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已有 2326 次阅读 2018-4-28 21:11 |个人分类:生态科普|系统分类:科普集锦| 生态文明建设, 国家林业局, 森林, 生态功能, 连载




本书由北京语言大学出版社出版,2014(教学课件光盘版) 作者 蒋高明


4.1.2 State Forestry Administration



In terms of ecological environment construction, its major tasks are to study and formulate some principles and policies for forest ecological environment construction, forest resource protection and land greening as well as to organize the drafting of relevant laws and regulations and to supervise their implementation.



The forest is the main body of the terrestrial ecosystem. Because of the height of the forest, photosynthetic products are accumulated in timber and underground roots. The complex ecology of the forest also provides shelter and food for a variety of fauna. The forest is the original living place for humans, but now the excessive demands of humans have caused sharp deterioration in the forest ecology. Therefore, it is the primary task of the State Forestry Administration to restore the forest ecosystem, to improve the forest environment, to protect forest resources, and to turn the land green. Forestation, sealing off mountainous areas to protect forests, planting shrubs and grass, prevention and control of desertification, management of state-owned forest, directing forest park construction, supervision of deforestation, are the specific tasks of the Administration for forest protection and operation.


2011年为例,林业局印发了《全国造林绿化规划纲要》,在当年计划的指导下,全国完成荒山荒地造林599.66万公顷,其中,人工造林 406.6万公顷,飞播造林 19.7万公顷,无林地和疏林地新封山育林 173.4万公顷。在人工造林中,还有一部分属于公众义务植树。2011年是开展全民义务植树 30周年,在林业局和各界共同努力下,全年共有 6.14亿人次参加义务植树,植树 25.14亿株。而封山育林完成的173.4万公顷,就是我们前面讲的通过自然恢复生态治理所取得的成效。

In 2011, for example, the Administration issued the National Program for Forestation. Under the guidance of the year’s plan, the country accomplished forestation of barren hills and wastelands of 5.9966 million hectares, of which 4.066 million hectares involved artificial forestation, 197,000 hectares aerial forestation, and 1.734 million hectares forestation of non-forest lands and sparse woodlots. In areas of artificial forestation, some public voluntary service was enlisted. The year of 2011 was the 30th anniversary of the launch of the nationwide voluntary tree planting program. With joint efforts of the State Forestry Administration and people from all sectors, a total of 614 million people planted 2.514 billion trees. A total of 1.734 million hectares of forestation of non-forest lands and sparse woodlots resulted from the aforementioned natural restoration.


此外,陆地野生动植物资源的保护和开发利用,包括相关的濒危物种进出口,国家保护的野生动植物及其产品出口的审批,以及有关国际公约的履约工作,也是由国家林业局负责的。除了以林木为主的生物资源外,国家林业局还负责湿地类型自然保护区的建设和管理。2011年,林业局开展了近 20种野生动物的栖息地恢复试点项目,实施了近 30种珍稀濒危野生动物的繁育项目;新增国际重要湿地 4处,新建国家湿地公园(试点)68处。通过加强自然保护区建设和管理,中国的濒危野生动物,如大熊猫、朱鹮、金丝猴、长臂猿、兰科植物等30多种种群保持了稳定,并有所上升。

What’s more, the Administration is also responsible for protection and development of wild animals and plants, including import and export of endangered species, approval of the export of state-protected wild animals and plants and their products, and implementation work of relevant international conventions. Besides forest-based bio-resources, the Administration is also responsible for the construction and management of wetland nature reserves. In 2011, the Administration conducted habitat restoration pilot projects for nearly 20 kinds of wildlife and breeding projects for nearly 30 kinds of rare and endangered wildlife; and built 4 new Ramsar wetland sites and 68 national wetland parks (pilot). By strengthening the construction and management of nature reserves, 30 species of endangered wildlife, such as the giant panda, crested ibis, golden monkeys, gibbons, and orchid plants, etc., have maintained a stable population and some even increased in number.


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