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(199)basic concepts and principles

已有 1240 次阅读 2019-4-23 21:09 |系统分类:科研笔记

Functional Behavioral Assessment, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Third Edition

Ennio Cipani, PhD

pages 19-34

abolishing operations(AO)

the AO exists once there is a sufficient amount of the functional reinforcer acquired.

relationship between establishing operation,behavior,delivery of reinforcer,and abolishing operation for access fuctions(p.19)

establishing operartion                         abolishing operation

deprived of food                                   intake of sufficient volume of food

deprived of drink                                  intake of sufficient volume of fluids

ingested salt                                         intake of sufficient volume of fluids

deprived of physical contact                 sufficient duration of physical contact

deprived of attention                            sufficient duration of attention

deprived of TV                                      sufficient duration of TV

deprived of stimulation,all varieties      sufficient duration of stimulation

smoker deprived of cigarettes              sufficient level of nicotine in system

relationship between establishing operation,behavior,delivery of reinforcer,and abolishing operation for escape function(p.20)

establishing operation                           abolishing operation

presence of difficult task                     removal or delay of task or removal of that portion of the task that is difficult

person acting in an obnoxious manner.   removal or avoidance of specific person or type of interaction

presence of pain                                    reduction or avoidance of pain stimulus

rain on the head.                                    removal or avoidance of rain on head

request to complete a long task             removal or avoidance of the request or reduction in the length of the task

occurrence of EPS                                 removal,reduction,or avoidance of the symptoms

allergic rhinitis.                                     removal,reduction,or avoidance of the symptoms

drug withdrawal symptoms.                    removal,reduction.or avoidance of the symptoms

alcohol withdrawal symptoms                 removal,reduction,or avoidance of the symptoms

antecedent discrimiative stimuli

establishing operation(motivational condition is great)

abolishing operation(motivational condition is lessened or not existent)


why does a child with severe disabilities hit him or herself when in the classroom to get a cookie(打人後得到過自己想要的,打人的行為被強化);but points to a picture of the cookie to get one when with the speech therapist(在這種情境下打人得不到想要的東西)?

people reinforce specific behaviors under specific motivational conditions.

socially mediated functions and discriminative stimuli

you probably can recall many circumstance where someone bahaves differently in two different context,with the same person involved in the provision of the desired reinforcer.

direct contingency functions and discriminative stimuli

changng behavior by altering the EO

the greater the value of the EO,the greater the strength of the behavior,as the value of the EO increases,the frequency(both absolute and relative),duration,and intensity of behavior associated with abolishing that EO will also increase.

decreasing target behaviors by reducing the EO strength

antecedent manipulations for access functions

maintaining reinforcer                                    antecedent manipulation

adult attention                                               increase frequency/duration of attention

tangible. reinforcer(food)                              increase availability of food throughout the day/time period

tangible reinforcer(free time)                       increase availability of free time throughout the day/time period

tangible reinforcer(preferred activity)         increase availability of preferred activity throughout the day/time period

antecedent manipulations for escape functions

maintaining negative reinforcer                      antecedent manipulation

removal of unpleasant social situation            avoid presenting such events,or reduce the level of aversion by altering  some aspect of the situation 

removal of relatively lengthy task,chore,or assignmet               avoid presenting such task,chores,or assignments,or reduce the level of aversion by alterning the length                          

                                                                                                  of the task  

removal of relatively difficult task,chore,or assignment           avoid presenting such task,chores,or assignments,or reduce the level of aversion by altering the 

                                                                                                  difficulty of the taks

removal of physical aversive                                                      avoid presenting such aversive stimuli,or reduce the level of aversion by altering some critical aspect of 

                                                                                                  the stimulus

increasing behavior by enhancing the EO strength

there are two ways to ensure that a reinforcer is at its maximal value,first,you could wait for naturally occurring environmental changes that establish the value of a particular outcome,for example,if you are trying to work on establishing behaviors related to accessing food,you could wait until right before meal times to use food as a reinforcer;second,you could contrive a situation that increases the value of some outcome as a reinforcer,for example, if you are trying to work on establishing behaviors related to accessing fluids,you could provide very salty food to a person prior to and during training,thereby ensuring that the value of fluids remains at a relatively high level.

contrived contingencies produce a function

when the back-up items and events are relatively deprived,behaviors that produce such become more probable

failure to recruit superimposed contingencies,classroom instruction and tasks become an aversive condition,instruction, task assignments,and other learning activities develop aversive stimulus properties,which become EOs for escape and avoidance behaviors,with the reluctance of the teacher to designate some alternate criterion for terminating tasks, undesirable behaviors become strengthened through the selective reinforcement of such.

as is often the case,as one problem gets a new proble develops "critical mass"



上一篇:(198)basic concepts and principles
下一篇:(200)functional behavioral assessment of problem behavior
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