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已有 2924 次阅读 2018-3-21 14:29 |个人分类:环保呐喊|系统分类:科普集锦| 环境退化, 发展受阻, 城市代谢, 生态文明建设




本书由北京语言大学出版社出版,2014(教学课件光盘版) 作者 蒋高明


2.1.4 Environmental problems hinder development



Many people claim that, China’s critical issue at present is development; environmental pollution and ecological destruction are the inevitable price of development; and some developed countries have had similar experiences. However, ecological and environmental problems have seriously hampered China’s development and even social stability, mainly in the following ways.



1Immediate harm to people’s health


Development, ultimately, depends on human efforts. However, under the impact of the current model of development, serious environmental pollution in urban and rural areas has led to a serious decline of people’s health. In addition to the pollutants ingested by the body through water and the air, foods produced in the contaminated environment contain not only residuals of pollutants but also components with great potential hazards to health. These pollutants and harmful components achieve high concentrations in the body through a process known as biomagnification of the food chain, causing damage to human health, and even directly leading to death. Currently, in China, one person is diagnosed as a cancer patient every 6 minutes, 8,550 persons become victims of cancer daily, and 1 out of every 7–8 persons die of cancer. The annual number of congenitally disabled children has increased from 800,000 to 1.2 million. Shanxi province has the highest rate of birth defects and its rate of neural tube defects is 4 times the national average. This phenomenon is related to the serious environmental pollution of Shanxi as a large energy producer.



Ecological and environmental problems will ultimately impair people’s health, and even the health of the next generation of humans. Such consequences are dreadful indeed!



2Hampered urban metabolism



In China, excessive emphasis has been put on the development of large cities and even mega-cities, causing urban saturation, traffic congestion, excessive human industrial and commercial and other human activities, as well as serious city pollution. Overstress on the rapid development of industry and commerce, in turn, has brought about luxury consumption. Excessive packaging has made cities surrounded by rubbish dumps, and severe pollution of solid waste has hampered urban metabolism. Currently, serious air pollution and hazy weather occur in many cities, threatening normal production activities and lives of urban residents. The city, as the center of development, has lost its vitality and become lifeless, because environmental pollution and the emergence of the “garbage heaps” can not be avoided.



3Tough job to make food supply safe


The over-exuberance of cities quickens the decline of the countryside. High concentration of resources in cities has driven a large number of farmers to work in urban areas. As a result“hollow villages” have emerged in large numbers. Numerous villages have simply disappeared, and the elderly folks and women have been left to take up the agricultural production, thus putting the food supply chain in jeopardy. Due to the serious shortage of labor, the elderly people and women have to rely heavily on the so called “strength of science and technology”, such as chemical fertilizers, pesticides, agricultural film, additives, herbicides and even high-risk genetic modification technique, etc., for agricultural production. In these circumstances, not only the continued high output but also the safety of food cannot be guaranteed. Food security has triggered social turmoil repeatedly, and become a big hazard for China’s social stability and sustainable development. In recent years, the sexual precocity of children, obesity, diabetes, hypertension, and infertility have become issues of grave concern. All these abnormal physical conditions are undoubtedly associated with long-term unhealthy diets. This development mode that pollutes farmland and threatens human health cannot be sustainable.

[1] 生物放大作用(Biomagnification),指生物体从周围环境中吸收的某些元素或不易分解的化合物,通过食物链向上传递,随物种的营养级的升高,物质在生物体内的浓度升高并远远超过环境中的浓度。又叫生物富集作用,生物浓缩。

19 Biomagnification often refers to the process whereby certain substances such as elements or persistent compound move up the food chain. The substances become more concentrated in doing so until their concentration is higher in living organisms than in the environment of substances in vivo. It is also known as bioaccumulation or bioconcentration.

[2] 见李颖、杨洋、贺涵甫. 2013. 2012中国肿瘤登记年报:广东多肝癌,西北多胃癌. 广州日报, 1月11日。

20 See Li Ying, Yang Yang, He Hanfu. 2013. Chinese Cancer Registry Annual Report 2012: Liver Cancer Concentrated in Guangdong, and Stomach Cancer Concentrated in Northwest China. Guangzhou Daily, Jan, 11.


21 The occurrence rates of birth defects and neural tube defects in Shanxi Province are as high as 1.899% and 1.022% respectively, which are much higher than the national average of 0.996% and 0.239%.

[4] 见周人杰、王亚丹、徐胜. 2009. 山西吕梁晋中等疑环境污染,致新生儿缺陷率高发. 中央电视台(经济半小时).7月12日播出。

[4] See Zhou Renjie, Wang Yadan, Xu Sheng. 2009. Birth defect rate is high in Lvliang and Jinzhong of Shanxi Province, environmental pollution is suspected cause. CCTV (Half-Hour Economy). July 12.



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