第一, 关于these 和those的用法
我发现很多人对这个代词的用法没有搞清,有些争论就是源于此。 Those的用法,就是代指上文提到过的事物。如果用these,就不是指上文,而是指下文要讲的内容了。试比较下列例句: Friends, food, books, those are the things I like. She will not come today. Who says that (those的单数)? Let me tell you this: you are stupid. 所以,“those discoveries”不是指“那些中国人的发现”,就是指“这些”上文提到的东西。
当然, thesethose 是指这些还是那些,还是要看讲话者所处的情景。本来远近之分就是相对的。有兴趣者可以查查英文词典。
第二, 吉利斯皮写那段话时是不是指爱因斯坦的这封信?
Albert Einstein once remarked that there is no difficulty in understanding why China or India did not create science. The problem is rather why Europe did, for science is a most arduous and unlikely undertaking.
吉利斯皮并没有明指爱因斯坦的信,但李约瑟说他讲这话时就是指这封信。如果是这样,证明吉利斯皮对爱因斯坦信的理解也说明those discoveries 是指西方的东西,而不是指“中国的发现”。这样,李约瑟对吉氏的批评才有所指。(参见拙文“李约瑟对爱因斯坦信的理解”
李约瑟或许是凭记忆引用,然后还润色了一下英文,所以才有些不同。主要是把“those steps”和“those discoveries” 改成“ these steps”和“ these discoveries”。究竟为什么这样改?这可能与作者当时的思想情境有关。如上所述,本来those和these 就是相对而言的。
第四, 是不是鲁桂珍在李约瑟文中有手脚?
the explainer, the antithesis,
the manifestation,
the assurance of a link
no separation can break.
Development of Western science is based on two great achievements: the invention of the formal logical system (in Euclidean geometry) by the Greek philosophers, and the discovery of the possibility to find out causal relationships by systematic experiment (Renaissance).
In my opinion one has not to be astonished that the Chinese sages have not made those steps. The astonishing thing is that those discoveries were made at all.
(转引自 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-669170-882310.html)
The development of Western science has been based on two great achievements: the invention of the formal logical system (in Euclidean geometry) by the Greek philosophers, and the discovery of the possibility of finding out causal relationships by systematic experiment (at the Renaissance). In my opinion one need not be astonished that the Chinese sages did not make these steps. The astonishing thing is that these discoveries were made at all.
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