“月宫365实验”已经成为了过去式,距今已然3年。我们在这段时间收到了不少留言,热切地询问我们,最近的科学研究有什么进展。 在这里,感谢各位持续的关注。 同时在今天,我们概括过去这几年的研究,并且展望未来。 “月宫365”实验解答了许多疑问,同时又指出了新的发展道路,也引出了新的问题和新的挑战: 1. “月宫365”实验中所应用的生态系统是在地面上运行的,而外太空具有的特殊环境(低/微重力、辐射等)会对整个实验产生一定的影响。为了厘清其中关键,我们需要建立可以搭载在空间站/星球表面的闭合生态系统,开展地外实验,获取科学数据,形成校正参数,为大型地外闭合生态系统的构建提供理论依据。为此,我们研制出了面向空间实验的地面原理样机,进行了地面试验,为空间站实验进行了预先研究。 (面向空间实验的小型闭合生态系统地面原理样机) 2. 在“月宫365实验”中,我们已经可以在一定程度上对密闭环境内乘员的心理状态进行调节[1-2],并且探明了一部分植物、光、益生菌等对于乘员心理的调节作用[3-5],接下来的研究将会着重于这些心理调节过程中的详细机理,这对保护特殊环境中工作人员的身心健康具有重要意义。 3. 微生物作为生化物质循环的重要组成部分,在整个系统中扮演着重要角色。“月宫一号”团队在探究微生物于密闭系统特殊环境中受到的影响,以及微生物对系统整体的影响方面的研究正在稳步进行[6-7],同时,我们也着眼于人体内的微生物,探究其在密闭舱室中对人的生理、心理健康的影响[8]。此外,利用微生物燃料电池技术实现快速、高效水质监测,通过研究植物-微生物相互作用以实现作物增产抗病等研究也正在积极开展,并尝试实现产业化[9-12]。 4. 作为旨在探索地外天体的实验项目,我们也研究了地外天体保护[13-15]。未来登陆地外天体时,如何能减少自身携带的微生物扩散造成地外天体污染,以及由此引出的微生物消杀、消杀效果评价、微生物风险监测等工作,将会成为未来地外天体登陆技术成熟后关注的重点。
1. ChenMeng, Wei Wang, Zikai Hao, Hong Liu. Investigation on the influence of isolatedenvironment on human psychological and physiological health[J]. Science of TheTotal Environment, 2020, 716: 136972.
2. ZikaiHao, Yinzhen Zhu, Siyuan Feng, Chen Meng, Dawei Hu, Hui Liu, Hong Liu. Effectsof long term isolation on the emotion change of “Lunar Palace 365”crewmembers[J]. Science Bulletin, 2019, 64: 881-884.
3. ZhaomingLi, Hui Liu, Wenzhu Zhang, Hong Liu. Psychophysiological and cognitive effectsof strawberry plants on people in isolated environments[J]. Journal of ZhejiangUniversity-SCIENCE B, 2020, 21(1): 53-63.
4. WenzhuZhang, Hui Liu, Zhaoming Li, Hong Liu. Synergistic effects of edible plantswith light environment on the emotion and sleep of humans in long-durationisolated environment[J]. Life Sciences in Space Research, 2020, 24: 42-49.
5. 张文竹,刘慧,李兆明,刘红.草莓园艺对室内久处人群自主神经反应与情绪的影响[J].航天医学与医学工程, 2020, 33(5): 409-415.
6. XinbinYang, Ganyu Song, Hong Liu, Dawei Hu. Microbial diversity formation andmaintenance due to temporal niche differentiation caused by low-dose ionizingradiation in oligotrophic environments[J]. Life Sciences in Space Research, 2021,31: 92-100.
7. XinbinYang, Xinming Xu, Dawei Hu. Succession mechanism of microbial community withhigh species diversity in nutrient-deficient environments with low-doseionizing radiation[J]. Ecological Modelling, 2020, 435: 109270.
8. ZikaiHao, Leyuan Li, Yuming Fu, Hong Liu. The influence of bioregenerativelife-support system dietary structure and lifestyle on the gut microbiota: a105-day ground-based space simulation in Lunar Palace 1[J]. EnvironmentalMicrobiology, 2018, 20(10): 3643-3656.
9. YuxuanZang, Ting Zhao, Beizhen Xie, Yong Feng, Yue Yi, Hong Liu. Abio-electrochemical sensor based on suspended Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 forthe sensitive assessment of water biotoxicity[J]. Sensors and Actuators: B.Chemical, 2021, 341: 130004.
10.YueYi, Ting Zhao, Yuxuan Zang, Beizhen Xie, Hong Liu. Different mechanisms forriboflavin to improve the outward and inward extracellular electron transfer of Shewanellaloihica[J]. Electrochemistry Communications, 2021, 124: 106966.
11.ZhengMa, Zhihao Yi, Kaanuru Bayar, Yuming Fu, Hong Liu. Community dynamics inrhizosphere microorganisms at different development stages of wheat growing inconfined isolation environments[J]. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology,2021, 105: 3843-3857.
12.Zhihao Yi, Jingjing Cui, Yuming Fu, HongLiu. The effect of wheat seedling density on photosynthesis may be associatedwith the phyllosphere microorganisms[J]. Applied Microbiology andBiotechnology, 2020, 104(23): 10265-10277.
13.孙儒馨,付玉明,行星保护中微生物快速检测技术研究进展[J].昆明理工大学学报(自然科学版), 2021, 46(4): 147-157.
14.陆月盈,付玉明,刘红.基于图像处理方法的空间站舱室材料表面真菌滋生监测[J].载人航天,2021, 27(2): 190-197.
15.李帅帅,宋甘雨,刘红,胡大伟.行星保护发展现状及中国行星保护政策实施建议[J].中国航天, 2021, 5: 31-36.
16.Guorong Zhu, Guanghui Liu, Dianlei Liu,Haoxiang Chen, Chenhao Fang, Yue Yi, Ming Li, Beizhen Xie, Hong Liu. Researchon the hydrolysis of human urine using biological activated carbon and itsapplication in bioregenerative life support system[J]. Acta Astronautica, 2019,155: 191-199.
17.Dianlei Liu, Beizhen Xie, Hui Liu, Zhikai Yao,Hong Liu. Effect of solid waste fermentation substrate on wheat (Triticumaestivum L.) growth in closed artificial ecosystem[J]. Life Sciences in SpaceResearch, 2020, 26: 163-172.
18.Dianlei Liu, Beizhen Xie, Chen Dong, GuanghuiLiu, Dawei Hu, Youcai Qin, Hongyan Li, Hong Liu. Effect of fertilizer preparedfrom human feces and straw on germination, growth and development of wheat[J].Acta Astronautica, 2018, 145: 76-82.
19.Chen Dong, Yuming Fu, Beizhen Xie, MinjuanWang, Hong Liu. Element cycling and energy flux responses in ecosystemsimulations conducted at the Chinese Lunar Palace-1[J]. Astrobiology, 2017,17(1): 78-86.
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