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已有 5925 次阅读 2014-6-26 16:30 |个人分类:环保呐喊|系统分类:海外观察| 转基因, 论文, 科学态度, 塞拉利尼, 长期实验

【明辨是非】 科学是什么?是事实,是证据,不是什么推理,诬陷,造谣,游说,收买,打击报复。声称转基因技术安全的专家,为什么自己就不能做一个实验来看看呢?既然说安全,数据呢?是怎样设计的实验呢?如果都没有,现在补做也是来得及的。用静止的观点,用孤立的观点来理论推测异常复杂的生命现象,有时是会闹笑话的,是要付出代价的。不论是学问有多大的科学家,都要懂得谦虚谨慎这个基本道理啊!急赤白脸地宣布那玩意儿安全无害,比喝凉水还安全,比食盐还安全,猪吃90天没事人吃也没事,这是科学的态度吗?转基因争论这么多年,对方给我的印象是,在资本主导的科学研究方面,科学回到了中世纪的黑暗——容不得质疑,一质疑就跳,一跳就打压。人类需要再次发起对资本主导的“科学”教的文艺复兴运动了。欣喜的是,正能量在全球开始回归,中华有救矣!人类有救了!在这场新的“启蒙”运动中,法兰西人,好样的。






Republished study: long-term toxicity of a Roundup herbicide and a Roundup-tolerant genetically modified maize



作者:Gilles-Eric Séralini1*, Emilie Clair1, Robin Mesnage1, Steeve Gress1, Nicolas Defarge1, Manuela Malatesta2, Didier Hennequin3 and Joël Spiroux de Vendômois1



a University of Caen, Institute of Biology, CRIIGEN and Risk Pole, MRSH-CNRS, EA 2608, Esplanade de la Paix, Caen Cedex 14032, France


b University of Verona, Department of Neurological, Neuropsychological, Morphological






Background: The health effects of a Roundup-tolerant NK603 genetically modified (GM) maize (from 11% in the diet), cultivated with or without Roundup application and Roundup alone (from 0.1 ppb of the full pesticide containing glyphosate and adjuvants) in drinking water, were evaluated for 2 years in rats. This study constitutes a follow-up investigation of a 90-day feeding study conducted by Monsanto in order to obtain commercial release of this GMO, employing the same rat strain and analyzing biochemical parameters on the same number of animals per group as our investigation. Our research represents the first chronic study on these substances, in which all observations including tumors are reported chronologically. Thus, it was not designed as a carcinogenicity study. We report the major findings with 34 organs observed and 56 parameters analyzed at 11 time points for most organs. Results:Biochemical analyses confirmed very significant chronic kidney deficiencies, for all treatments and both sexes; 76% of the altered parameters were kidney-related. In treated males, liver congestions and necrosis were 2.5 to 5.5 times higher. Marked and severe nephropathies were also generally 1.3 to 2.3 times greater. In females, all treatment groups showed a two- to three fold increase in mortality, and deaths were earlier. This difference was also evident in three male groups fed with GM maize. All results were hormone- and sex-dependent, and the pathological profiles were comparable. Females developed large mammary tumors more frequently and before controls; the pituitary was the second most disabled organ; the sex hormonal balance was modified by consumption of GM maize and Roundup treatments. Males presented up to four times more large palpable tumors starting 600 days earlier than in the control group, in which only one tumor was noted. These results may be explained by not only the non-linear endocrine disrupting effects of Roundup but also by the over expression of the EPSPS transgene or other mutational effects in the GM maize and their metabolic consequences. Conclusion: Our findings imply that long-term (2 year) feeding trials need to be conducted to thoroughly evaluate the safety of GM foods and pesticides in their full commercial formulations.



Keywords: Genetically modified; GMO; Roundup; NK603; Rat; Glyphosate-based herbicides; Endocrine disruption

关键词:基因修饰 转基因生物体 NK603 老鼠 草甘膦为基础除草剂 内分泌干扰


Republished journal: Environmental Sciences Europe 2014, 26:14



The electronic version of this article online at:




Received:  22 March 2014



Accepted:  16 May 2014



Published: 24 June 2014



© 2014 Séralini et al.; licensee Springer 

© 2014 Séralini et al.;被许可人Springer 出版公司

GMOSeralini.org welcomes the news of the republication of the chronic toxicity study on the glyphosate-based herbicide Roundup and a commercialized genetically modified (GM) maize, Monsanto’s NK603, led by Prof Gilles-Eric Séralini.

