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黄安年文  黄安年的博客/201823发布






举例来说,下面所附有《华洋史之孤星万里:西部铁路华工南下德克萨斯》一文中引书提到的186911月,旧金山的劳工合同商周阿昌(Chew-Ah-Heung 暂译),与休斯顿及德州中央铁路公司(Houston and Texas Central (H&TC)Railroad,以下简称-)代理人约翰·沃克商谈一批中国劳工的合约。,那么需要查证这位旧金山的劳工合同商周阿昌(Chew-Ah-Heung 暂译)最早是怎么从广东侨乡来到美国的,又是怎么混上了包工头(劳工合同商周)的?他是怎么招揽到华工来的等等。尤其是这个周阿昌(Chew-Ah-Heung 暂译)的家乡在那里,家乡的名字叫什么?在美国能搞清楚吗?





已有 876 次阅读 2018-2-2 07:01 |






     这批中国人刚刚帮助中央太平洋公司修建了第一条横贯大陆的铁路,他们是世界上最优秀的铁路建设者。他们一天可以铺没十英里铁轨,比预期提前七年完成了横贯铁路的修建工程。三年来,他们修建的铁路穿过内华达山脉坚硬的花岗岩;铁路也穿过高楼般的雪山。他们在攀登的雪山崩塌之后,被埋在了底下死去。他们与爱尔兰裔工人抗争,有时甚至以罢工来争取薪优和更好的工作条件。虽然中央太平洋铁路公司主管查尔斯·克罗克(注:Charles Crocker,中央太平洋铁路公司创建者)切断他们的食物供应并威胁换人,他们仍然争取到每日加薪两美元。



     186911月,旧金山的劳工合同商周阿昌(Chew-Ah-Heung 暂译),与休斯顿及德州中央铁路公司(Houston and Texas Central (H&TC)Railroad,以下简称-)代理人约翰·沃克商谈一批中国劳工的合约。-中央铁路公司是德州第二大铁路公司和最重要的商业铁路线之一。1853年,休-德公司从休斯顿东南靠近墨西哥湾的布法罗贝尤(注:Buffalo Bayou,贯穿休斯顿的一条河流)开始修建铁路,至18701月,铁路向北通到布拉索斯河谷(注:Brazos River,位于德州东北部)的棉花种植园,催生了沿线城镇如米利肯﹑布里安及赫恩等的复苏。休-德铁路及时和经济地把棉花原料运输到加工厂和港口。中国劳工将要投入的修建,是在德克萨斯东北从布里蒙德到科西卡纳的乡村,把铁路向北穿过棉花区。



     东去的火车在爱奥瓦州的康西尔布拉夫斯(注:Council Bluffs,位于爱奥瓦州西南部密苏里河畔)停下来,华工们沿着断裂冰面上铺设的木板穿过冰冻的密苏里河。他们再乘坐北密苏里铁路线,于1230到达圣路易。从那里,华工们又乘坐密西西比蒸汽船沿密西西比河南下。他们在田纳西州的孟菲斯停了一天后,继续乘船一直南下至新奥尔良。他们住在一处仓库里,等待火车把他们送到伯威克湾(Berwick Bay),然后搭蒸汽船去往达加尔维斯敦。



      根据密苏里的《圣路易共和人》报道,这些华工每人轻松自如地扛着一根竿子,竿子的两端挂着重达150200的私人物品。他们有着黑色的杏眼和橄榄色面容,皮肤淡白,透着桔黄与朱红的浅色(Houston Telegraph/休斯敦电讯 187016)。



    他们到驻地后,开始准备做早餐。生着了火,取出水壶,每人手中拿着锅和碗。一切看起来那么系统化和条条有理。他们的基本食物是大米,我们注意到他们中有一些人把一小片片焦黄的猪肉放在米饭上。筷子是用来把食物送到他们口中的唯一工具。[ . . . ]  吃完早餐后,我们注意到他们大多人痛快地喝了很多蒸米剩下的热水。做饭结束后,他们小心地把剩余的木头收拾到一边。他们洗了碗和筷子,打包好锅和壶等 . . . 。然后点着一管烟,悠然地享受起来。他们之中有几个讲着英语,但并没有表现出想交流的意愿。






June 2003Irwin A. TangAsian Texans: Our Histories and Our Lives






黄安年年  黄安年的博客/2017728发布




































































黄安年文  黄安年的博客/20141123发布
























CPRR FAQS (Frequently Asked Questions)

1How manyChineseworked on the first transcontinentalrailroad?

