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已有 4500 次阅读 2014-1-25 05:43 |个人分类:知识发现|系统分类:科研笔记



知识发现与科学发现  http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-280034-713521.html


睾丸大小与心脏病关联的知识发现  http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-280034-714499.html

Aspirin may stop growth of certain head cancers
Read more at http://scienceblog.com/69792/aspirin-may-stop-growth-of-certain-head-cancers/#oVlotezcDwxhli8w.99



A-query: Aspirin
C-query: brain tumor

The B-list contains title words and phrases (terms) that appeared in both the A and the C literature. 84 articles appeared in both literatures and were not included in the process of computing the B-list but can be viewed here. The results of this search are saved under id # 29074 and can be accessed from the start page after you leave this session. There are 1728 terms on the current B-list (542 are predicted to be relevant), which is shown ranked according to predicted relevance. The list can be further trimmed down using the filters listed in the left margin.

To assess whether there appears to be a biologically significant relationship between the AB and BC literatures for specific B-terms, please select one or more B-terms and then click the button to view the corresponding AB and BC literatures. Use Ctrl to select multiple B-terms.



job id # 29074 started Fri Jan 24 15:30:31 2014
Max_citations: 50000
Stoplist: /var/www/arrowsmith_uic/data/stopwords_pubmed
Ngram_max: 3
A_query_raw: AspirinFri Jan 24 15:30:50 2014

A query = Aspirin started Fri Jan 24 15:30:51 2014
A query resulted in 50000 titles
C_query_raw: Aspirin Fri Jan 24 15:30:59 2014

C: Aspirin 53074

A: pubmed_query_A 53074

AC: ( Aspirin ) AND ( Aspirin ) 53074

C_query_raw: Aspirin Fri Jan 24 15:31:01 2014

C: Aspirin 53074

A: pubmed_query_A 53074

AC: ( Aspirin ) AND ( Aspirin ) 53074

C_query_raw: brain tumor Fri Jan 24 15:31:25 2014

C: brain tumor 159400

A: pubmed_query_A 53074

AC: ( Aspirin ) AND ( brain tumor ) 84

C_query_raw: brain tumor Fri Jan 24 15:31:29 2014

C: brain tumor 159400

A: pubmed_query_A 53074

AC: ( Aspirin ) AND ( brain tumor ) 84

C query = brain tumor started Fri Jan 24 15:31:29 2014
C query resulted in 50000 titles
A AND C query resulted in 84 titles
34086 B-terms ready on Fri Jan 24 15:34:58 2014

Genes & Molecular Sequences, and Gene & Protein Names
1728 B-terms left after filter executed Fri Jan 24 15:35:48 2014