       GMOSeralini.org网站(=转基因塞拉利尼网站)欢迎这个消息:G-E·塞拉利尼教授领衔对商业性转基因玉米NK 603进行的慢性毒性研究论文再次出版。

The republication restores the study to the peer-reviewed literature so that it can be consulted and built upon by other scientists.


The study found severe liver and kidney damage and hormonal disturbances in rats fed the GM maize and low levels of Roundup that are below those permitted in drinking water in the EU. Toxic effects were found from the GM maize tested alone, as well as from Roundup tested alone and together with the maize. Additional unexpected findings were higher rates of large tumours and mortality in most treatment groups.


The study was first published in Food and Chemical Toxicology (FCT) in September 2012[1] but was retracted by the editor-in-chief in November 2013 after a sustained campaign of criticism and defamation by pro-GMO scientists.[2]


Now the study has been republished by Environmental Sciences Europe. The republished version contains extra material addressing criticisms of the original publication. The raw data underlying the study’s findings are also published – unlike the raw data for the industry studies that underlie regulatory approvals of Roundup, which are kept secret. However, the new paper presents the same results as before and the conclusions are unchanged.


The republished study is accompanied by a separate commentary by Prof Séralini’s team describing the lobbying efforts of GMO crop supporters to force the editor of FCT to retract the original publication.


GMOSeralini.org editor Claire Robinson commented: “This study has now successfully passed no less than three rounds of rigorous peer review.


“The first was for the initial publication of the study in Food and Chemical Toxicology. It passed with only minor revisions, according to the authors.[3]


“The second review took months. It involved a non-transparent examination of Prof Séralini’s raw data by a secret panel of unnamed persons organized by the editor-in-chief of FCT, A. Wallace Hayes, in response to criticisms of the study by pro-GMO scientists.[4,5]

   “第二次审查花费了数个月。它涉及由《食品与化学毒理学》总编A. Wallace Hayes组织的由匿名人士组成的秘密专家组对塞拉利尼教授的原始数据进行不透明审查,以应对挺转基因科学家的抨击[45] 

“In a letter to Prof Séralini, Hayes admitted that the anonymous reviewers found nothing ‘incorrect’ about the results presented. However, Hayes pointed to what he said was the ‘inconclusive’ nature of some aspects of the paper, namely the tumour and mortality observations, to justify his decision to retract the study.[6]


“The rationale given for the retraction was widely criticized by scientists as an act of censorship and a bow to the interests of the GMO industry.[7,8] Some scientists pointed out that numerous published scientific papers contain inconclusive findings, including Monsanto’s own short (90-day) study on the same GM maize, and have not been retracted.[9] The retraction was even condemned by a former member of the editorial board of FCT.[10]


“Now the study has passed a third peer review arranged by the journal that is republishing the study, Environmental Sciences Europe.[11]


Comments from scientists


Dr Michael Antoniou, a molecular geneticist based in London, commented, “Few studies would survive such intensive scrutiny by fellow scientists. The republication of the study after three expert reviews is a testament to its rigour, as well as to the integrity of the researchers.


“If anyone still doubts the quality of this study, they should simply read the republished paper. The science speaks for itself.


“If even then they refuse to accept the results, they should launch their own research study on these two toxic products that have now been in the human food and animal feed chain for many years.”


Dr Jack A Heinemann, Professor of Molecular Biology and Genetics, University of Canterbury New Zealand, called the republication “an important demonstration of the resilience of the scientific community”. Dr Heinemann continued, “The first publication of these results revealed some of the viciousness that can be unleashed on researchers presenting uncomfortable findings. I applaud Environmental Sciences Europe for submitting the work to yet another round of rigorous blind peer review and then bravely standing by the process and the recommendations of its reviewers, especially after witnessing the events surrounding the first publication.


“This study has arguably prevailed through the most comprehensive and independent review process to which any scientific study on GMOs has ever been subjected.


“The work provides important new knowledge that must be taken into account by the community that evaluates and reports upon the risks of genetically modified organisms, indeed upon all sources of pesticide in our food and feed chains. In time these findings must be verified by repetition or challenged by superior experimentation. In my view, nothing constructive for risk assessment or promotion of GM biotechnology has been achieved by attempting to expunge these data from the public record.”



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