The precise number of Chinese whoworkedon the railroadfrom 1864 to 1869 is not clear; records are incompleteandinexact. Therailroad did not list most individual Chinese workers by nameintheir payrollrecords, and instead listed headmen of work crews orlaborcontractors whodistributed pay to the individuals on the crew. In January1864,the CentralPacific hired a crew of 21 Chinese workers and hired moreduringthat year. InJanuary 1865, convinced that Chinese workers were capable,therailroad hiredfifty Chinese workers and shortly after fifty more. Butthedemand for laborincreased, and white workers were reluctant to do suchbackbreaking,hazardouswork. As Leland Stanford reported to Congress in 1865,“A largemajority of thewhite laboring class on the Pacific Coastfind mostprofitable andcongenial employment in mining and agriculturalpursuits, thanin railroad work.The greater portion of the laborers employed byus areChinese, who constitute alarge element of the population of California.Without themit would beimpossible to complete the western portion of this greatnationalenterprise,within the time required by the Acts of Congress.”

Soon the Chinese labor poolfromCaliforniawas exhausted, and the Central Pacific arranged withlaborcontractors toimport large numbers of Chinese workers directly from China. ByJuly1865, the Chineseworkforce was nearly 4,000. In February 1867, approximately8,000Chinese wereworking on the construction of tunnels and 3000 were layingtrack,representingninety percent of the workforce. Historians estimate that atany onetime asmany as 10,000 to 15,000 Chinese were working on constructingtherailroad.Most Chinese probably did not work for the entire durationofconstruction andothers would take their place, particularly because theworkwas so difficultand dangerous. Consequently, the total number of Chinesemay beeven higher.

2When were theyhiredto work on the railroad?

Chinese worked on shorter railroadlinesbeforeconstruction of the transcontinental, such as the San Francisco and San JoseRailroadCompany(now known as CalTrain) completed in 1863. Some Chinese beganworking ontheCentral Pacific as early as January 1864, and Director CharlesCrockerandConstruction Superintendent James Strobridge were convinced inJanuary 1865tohire large numbers of Chinese laborers for the workforce. Soonafter,theCentral Pacific Railroad arranged with labor contractors to recruitlargenumbersof workers directly from China,and ships regularlybroughtadditional workers throughout the construction.

3Where didtheChinese workers come from?

Railroad workers recruited bylaborcontractors camemostly from Guangdong (Canton) province, especially Siyi (四邑Sze Yap, meaningfour counties: Taishan台山, Kaiping开平, Xinhui新会 and Enping恩平).  These counties suffered fromextreme povertyandcivil unrest, and the area was close to Hong Kongas a point of departure.Desperate for work, workers fromthis part of Guangdongboarded ships for Californiaand otherparts to support theirfamilies.

4What weretheChinese workers paid in comparison toworkers of European descent?

Chinese workers were initially paid 24to24to 31 per month,although rates would vary depending onhow skilled ordangerous the work. Forexample, those who worked in the tunnelswere paid anextra 1permonth.Theirpayeventuallyroseto1permonth.Theirpayeventuallyroseto 35 per day, which wasroughly the same as for workersof Europeandescent. However, Chinese workersworked longer hours and had topay theirheadmen or contractors for their ownlodging and food and even fortheir tools;on the other hand, the Central Pacificand Union Pacific providedwhite workersaccommodations, food, and tools withoutadditional cost.Alexander Saxton, in“The Army of Canton in the High Sierra,”calculates thatChinese labor cost therailroad companies two thirds of what waspaid to whiteworkers.

5What werethehardest and most hazardous parts of therailroad route for them to build?

Bloomer Cut

In early 1864 workers began blastinganddigging throughsteep terrain on the Bloomer Ranch near Auburn, California,tocreate a levelgrade for tracks. Bloomer Cut, 38 miles from Sacramento, was 800 feet long and 63feethigh,and workers dug a trough through naturally cemented gravel and hardclaywithpicks, shovels and black powder. This was the first majorengineeringchallengefor the railroad, and it was dangerous work. In January1864, theCentral Pacifichired a crew of 21 Chinese workers and hired moreduring thatyear, with at leastsome working at Bloomer Cut. A larger numberworked thereby the time Bloomer Cutwas completed in March 1865.

