
Safety Science征文: 中国的安全科学
李杰 2021-10-29 08:35
个人分类: 安全科学|1604 次阅读|没有评论
Journal of Integrated Security and safety Science
李杰 2021-8-22 20:10
个人分类: 安全科学|1821 次阅读|没有评论
Journal of Integrated Security and safety Science
李杰 2020-7-18 16:27
Journal of Integrated Security and safety Science 《综合安全科学学报》(英文版) SERIAL TITLE Journal of Integrated Security and Safety Science https://journals.open.tudelft.nl/jiss/index Editors-in-Chief (per area) Karolien van Nunen, TUDelft, The Netherlan ...
个人分类: 安全科学|4227 次阅读|没有评论
热度 1 李杰 2019-5-5 00:12
新研究称极端天气与大气急流变化有关 新华社伦敦4月30日电(记者张家伟)英国牛津大学4月30日发布研究报告说,2018年夏季北半球多地出现的热浪、干旱、暴雨等极端天气事件与环绕地球的大气急流中出现持久的巨波相关,而这种刚被发现的变化未来还会更频繁地出现。 牛津大学以及德国波茨坦气候影响研究 ...
个人分类: 安全科学|2408 次阅读|1 个评论 热度 1
“Safety in Space: A New Frontier ?”, London
李杰 2019-2-19 10:04
This event is jointly organised by the Safety and Reliability Society and the Hazards Forum and hosted by ICE. Over the past decade, the number and variety of organisations launching into space has significantly increased. The major driver for these activities has been a growing commercial sector, ...
个人分类: 安全科学|2427 次阅读|没有评论
Theories of Accident Causation
李杰 2018-9-18 11:12
Theories of Accident Causation Chapter 3 Industrial work place accidents 3/100 persons per year One accidental death every 51 minutes One injury every 19 seconds Why do accidents happen? Is there a theory that explains the causes of accidents? ...
个人分类: 安全科学|2469 次阅读|没有评论
征稿:Special issue of Safety Science
热度 2 李杰 2018-7-12 22:15
征稿:Special issue of Safety Science: Mapping Safety Science—Reviewing safety research 点击下载 Safety Science Special Issue-最新版.pdf 网址: https://www.journals.elsevier.com/safety-science/call-for-papers/call-for-papers-for-the-special-issue-special-issue-mapping?from=ti ...
个人分类: 安全科学|3984 次阅读|2 个评论 热度 2

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