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已有 2123 次阅读 2019-11-5 08:32 |个人分类:环保呐喊|系统分类:科研笔记| 捕虫灯, 农药, 减量, 害虫防治科学, 产量











*通讯作者。本文发表在《害虫管理科学》, 74: 1728-1735 (影响因子3.253)




结果:结果表明,当农药用量减少25~35%时,捕虫灯对害虫种群控制良好,产量不减反增。仅在冬小麦开花期和夏玉米大喇叭口期各施用1农药,配合捕虫灯即可获得上述效果。农药减量35-65%对作物产量无不良影响,但降低病虫害防治成本,产生最大的经济效益。在捕虫灯控制区,即使不使用任何农药,小麦玉米周年产量仍大于15 吨/公顷。






Large reductions in pesticides made possible by use of an insect-trapping lamp: a case study in a winter wheat-summer maize rotation system.

Guo L1,2, Muminov MA1,2, Wu G1, Liang X1, Li C1, Meng J1, Li L1,2, Cheng D1,2, Song Y1,2, Gu X1,2, Zhao J3, Jiang G1,2.


1 State Key Laboratory of Vegetation and Environment Change, Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China.

2 College of Resources and Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China.

3 Henan Yuanlin Agriculture Development Co., Ltd, Zhengzhou, Henan, China.


Pest Management Science, 74: 1728-1735 (IF=3.253)

BACKGROUND: Increasing attention is being paid to physical methods to control pests such as insect trapping. In order to examine how pesticides can reasonably be combined with the use of an insect-trapping lamp and by how much this can reduce the amount of pesticide used, five treatments were applied to a winter wheat-summer maize rotation system in eastern China: a treatment in which only pesticides were used; a treatment with only insect-trapping lamps; insect-trapping lamps plus one application of pesticides; insect-trapping lamps plus two applications of pesticides; insect-trapping lamps plus three applications of pesticides.

RESULTS: The results showed that, when pesticides were reduced by 25-35%, the insect-trapping lamps controlled the insect population well and yields were not decreased but were actually increased, with pesticides being applied only at 2 days before winter wheat planting, at winter wheat flowering and at the big flare stage of summer maize. Reducing pesticides by 35-65% had no adverse effect on crop yields, and thus had the potential to reduce the costs of pest control and produce the greatest economic benefit. When no pesticides were used in the insect-trapping lamp control area, the annual yield was still >15 t hm-2 .


CONCLUSION: If pesticides are used in a timely fashion and at the appropriate stage, their use may be greatly reduced with the help of an insect-trapping lamp.

KEYWORDS: economic benefit; insect-trapping lamp; pest species; pesticide; summer maize; winter wheat

Large reductions in pesticides made possible by us.png


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1 王安良

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