Cape Horn

In summer 1865 construction began onCapeHorn (namedafter the treacherous route for ships sailing around the tip ofSouthAmerica) and completed a year later.This was athree-mile roadbed curving alongsteep terrain of the Sierra Nevadaat least1300 feet high above the AmericanRiver east of Colfax.Work requiredgrading, leveling and clearing trees, stumps,rocks and otherobstructions alongan irregular slope dropping off between 45 and75 degrees.Hundreds of kegs ofblack blasting powder were used to form a ledgefrom whicha level roadbed couldbe laid. There are conflicting reports on howthe workwas carried out,including the belief that Chinese workers were lowereddowncliffs in baskets toplant charges (see below).


In fall 1865 Chinese workersbeganbuilding 15 tunnels,most of them at high elevations through theSierraNevadafor a total of 6,213 feet. Historians agree that the mostdifficulttunnel wasNo. 6, the Summit Tunnel, cut through solid granite, 1,695feet longand 124feet below the surface. Progress was very slow, with many kegsof blackpowderused each day, but to little effect in the hard rock.Nitroglycerine wasmixedon site by a chemist, but it was too unstable, causingmanyaccidentalexplosions, and its use was abandoned. Workers built a verticalshafthalfwaybetween the two tunnel openings, and in shifts around the clockthey dugfourfaces simultaneously, from both exterior sides and from insideout.Workcontinued through two of the worst winters on record. Snowfromfierceblizzards often blocked tunnel entrances, and avalanches would sweepawaycampsof Chinese workers, carrying many to their death. The SummitTunnelwascompleted, graded and track laid on November 30, 1867. Because oftheseverewinter storms, the Central Pacific built 37 miles of snow sheds tocoverthetracks in 1868 and 1869. The snow sheds were nicknamed the “longestbarn intheworld.”

Ten Miles in One Day

On April 28, 1869 ten miles andfifty-sixfeet of trackwas laid in one day. The accomplishment was in response toa$10,000 wagerCharles Crocker made with Thomas Durant of the Union Pacificthathis workerswere capable of doing what seemed impossible. A squad ofeightIrishrail-handlers and a small army of 4000 workers, mostlyChinese,accomplishedthe feat, working between 5 a.m.and7 p.m., with a mid-day break after laying six miles oftrack. In the end25,800ties, 3,520 rails (averaging 560 lbs.each), 55,080 spikes, 14,050 bolts, andothermaterials, totaling in weight4,462,000 pounds, were laid down.

The teamwork that went into layingtenmiles plus oftrack in one day was tremendous.  It was likeachoreographerorchestrating a complex dance sequence.  Everyone movedwitha rhythm. Theaccomplishment has not been matched even in modern times.

The names of the eight Irish workerswererecorded by therailroad, and they were hailed in a parade in Sacramento. None of theChinese workers’nameswere recorded; they were forgotten so they remainnameless.

6How manyChineseworkers died building thetranscontinental railroad?

The Central Pacific did not keeprecordsof the deaths ofany workers on the railroad. Some historians estimatefromengineering reports,newspaper articles and other sources that between 50 to150Chinese were killedas a result of snow slides, landslides, explosions,fallsand other accidents.Chinese practice was to bury the deceased temporarilyandat a later datecollect the remains in a box in a ritual fashion. Theboneswould then beshipped back to Chinato be reburied in the worker’s homevillage.One newspaper article entitled“Bones in Transit” of June 30, 1870 intheSacramento Reporter reported that “about 20,000 pounds ofbones” dugup from shallowgraves were taken by train for return to China,calculatingthat this amounted to1,200 Chinese. Another article published onthe same dayin the Sacramento Unionstatedthat only the bones of about 50 Chinesewere on the train. Others believethatsome Chinese must have also died in asmallpox outbreak among railroadworkers,although there are no records if anyof the dead were Chinese. Inaddition,there were reports of Chinese workersbeing killed in Nevadaas theresult ofIndian raids. Charles Crocker, testifying before Congressafter theline wascompleted, acknowledged that a great many men were lostduringconstruction –and most of those workers were Chinese.

7What happened inthe1867 strike?

