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已有 2642 次阅读 2018-3-19 09:48 |个人分类:环保呐喊|系统分类:科普集锦| 环境污染, 中国生态文明建设, 大气污染, 水污染, 固体废弃物



本书由北京语言大学出版社出版,2014(教学课件光盘版) 作者 蒋高明


2.1.2 Environmental pollution is everywhere


Changes in my homeland epitomize China’s changes in the past 30 years or so. Since the reform and opening up, China has made remarkable achievements in economic development. However, an irrational growth mode has resulted in massive consumption of natural resources, aggravating environmental pollution and brought about serious ecological damage. Environmental pollution and ecological deterioration arising from development have become a severe problem for current China.



1Water pollution


Let’s begin with water pollution. Rivers like the aforementioned river providing drinking water for my hometown have almost disappeared in northern China, and been replaced by muddy, smelly and stagnant rivers. The total amount of identified wastewater discharge from all sources has reached 209.28 billion tons a year, namely 155 tons for each Chinese. Such a large scale wastewater discharge has caused serious pollution to half reaches of the seven major water systems in inland China. The water quality of 86% of urban rivers is generally well below required standards.



The Huaihe River, lying between the Yangtze River and the Yellow River is the most heavily polluted of all. Sample analysis from a 2,000-kilometer section of the river indicates that 78.7% of the water does not meet the standard for human consumption, 79.7% is below the standard for supporting fishery development, and 32% cannot be utilized for irrigation. In other words, about 80% of the river is suitable neither for drinking nor for aquaculture and 1/3 of the river has lost its function for irrigation. The Huaihe River has turned into a dead river in the true sense of the word.



It is worth mentioning that China is among the 13 countries in the world which are short of water, with the per capita share of fresh water being 1/4 of the world average! China’s water resources are further aggravated by pollution.



2Air pollution


Next is the air pollution. The total amount of identified exhaust emissions in China from all kinds of sources has reached 63.7 trillion cubic meters, namely 47,000 cubic meters emitted per capita. Among the total discharge of industrial waste gases, the amount of sulfur dioxide is 43.454 million tons, fumes 489.272 million tons, nitric oxide 12.239 million tons and dust 147.315 million tons. The top 5 provinces for industrial waste discharges are Zhejiang, Guangdong, Jiangsu, Shandong and Hebei.



On July 31, 2013, the Ministry of Environmental Protection announced that, in the first half of 2013, the air quality in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region, the Yangtze River Delta, the Pearl River Delta and 74 other cities was awfully bad. The number of “heavily polluted” or “severely polluted” days in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region accounted for 21.2%, and days reaching the required environmental standard only accounted for 24.2%! Blue sky, white clouds, and fresh air have become luxuries. Because of air pollution, 7 cities in China are enlisted among the 10 cities in the world that often cannot be seen by satellites.



3Solid waste pollution


Water and air pollutants are fluid, but solid waste often get stuck or stacked on the ground and are hard to be removed. China produces 3.85 billion tons of industrial solid waste every year, but only 1.8 billion tons (46.7%) are currently being utilized. Others (53.3%) simply pile up to become environmental pollutants in various forms. In addition to materials difficult to decompose, industrial waste often contain heavy metals, radioactive materials, carcinogenic and mutagenic compounds which will not only cause severe pollution to the environment but also have adverse effects on human health, if not properly treated at their source. In some “cancer villages”, for example, you can always find industrial waste somewhere nearby.



4Marine pollution


Due to serious environmental pollution on land, pollutants that are transported by rivers stain and discolor ocean water. The water in some delta areas has turned deep yellow, while offshore waters become red because of the “red tide” resulting from algae feeding on elements from pollutants.



Data from 293 water quality monitoring stations in China’s offshore areas indicate a total of 29,000 square kilometers of chronic severe pollution, an area 4.5 times greater than Shanghai. Data from 18 marine ecological monitoring areas show that major bays, estuaries and coastal wetland ecosystems are all subject to a mild or moderate contamination.



People tend to assume that pollution in cities can be eliminated by rivers; pollution in the rivers can gradually be dispersed by rising tides. However, we have only one earth, and pollution will always end up in the same place, the environment. The sea can supply water to the land, but other materials can only stock up in the sea, making it the ultimate storing place for pollutants.

[1] 中国内陆七大水系:淮河、海河、松花江、辽河、黄河、长江中下游、珠江中段。

[1]The seven major water systems in inland China: Huaihe River, Haihe River, Songhua River, Liaohe River, Yellow River, middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and middle reaches of the Pearl River.

[2]浙江、广东、江苏、山东和河北省工业污染排放分别占全国工业源总数的19.9%17.1% 11.8%6.1%5.1%

[2]Industrial pollutant discharge in Zhejiang, Guangdong, Jiangsu, Shandong and Hebei provinces accounted for 19.9%, 17.1%, 11.8%, 6.1% and 5.1% of the country’s total industrial waste sources respectively.




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