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Grigori Perelman: Millennium Prize of Clay Mathematics Institute 与天才的心灵

已有 13559 次阅读 2010-3-21 18:51 |个人分类:历史 - 人物|系统分类:科研笔记| PRIZE, Millennium, GRIGORIY, PERELMAN

Keywords: Clay Mathematics InstituteMillennium Prize

Poincare conjectureGRIGORIY PERELMAN


Grigori Perelman: Millennium Prize of Clay Mathematics Institute 与天才的心灵




      Grigoriy Perelman 拒绝了 Clay Mathematics Institute Millennium Prize100万美圆)。

    一般认为Grigoriy Perelman2004年证明了Poincare conjecture。关于Grigoriy Perelman的证明,只要极其少量的争议。

        Perelman还拒绝了2006年度菲尔兹奖Fields Medal。他是第一个拒绝Fields Medal的数学家。 



还记得凡高 Vincent van Gogh 吗:

Artists must search for truth with integrity,

dealers must keep in mind that the importance of art

has nothing whatsoever to do with money.








In August 2006, PERELMAN was awarded the Fields Medal, which is widely considered to be the top honor a mathematician can receive. However, he declined to accept the award or appear at the congress.




GRIGORI PERELMAN, WHO was awarded the Fields Medal in Mathematics.



GRIGORI PERELMAN giving the Simons lectures at MIT, 11 April 2003 Photograph by Tom Mrowka



 ————————— 相关资料 —————————


Manifold Destiny

A legendary problem and the battle over who solved it.

by Sylvia Nasar and David Gruber August 28, 2006



Mathematics, more than many other fields, depends on collaboration. Most problems require the insights of several mathematicians in order to be solved, and the profession has evolved a standard for crediting individual contributions that is as stringent as the rules governing math itself. As Perelman put it, “If everyone is honest, it is natural to share ideas. Many mathematicians view ***’s conduct over the Poincaré as a violation of this basic ethic, and worry about the damage it has caused the profession. “Politics, power, and control have no legitimate role in our community, and they threaten the integrity of our field,” Phillip Griffiths said.


Perelman repeatedly said that he had retired from the mathematics community and no longer considered himself a professional mathematician. He mentioned a dispute that he had had years earlier with a collaborator over how to credit the author of a particular proof, and said that he was dismayed by the discipline’s lax ethics. “It is not people who break ethical standards who are regarded as aliens,” he said. “It is people like me who are isolated.


Mikhail Gromov, the Russian geometer, said that he understood Perelman’s logic: “To do great work, you have to have a pure mind. You can think only about the mathematics. Everything else is human weakness. Accepting prizes is showing weakness.” Others might view Perelman’s refusal to accept a Fields as arrogant, Gromov said, but his principles are admirable. “The ideal scientist does science and cares about nothing else,” he said. “He wants to live this ideal. Now, I don’t think he really lives on this ideal plane. But he wants to.”


      Perelman had not mentioned the proof or shown it to anyone. “I didn’t have any friends with whom I could discuss this,” he said in St. Petersburg. “I didn’t want to discuss my work with someone I didn’t trust.” Andrew Wiles had also kept the fact that he was working on Fermat’s last theorem a secret, but he had had a colleague vet the proof before making it public.






正如佩雷尔曼所说,“如果每个人都诚实,与他人分享思想是自然的事。”很多数学家把***在庞加莱猜想上的所作所为视为违反了这个基本道德规范,忧虑它给这一职业造成的危害。“政治,权势和支配力在我们数学界里没有合法地位,它们会危及我们这个领域的诚实与公正,”Phillip Griffiths说。




    佩雷尔曼没有提到过这个证明,或是将其给别人看。“我没有任何可以与之讨论这个问题的朋友,”他在圣彼得堡说。“我不想与我不信任的人讨论我的工作Andrew Wiles同样对他在研究费尔马大定理的事实保了密,但在将证明公开前有一名同事帮他核验。



 大英百科全书 Britannica online encyclopedia 里的报道



    Russian mathematician who was awarded—and declined—the Fields Medal in 2006 for his work on the Poincaré conjecture and Fields medalist William Thurston’s geometrization conjecture. In 2003 Perelman had left academia and apparently had abandoned mathematics. He was the first mathematician ever to decline the Fields Medal.

————————— 后记 —————————

2010-3-24 10:54:20


——————  补充 ——————



Note: July 1, 2010. On June 8-9 CMI held a conference in Paris to celebrate the resolution of the Poincaré conjecture by Grigoriy Perelman. Dr. Perelman has subsequently informed us that he has decided not to accept the one million dollar prize. In the fall of 2010, CMI will make an announcement of how the prize money will be used to benefit mathematics.





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