, Guangdong Province Key Laboratory of Pharmaceutical Functional Genes, State Key Laboratory of Biocontrol, School of Life Sciences, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China)、中国哈尔滨东北农业大学(College of Life Science, Northeast Agricultural University, Harbin, China)以及中国北京赛智生物科技有限公司(Beijing SeqWisdom Biotechnology Co., Ltd., Beijing, China)的研究人员。此论文详细介绍了他们如何通过精确修改与繁殖有关的关键基因,克服哺乳动物单性繁殖的长期障碍。

科学家们之前曾尝试过培育双父系小鼠,但胚胎只发育到一定程度就停止了生长。在这里,由中国科学院(Chinese Academy of Sciences简称CAS)通讯作者李伟(Wei Li)领导的研究人员专注于靶向印迹基因,这些基因以多种方式调节基因表达。李伟说这项工作将有助于解决干细胞和再生医学研究中的一些限制。

同样来自中国科学院(CAS)动物研究所的共同通讯作者琪(Qi Zhou)印迹基因的独特特征使科学家们相信它们是哺乳动物单性繁殖的根本障碍。即使人工构建双母或双父胚胎,它们也不能正常发育,并且由于这些基因在发育过程中的某些时候会停滞不前。

培育双父系小鼠Engineering a Bi-Paternal Mouse


在这项研究中,研究人员使用许多不同的技术分别修改了20个关键的印迹基因,包括移码突变(frameshift mutations)、基因缺失(gene deletions)和调控区编辑(regulatory region edits)。


上述论文的共同通讯作者、广州中山大学的骆观正Guan-Zheng Luo)说:这些发现提供了强有力的证据,表明印记异常是哺乳动物单性繁殖的主要障碍。这种方法可以显著改善胚胎干细胞和克隆动物的发育结果,为再生医学的发展铺平了一条有希望的道路。

挑战与未来研究Challenges and Future Research


中国科学院的共同通讯作者、也是上述论文的第一作者李治琨(Zhi-Kun Li)说对印迹基因的进一步修改可能有助于产生健康的双父系小鼠,这些小鼠能够产生可存活的配子(gametes),并为印迹相关疾病带来新的治疗策略。

该团队将继续研究如何修改印迹基因,从而使胚胎具有更高的发育潜力。他们还打算将在老鼠身上开发的实验方法扩展到包括猴子在内的大型动物身上。然而,他们指出,这将需要相当多的时间和努力,因为猴子的印迹基因组合与老鼠有很大的不同。目前尚不清楚这项技术最终是否会应用于解决人类疾病。国际干细胞研究学会(International Society for Stem Cell Research)的干细胞研究伦理指南不允许以生殖为目的的遗传基因组编辑,也不允许使用人类干细胞衍生的配子进行生殖,因为它们目前被认为是不安全的。

本研究得到了中国科学院战略重点研究项目(Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences)、中国国家自然科学基金(National Natural Science Foundation of China)以及中国国家重点研究发展计划(National Key Research and Development Program of China)的支持。


First mouse with two male parents to reach adulthood. ScienceDaily, 28 January 2025.

Mouse With Two Male Parents Survives to Adulthood. Neuroscience News, January 28, 2025


Imprinting abnormalities pose a significant challenge in applications involving embryonic stem cells, induced pluripotent stem cells, and animal cloning, with no universal correction method owing to their complexity and stochastic nature. In this study, we targeted these defects at their source-embryos from same-sex parents-aiming to establish a stable, maintainable imprinting pattern de novo in mammalian cells. Using bi-paternal mouse embryos, which exhibit severe imprinting defects and are typically non-viable, we introduced frameshift mutations, gene deletions, and regulatory edits at 20 key imprinted loci, ultimately achieving the development of fully adult animals, albeit with a relatively low survival rate. The findings provide strong evidence that imprinting abnormalities are a primary barrier to unisexual reproduction in mammals. Moreover, this approach can significantly improve developmental outcomes for embryonic stem cells and cloned animals, opening promising avenues for advancements in regenerative medicine.


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