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实验室成员介绍 —— 杜舟 博士

已有 10242 次阅读 2013-7-20 11:50 |个人分类:实验室成员|系统分类:人物纪事| 实验室成员, 杜舟

杜舟 博士后

Email: adugduzhou(at)gmail.com


2012.6-至今, 同济大学 刘小乐实验室 博后

2007.9-2012.6, 中国农业大学 苏震实验室 博士


long non-coding RNA functions in human cancer

Integrative analysis of high throughput sequencing data


1. Zhou Du, Teng Fei, Roel G.W. Verhaak, Zhen Su, Yong Zhang, Myles Brown*, Yiwen Chen*, X. Shirley Liu*. (2013) Integrative genomic analyses reveal clinically relevant long noncoding RNA (lncRNA) in cancer. Nature structural and molecular biology.

2. Xin Yi, Zhou Du*, Zhen Su*. (2013) PlantGSEA: a Gene Set Enrichment Analysis toolkit for plant community. Nucleic Acids Research. (*Co-corresponding author, Reported by Genomeweb)

3. Zhou Du, Hui Li, Qiang Wei, Xin Zhao, Chunchao Wang, Wenying Xu, X. Shirley Liu, Weiwei Jin, Zhen Su. (2013) Genome-wide analysis of histone modifications: H3K4me2, H3K4me3, H3K9ac and H3K27ac, in Oryza sativa L. japonica. Molecular Plant.

4. Zhou Du, Xin Zhou, Yi Ling, Zhenhai Zhang, Zhen Su. (2010) agriGO: a GO analysis toolkit for the agricultural community. Nucleic Acids Research. (Recommended by f1000)

5. Yi Ling*, Zhou Du*, Zhenhai Zhang, Zhen Su. (2010) ProFITS of Maize: a database of Protein Families Involved in the Transduction of Signalling in Maize genome. BMC Genomics. (Co-first author)

6. Zhou Du, Xin Zhou, Li Li, Zhen Su. (2009) plantsUPS: a database of plants' Ubiquitin Proteasome System. BMC Genomics.




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