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美国农场的教育和示范功能——Muscoot Farm参观记

已有 8091 次阅读 2007-3-21 07:24 |个人分类:美国纪行见闻(07)|系统分类:图片百科

美国农场的教育和示范功能——Muscoot Farm参观记


黄安年文 2007321


(按:《美国农场的教育和示范功能——Muscoot Farm参观记》2006109日首发在学术交流网美国问题观察栏目。)



美国的农业现代化长期以来一直居于世界领先地位,在众多的美国农场中,有些农场同时肩负起农业教育和示范的功能。位于纽约市北威郡县索墨斯(Somers)附近的Muscoot Farm,占地777英亩,向公众开放,就是一个例子。200610月上旬美东地区秋高气爽,金色满园,色彩斑斓的树木花草把人们带入了童话般的世界,109日星期一适逢哥仑布日,连同78两个双休日,许多人外出旅游,欣赏大自然的美景,我们也乘兴在8日上午来到Muscoot Farm参观,了解美国农场的过去和今天。我们经684高速公路Z转入1号地方公路,沿途一个接一个湖泊相连,一些人开车在湖边钓鱼,还有人干脆将自家种的玉米摆在交叉路口边向路上推销,图个潇洒卖一回,有些家庭正在忙于维修庭院,作万圣节前的布置,到处一派个性化的欢乐休闲气氛。


Muscoot Farm1888-1924年间是霍普金斯家庭(Hopkins Family)Gentleman's Farm",其后一直到1967年间又是牛奶场,后来才归威郡县(Westchester County)公园娱乐和保护部门管辖。现在这里还保留着当年的许多农场房屋建筑和饲养场的原貌,成为我们了解19世纪末和20世纪上半期这里的农畜牧场发展和日常生活的生动而具体实物的教材。例如我们看到了约1900年的儿童饭桌椅(Childs High Chair)、19世纪末20世纪初的木柜、19世纪晚期的自行车等。极大多数饲养房和厂房都基本上保持原貌,在醒目处说明当时的用途。


来到农场参观是免费的,也无须任何证件,令我们感到很有意思的是,我们无须任何经过消毒程序和检查就进入了养鸡场,在这里展示了养鸡的全过程,包括暖房里正在孵着的小鸡。我们可以和鸡无障碍的近距离接触,这说明这里根本不存在禽流感的威胁。我们在这里还仔细观看到了用于科学实验的种猪、骡马、山羊群和绵羊群、奶牛群、火鸡等。也看到一些志愿者在饲养场里辛勤工作。当年的Corn Crib, Herb Garden, Dairy Barn, Old Milk House, Pig Pen, Wagon Shed, Bull Pen, Ice House, Blacksmith ShopLivestockChicken House, Brooder House, Duck and Geese Pen等都保存完好。









Muscoot Farm


Muscoot Farm was originally a "Gentleman's Farm" owned by the Hopkins Family and used as their summer estate and dairy farm from 1880 to 1924.In 1924 the family moved to the farm year-round and continued the dairy business until 1967 when Westchester County acquired the property.


Today, Muscoot Farm has many of the original buildings, some of which were moved to accommodate the Muscoot Reservoir. Visitors can walk through the Dairy Barn, Milk House, Ice House, BlacksmithShop and several other barns and buildings. Livestock and poultry are breeds typical of an early 20th century gentleman's farm and many represent minor (rare) breeds.


Visitor Information

Muscoot Farm is an early-1900's interpretive farm owned and operated by the Westchester County Department of Parks, Recreation and Conservation. Muscoot Farm is open year-round and offers a full schedule of programs for families, as well as tours, farmyard visits and hayrides for groups by reservation.More than seven miles of hiking trails allow visitors to explore some of Muscoot's 777 acres through fields, woodlands and wetlands.Trail maps are available in the Reception Center.For the protection of our animals and our visitors, petting and feeding of the farm animals is not permitted and dogs are not allowed at Muscoot.


Public Programs

Programs are offered for families on weekends.Some, like Meet the Baby Animals, Tractor Day and Pumpkin Picking, are annual events. Others provide new experiences for visitors and may focus on many different themes.

In addition, a variety of workshops are offered on Saturdays throughout the year. Call the farm for a calendar of events.


Hayrides are available to groups, weather permitting, April through October. A tractor-pulled hay wagon takes visitors beyond the farm complex to hay fields and the Ice Pond, offering a different perspective of the farm.


Route 100

Somers, NY 10589




Muscoot Farm Complex

Route 100

Katonah, NY 10536

(914) 864-7282


Operated by the Westchester County Dept. of Parks, Recreation and Conservation, Muscoot is an Interpretive Farm where visitors can discover what farm life was like in the 1920's. The farm originally ran a herd of 60 dairy cows, marketing the milk in New York City.

Family and children's group day trips feature many attractions which are educational, fun, and charming. Just to mention a few, the Visitor Center/Carriage House provides a reception area and farm education center; the Activities Building, once home to the carriage horses, now houses a variety of workshops and programs for families and groups (call for a very full calendar); the Blacksmith's Shop was an absolute essential to a farm, and this one was used by a blacksmith named Jasper Booth during the early 1900s; the Chicken House is just that, with its occupants ruled by the dominant chicken in accordance with the "pecking order"; and the Brooder House, where newborn chicks are raised.

All the other animals that belong on a farm are at Muscoot. Ducks, geese, cows, horses, pigs, sheep, and goats live in their 1920's farm settings. They all seem quite happy with the attention they receive from the kids and adults who are thrilled to see them.

Group Tours and Hayrides are available. This is a fun place with a great old-time atmosphere that everyone will enjoy.



Muscoot Farm in Somers


Pigs, horses, sheep, ducks and other animals call Muscoot Farm home, but this is not a petting zoo. The livestock includes many 19th Century breeds, now rarely seen. A monument to Westchesters once thriving agrarian society, Muscoot Farm is a turn-of-the century interpretive farm owned and operated by the Westchester County Department of Parks and Recreation and Conservation. It takes its name from the local Indian term for something swampy.

The farm is open to the public during the week, and special events take place nearly every weekend. There is usually an exhibit by a local artist in the farmhouse. Programs have an educational slant focusing primarily on turn-of-the-century farming. From blacksmithing to demonstrations of the domestic arts, there is always something going on at Muscoot.

Admission is free, as are most programs. The property is unpaved but accessible to the disabled with assistance, as are restrooms. The farm is open daily from 10 to 4; till 5 weekends in the summer, when theres a refreshment stand operating.







2006108日美国纽约市北威郡县索墨斯(Somers)附近的Muscoot 农场附图:




4.欢迎来Muscoot 农场的入口处



























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