昨天,我谈到口腔细菌、漱口水和高血压的问题,有位署名为a3511260 的博友在文后留言,为大家提供了一条非常有价值的线索:一种口腔细菌被证明是诱发类风湿性关节炎的“祸根”!为了让大家了解这个最新进展,我将该留言黏贴如下:
我根据这条线索找到了它的原文,这是2013年9月12日发表于PLoS Pathogens上的一篇原创论文,为Open Access,点击以下论文题目即可打开阅读并下载全文:
为便于介绍,下面分别列出该文的Abstract和Author Summary:
Rheumatoid arthritis and periodontitis are two prevalent chronic inflammatory diseases in humans and are associated with each other both clinically and epidemiologically. Recent findings suggest a causative link between periodontal infection and rheumatoid arthritis via bacteria-dependent induction of a pathogenic autoimmune response to citrullinated epitopes. Here we showed that infection with viable periodontal pathogen Porphyromonas gingivalis strain W83 exacerbated collagen-induced arthritis (CIA) in a mouse model, as manifested by earlier onset, accelerated progression and enhanced severity of the disease, including significantly increased bone and cartilage destruction. The ability of P. gingivalis to augment CIA was dependent on the expression of a unique P. gingivalis peptidylarginine deiminase (PPAD), which converts arginine residues in proteins to citrulline. Infection with wild type P. gingivaliswas responsible for significantly increased levels of autoantibodies to collagen type II and citrullinated epitopes as a PPAD-null mutant did not elicit similar host response. High level of citrullinated proteins was also detected at the site of infection with wild-type P. gingivalis. Together, these results suggest bacterial PAD as the mechanistic link between P. gingivalisperiodontal infection and rheumatoid arthritis.
Clinical and epidemiological data indicates that chronic periodontal disease (PD), one of the most prevalent infectious inflammatory disease of mankind, is linked to systemic inflammatory diseases such as cardiovascular diseases (CVD), rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Nevertheless, the causative mechanisms of association between PD and chronic inflammatory diseases are very poorly understood. Recent findings suggest a causative link between periodontal infection and rheumatoid arthritis viabacteria-dependent induction of a pathogenic response to citrullinated epitopes. In present study we show that infection with viable periodontal pathogen Porphyromonas gingivalis but not another oral bacterium (Prevotella intermedia), exacerbated CIA, as manifested by earlier onset, accelerated progression and enhanced severity of the disease, including significantly increased bone and cartilage destruction. The ability of P. gingivalis to augment CIA was dependent on the expression of a unique enzyme peptidylarginine deiminase, which converts arginine residues in proteins to citrulline. This knowledge may create new perspectives in the treatment and prevention of RA in susceptible individuals.
它并没有找到该病的病因,只是发现一种特定的口腔细菌——牙龈卟啉单胞菌(Porphyromonas gingivalis)可以加重小鼠胶原诱导关节炎(CIA)的病情。
然而,过去所有的抗风湿疗法都只能控制病情,但不能消除病灶,更不能修复受损的关节和滑膜,其根本原因就是不知道它的病因。2010年Immunity上发表一篇论文称,肠道寄居的分节丝状菌(SFB)可以诱发自身免疫性疾病——强直性脊柱炎。2011年Nature Medicine又撰文对上述论文进行注解式说明,并画出一张说明细菌感染与脊柱炎发生机制的示意图:
Commensal bacteria may have a role in producing inflammatory cytokines that can
worsen autoimmune disease in the joints. Gut Gram positive bacteria, such as SFB, induce IL-1, IL-6 and IL-23 in the mucosa and also a TH17
response, increasing IL-17 and IL-22. The release of these cytokines may initiate IBD, but, when overproduced, they may spill into the systemic circulation. This may promote inflammatory diseases in distal sites, such as the joints, perhaps through action upon joint-resident lymphoid cell populations. Altered sensitivity to IL-23 may predispose people to develop rheumatic diseases, such as ankylosing spondylitis.
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