On June 25, 1867 Chinese workers wentonstrike. Fivethousand workers grading along the eastern slope of theSierrabetween Ciscoand Strong’s Canyon and digging tunnels put their tools downandreturned totheir camps. When Chinese workers were first hired in 1864theyearned 25perday,butthenwageswereraisedagain.InSpring1867CharlesCrockerraisedtheirwagesfrom25perday,butthenwageswereraisedagain.InSpring1867CharlesCrockerraisedtheirwagesfrom31 to 35permonth;buttheworkersdemanded35permonth;buttheworkersdemanded 40 per month,reduced workdays from elevento ten hours, and shortershifts digging in thecramped, dangerous tunnels.Shifts were supposed to beeight hours in thetunnels, but they were often forcedto work longer. As theSacramentoUnion reported, theworkers protested“the rightof the overseers of the company to either whip themor restrain themfrom leavingthe road when they desire to seek otheremployment.”

Crocker recalled that, “If there hadbeenthat number ofwhite laborers [on strike] … it would have been impossibletocontrol them. Butthis strike of the Chinese was just like Sunday all alongthework. These menstayed in their camps. That is, they would come out andwalkaround, but not aword was said. No violence was perpetrated along thewholeline.” Despite theirnon-violent tactic, the strike posed a mortal threattoCrocker, Stanford andthe other railroad “Associates” who receivedgovernmentsubsidies based on themiles of track laid. “The truth is they aregettingsmart,” Charles’ brother E.B. Crocker wrote, observing that the Chinesewereaware of the scarcity oflabor and therefore of their own leverage tobargain.E. B. Crocker and MarkHopkins considered taking advantage of the newlycreatedFreedmen’s Bureau tohire recently freed slaves as strikebreakers. Hopkins reasoned, “ANegrolabor force wouldtend to keep the Chinese steady, as the Chinese havekept theIrishmen quiet.”

Charles Crocker cut off food andothersupplies. Aftereight days of increasing privation, Crocker confrontedthestarving workers,along with James Strobridge, the local Sherriff andacontingent of deputizedwhite men, insisting that he would make noconcessionsand threatened violenceto anyone preventing workers from returningto the job.Facing starvation andcoercion, the workers ended the strike. CharlesCrockerbecame convinced thatthe labor action was a plot by the Union Pacific,whichaimed to sabotage theCentral Pacific’s forward progress in their race togainmore miles forsubsidies. He never considered that the Chinese workerswerecapable ofasserting their own interests.

8What isthecontroversy over whether Chinese workers werelowered in baskets toplaceexplosive charges at Cape Horn?

Debate has been furious amongrailroadenthusiasts andhistorians on the use of baskets at Cape Horn.Manyaccounts,starting in the early twentieth century, told of Chineseworkershanging oversheer precipices in straw baskets to chip away holesforexplosives. Once theylit the fuse, they signaled to be hastily drawn uptoavoid the blast, a veryrisky operation, and many would lose their lives ifthebasket was not drawn upfast enough. In some accounts Chinese workersrequestedto weave the baskets,explaining that they were already skilled doingsuch workalong the Yangtze River. The imagehas beenpowerful of Chineseworkers hanging from baskets to do such hazardouswork, andthe depiction of workersin baskets along cliffs has appeared in manygraphicimages and literaryrepresentations, as well as histories.

However, other historians point outthatthere were noreports from engineers, no reports by ConstructionSuperintendentJamesStrobridge, no newspaper accounts, and no photographs ofbaskets beingusedduring construction at Cape Horn. Inthisview, the use ofbaskets is an exaggeration, a legend that has expandedovertime with each newversion of the story. An 1869 article in The OverlandMonthlybased on witnessesdescribed how workers“were suspended by ropesfrom above, the chain-bearerssignaling to thoseholding the ropes, up anddown, forward or back.” One accountdescribed howworkers sat on boatswain’s(or boson’s) chairs, flat seats of wovenropes likeswings. They were then letdown to prepare for drilling and blasting.The slopewas not a sheer cliff buta drop between 45 and 75 degrees, so laboringinbaskets could have actuallyhindered work, since no one would be able to usehisfeet to maneuver.

