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DNA修复机制是癌症治疗的双刃剑:TCGA临床药物响应分析的启示 精选

已有 10542 次阅读 2016-5-27 12:15 |个人分类:科研笔记|系统分类:论文交流| 癌症, 化疗, 预测模型, 组学






2)针对数据的特点,我们设计了基于系数回归(elastic net)和重采样(bootstrapping)的计算评价框架,尽可能避免过学习,相对客观的评价预测的性能;


4)利用elastic net进行特征选择,可以选出若干与药物临床响应相关的重要基因,比如DDB1(DNA repair pathway)高表达预示着响应差,从生存分析的结果来看,DDB1高表达与预后差相关,顺铂对基因组具有破坏性,DDB1基础表达水平高可能通过削弱顺柏的基因组破坏作用进而产生药物抗性;另外还发现DLL4、INST5、HNRNPA3-HNRNPA3P1等很有意思的特征基因;


Evaluating the molecule based prediction of clincial drug responses in cancer [LINK]

Zijian Ding, Songpeng Zu, Jin Gu

Dataset: http://bioinfo.au.tsinghua.edu.cn/member/jgu/drug_response

Molecule-based prediction of drug response is one major task of precision oncology. Recently, large-scale cancer genomic studies, such as The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA), provide the opportunity to evaluate the predictive utility of molecular data for clinical drug responses in multiple cancer types. Here, we firstly curated the drug treatment information from TCGA. Four chemotherapeutic drugs had more than 180 clinical response records. Then, we developed a computational framework to evaluate the molecule based predictions of clinical responses of the four drugs and identify the corresponding molecular signatures. Results show that mRNA or miRNA expressions can predict drug responses significantly better than random classifiers in specific cancer types. A few signature genes are involved in drug response related pathways, such as DDB1 in DNA repair pathway and DLL4 in Notch signaling pathway. Finally, we applied the framework to predict responses across multiple cancer types and found that the prediction performances get improved for cisplatin based on miRNA expressions. Integrative analysis of clinical drug response data and molecular data offers opportunities for discovering predictive markers in cancer. This study provides a starting point to objectively evaluate the molecule-based predictions of clinical drug responses.





第一个期刊是生物综合类杂志核酸研究NAR,编辑部未送审,主要理由是缺乏general interests,2016/01/28

While your study  is very interesting, the editors believe that this paper is most appropriate for a journal more specifically focused on cancer therapeutics and drug validation.  Therefore, we are returning this decision to you so that you may proceed with submission to a different journal.  This decision does not reflect our assessment of the quality of this work  but rather the belief that it is more appropriate for a different publication venue.

第二个期刊是癌症类专业期刊Cancer Research,1月28日投稿,因为格式问题来回了几次,2月4日进入Under Review(应该是在编辑手里),2月16日中午Decision Pending,稍后收到编辑部未送审通知。

第三个期刊是Nature Communications,2月17日投稿,2月29日收到编辑部未送审通知。

第四个期刊投Bioinformatics,格式改成了Discovery Notes,3月1日投出,3月6日通过编辑部进入Awaiting Reviewer Assignment,3月14日Under Review,3月28日Awaiting Decision;4月3日Major Decision,4月28日修回,5月4日编辑部审查后进入Under Review,5月23日Awaiting Decision,5月27日Accepted


上一篇:[转载]The Scientist: 肥胖与癌症 zz
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5 王从彦 黄永义 LetPub编辑 孙学军 苏光松

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