Doudna 与 Vilnius 的专利申请只是在试管中剪切DNA片段,没有涉及细胞、基因组,也没有基因编辑.( The applications filed in 2012 by the Vilnius team and the Berkeley team each showed only that purified Cas9 protein and a certain purified RNA could cut a short piece of DNA in a solution in a test tube. In both cases, the applications in 2012 contained no cells, no genomes, and no editing.)
Vilnius 的专利申请只是自然系统不能申请专利 (专利必须是人脑的创造,自然现象不能申请专利) (The USPTO rejected the Vilnius application as not having significantly more than a study of the natural system and failing to describe invention.)
张锋的真核细胞基因编辑专利不受 Doudna 专利影响。
对相关技术感兴趣的读者可以参阅《CRISPR基因编辑技术的显然性分析》等博文。另外,科技时代,科学技术是财富。据报道,去年 Doudna 专利官司启动后,张锋的 EDITAS 公司股价从 $42 开始大跌,最低只有13。今天 EDITAS 大涨 30%,达到 $24。张锋的财富量在10年内可能超过到处捣房地产的美国总统川普家族。
附件:美专利局法庭三名ALJ的 50页 判决书 http://www.zzwave.com/zzw/upload/up/2/7b0b1c1.pdf RICHARD E. SCHAFER, SALLY GARDNER LANE, andDEBORAH KATZ
Administrative Patent Judges.
【Broad also cites to statements reportedly made by UC inventor Doudna after
2 Jinek 2012 that the publication “was a big success, but there was a problem. We
3 weren’t sure if CRISPR/Cas9 would work in eukaryotes—plant and animal cells.”
4 (Exh. 22078, at 3; see Broad Motion 2, paper 77, at 4:8-11.) In another report,
5 Doudna was quoted as stating that she had experienced “many frustrations” getting
6 CRISPR to work in human cells and that she knew that if she succeeded, CRISPR
7 would be “a profound discovery.” (Exh. 22309, at 3; see Broad Motion 2,
8 Paper 77, at 8:1-4.)】
【9 Broad cites to other statements attributed to Dr. Doudna regarding the
10 difficulties of genetic modification techniques in eukaryotes. (Broad Motion 2,
11 Paper 77, at 9:5-22.) One author quoted Dr. Doudna as saying: “The ability to
12 modify specific elements of an organism’s genes has been essential to advance our
13 understanding of biology, including human health. . . . However, the techniques for
14 making these modifications in animals and humans have been a huge bottleneck in
15 both research and the development of human therapeutics.” (Sanders10, Exh. 2259,
16 at 2.) According to Broad, the contemporaneous statements of the UC inventors
17 demonstrate that one of ordinary skill in the art lacked a reasonable expectation of
18 success. (Broad Motion 2, Paper 77, at 4:14-17.)】
【3 We agree with Broad that the statements by and attributed to the UC
4 inventors do not demonstrate a reasonable expectation of success. Although the
5 statements express an eagerness to learn the results of experiments in eukaryotic
6 cells and the importance of such results, none of them express an expectation that
7 such results would be successful. The contemporaneous commentary by the UC
8 inventors cited by Broad do not indicate that at the time of Jinek 2012 the
9 ordinarily skilled artisan would have reasonably expected the CRISPR-Cas9
10 system to work in eukaryotic cells.
11 UC also argues that the selected quotations from inventors Doudna and Jinek
12 are irrelevant because determination of interference-in-fact is from the viewpoint
13 of a person of ordinary skill, not an inventor. (UC Opp. 2, Paper 652, at 27:12-14.)
14 Although this may be true, UC’s argument only tends to persuade us more because
15 if the inventors themselves were uncertain, it seems that ordinarily skilled artisans
16 would have been even more uncertain.】
【Despite the evidence about the effects of chromatin structure that UC
presents for this proceeding, we are still persuaded by Dr. Carroll’s statement made
contemporaneously to Jinek 2012. (See Carroll, Exh. 1152, at 1660: “There is no
guarantee that Cas9 will work effectively on a chromatin target or that the required
DNA–RNA hybrid can be stabilized in that context. . . . Only attempts to apply the
system in eukaryotes will address these concerns.”) Because the statements Dr.
Greider makes in her declaration are substantially identical to Dr. Carroll’s in his
declaration, we do not give Dr. Greider’s statements more weight than Dr.
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