Researchers in Chinapoint out,however,that the laborers from Guangdongwould have much experience working atgreatheights for building roads andstructures along the Yangtze river, as well asclimbing tall trees to gather delicaciesforcooking. The workers, therefore,would have had no problem hanging by ropesandbaskets during construction, soit’s plausible that some baskets could havebeenemployed. Whether hung in basketsor by rope, there is no question theChineseworkers undertook an arduous anddangerous task of cutting throughsteepterrain.

9Were theworkersliterate, and did they send letters backto China?

Since the workers came fromtheagricultural region of Guangdong,itisgenerally believed that most were illiterate farmers. To be literateinChinaat that time involved being conversant with Chinese classical texts,andbythat definition, almost all of the workers were not literate. However,bythecommonly accepted American definition of literacy – being able toreadandwrite – a number may, in fact, have been literate. Evidencesuggests,however,that at least some of the workers were educated; certainly,the headmenandagents for labor contractors could speak English and tallyaccounts, andatleast one labor contractor had apparently passed the lower levelofthemandarin civil service exams. Mark Twain, writing about the 1860s about Virginia City, Nevada,observedinRoughing It that theChinese “can read, write and cipherwith easy facility.” Sofar, though, noletter or document of any sort writtenby one of the CentralPacific workers hasbeen found. Chinese who worked onother lines after the firsttranscontinental,such as the Southern Pacific,have left some documents.

10Why has no letterorjournal from a worker been foundyet?

Guangdong suffered from rebellions,civilconflict,bandits and warlords in the mid-nineteenth century, so ifletters ordocumentswere sent to families back home they may have beendestroyed in thechaos. Also,families may not have regarded the letters asimportant, sincetheir fathers andsons were merely lowly laborers. As well, thefamilies maynot have been able topreserve them in the subsequent 150 years ofinvasions,famine and social unrest.Finally, no exhaustive search for suchprimarydocuments has been conducted untilnow, so there may yet bepossiblediscoveries.

11Why do we notknowmany of their names?

Chinese naming practices requiredthreenames. First wasthe family name for a male, followed by a middle namethatindicates theperson’s village and generation, and lastly the given name,oftenwith symbolicor aspirational meaning. English speakers found Chinese namesverydifficult tounderstand, and they are listed in payroll records andnewspaperarticles insimplified forms or what could be described as nicknames,such as AhFong, AhChung and Ah Lim, with “Ah” serving as a designation lessformal than“Mister.”Consequently, we have very few actual names, making it verydifficultto trackdown the actual workers. We have been collecting names fromoralhistoryinterviews of descendants and other sources, and we hope to obtainmore.

12What kind offooddid they eat?

The workers insisted on eatingChinesefood: rice, driedvegetables, dried oysters, dried abalone fish, and someporkand poultry. Muchof these foodstuffs came from Californiasources, such asfreshvegetables. They also drank tea and hot water withoccasional wine andopium.The Irish or white workers were fed mainly meat andpotatoes along withwhiskey.The Chinese diet and especially the use of boiledwater reduced theoutbreak ofdysentery and other diseases. In order to providefood for theworkers, theCentral Pacific made an arrangement with one of thelaborcontractors, Sisson,Wallace & Company, who had exclusive right tosell foodand other suppliesto the Chinese workers. As they work moved throughNevada,theCentral Pacifichad two train cars labeled “ChinaStore,” from whichgoodscould be purchased. Because the demand for tea was sohigh, thecontractordecided to bypass the middlemen and had their agents intheir HongKong officepurchase the tea directly from growers in China. Food wassoimportant thatthe Chinese cooks were paid more than unskilled workers.Inaddition, Chinesein their contracts insisted that a Chinese physician be inthevicinity.

13What didtherailroad workers do after the CentralPacific Railroad was completed?

Upon completion of the railroad,someworkers went backto China;otherswent towork in agriculture, mining, building levees along the rivers orwenttoChinatowns in Sacramento, San Francisco, and thesmall towns intheSierras to enter domestic service or work in manufacturing toproducecigarsand other items. Some continued to work for the Central Pacificupgradingthehasty construction, such as filling in land to remove a trestle.Chinesealsowent to work on the railroad from Sacramentodown San JoaquinValleyto LosAngeles.We have not yet been able to determine how many workersfrom theoriginaltranscontinental line went to work on other railroads versusthe numberoffresh workers contracted in China,but there were large contingentsof Chinesebuilding the Southern Pacific andNorthern Pacific Railroads, as wellas otherrailroads throughout the West andeven in the East.





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