B-list on Fri Jan 24 15:40:23 2014
1 cox-2
2 akt
3 vegf
4 stat3
5 beta catenin
6 wnt
7 statin
8 adiponectin
9 toll receptor
10 endostatin
11 c myc
12 stat5
13 promoter polymorphism
14 microrna
15 nf kappab
16 jak2
17 cannabinoid receptor
18 mthfr
19 leptin receptor
20 single nucleotide polymorphism
21 meningioma
22 kip1
23 erk1
24 maspin
25 c jun n
26 p38 mapk
27 mtor
28 microsatellite
29 transcription factor
30 caspase-3
31 ppargamma
32 p53 gene
33 signal regulated kinase
34 egfr
35 formyl peptide receptor
36 insulin receptor substrate
37 caspase
38 opioid receptor
39 drb1
40 moyamoya disease
41 fractalkine
42 tnfalpha
43 pi3k
44 h2ax
45 autophagy
46 braf
47 methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase
48 adamts13
49 toll
50 cyclin dependent kinase
51 p2y12
52 phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase
53 fas ligand
54 hla drb1
55 cyp2c19
56 collagen induced arthritis
57 c met
58 rho kinase
59 e selectin
60 e2f
61 jnk
62 cd40 ligand
63 platelet activation
64 cxcr4
65 survivin
66 cadasil
67 msh2
68 il-18
69 activation c jun
70 map kinase
71 cpg island
72 ccaat enhancer binding
73 cyp2c9
74 mmp-2
75 il6
76 vntr
77 leptin
78 tumor suppressor
79 psa
80 p42
81 anca
82 caspase-8
83 tnf alpha
84 flk-1
85 iiia
86 tissue inhibitor metalloproteinase
87 gelsolin
88 apc gene
89 mek1
90 cb1
91 p53
92 hip
93 nkt
94 mdr1
95 c jun
96 promoter polymorphism associated
97 ikappab
98 trpv1
99 irs-1
100 gene promoter polymorphism
101 cd11b
102 receptor gene
103 promoter activity
104 cd40
105 il-12
106 mek
107 tachykinin
108 tyrosine kinase
109 alpha promoter polymorphism
110 cysteinyl leukotriene receptor
111 p27
112 apoe gene
113 inos
114 cdna
115 gene promoter
116 pparalpha
117 cyclin d1
118 promoter gene polymorphism
119 smad
120 iib
121 ssri
122 jak stat
123 interleukin receptor
124 troponin
125 nfat
126 traf6
127 p2x
128 oxide synthase gene
129 egr-1
130 reporter gene
131 th1
132 reelin
133 socs
134 angiotensin receptor
135 bax
136 chemokine
137 at1
138 matrix metalloproteinase
139 cd14
140 c ebp
141 autotaxin
142 ppar gamma
143 cdkn2a
144 tnf
145 hif-1
146 epidermal growth factor
147 c jun nh2-terminal
148 polymorphism promoter
149 proliferating cell nuclear
150 p2y1
151 cpg island methylator
152 related gene
153 tnf alpha promoter
154 cytokine
155 e cadherin
156 disintegrin
157 galectin-3
158 genome wide
159 il-8
160 apoe
161 apolipoprotein e
162 ppar
163 cytokine production
164 nat2
165 stat1
166 tp53
167 functional promoter polymorphism
168 nadph oxidase
169 integrin
170 akt pkb
171 cinc-1
172 exon
173 il-10
174 apolipoprotein a i
175 icam-1
176 mcl-1
177 mri
178 nf kappa b
179 cftr
180 cd34
181 polymorphism promoter region
182 vcam-1
183 mmp-9
184 metabolic syndrome
185 vitamin d receptor
186 prostaglandin e synthase
187 traf2
188 nf
189 aromatase
190 cxcl9
191 b16
192 pet
193 somatostatin
194 cx3cr1
195 tlr9
196 bcl-2
197 p38
198 trefoil factor
199 cathepsin l
200 body mass index
201 tumor necrosis factor
202 isoform
203 ca1
204 dermcidin
205 epilepsy
206 annexin
207 kdr
208 erk2
209 hypercholesterolemia
210 protein kinase
211 diabetes mellitus
212 prodynorphin gene
213 glucose transporter
214 chaperone
215 cox-2 gene
216 herv w
217 endothelin
218 myogenic differentiation
219 thrombospondin
220 lipoxygenase
221 promoter
222 c5a
223 mpp
224 c1q
225 p glycoprotein
226 reck
227 stem cell proliferation
228 glioma
229 thiopurine methyltransferase
230 hiv
231 topoisomerase
232 jak1
233 jak
234 cytokine gene
235 wild p53 gene
236 ampk
237 bip
238 nk1
239 il-4
240 il-1beta
241 apolipoprotein a
242 plasminogen
243 nnos
244 il-13
245 cd56
246 candidate gene
247 apelin
248 histone deacetylase
249 transporter
250 gas6
251 il-6
252 rosette
253 high mobility group
254 tff3
255 foxp3
256 ikkbeta
257 na h exchanger
258 il-2
259 p selectin
260 epoxide hydrolase
261 iga nephropathy
262 gene encoding
263 ccr5
264 amylin
265 cadherin
266 bone mineral density
267 il-1
268 smoothened
269 ap-1
270 abca1
271 rhoa
272 macrophage activation
273 sirtuin
274 ppar alpha
275 at2
276 cathepsin b
277 promoter region
278 ubiquitin
279 plzf
280 telomerase reverse transcriptase
281 genomic
282 p70s6k
283 plgf
284 fk506
285 pkc
286 ca atpase
287 timp-2
288 3t
289 tandem repeat
290 sur1
291 immediate early promoter
292 c vitamin e
293 mcp-1
294 tcf
295 c6
296 pon1
297 prostate cancer
298 cd39
299 bdnf
300 cyclin
301 bax gene
302 promyelocytic leukemia
303 promoter polymorphism human
304 erk
305 diabetes
306 1a1
307 insulin receptor
308 adiposity
309 glycogen synthase
310 carboxylesterase
311 gnrh
312 alzheimer disease
313 cpg
314 inflammatory bowel disease
315 timp
316 igf i
317 aryl hydrocarbon receptor
318 hsp70
319 amp response element
320 src
321 lh
322 trh
323 alpha promoter
324 gadd153
325 inflammatory gene
326 chemokine receptor
327 glucocorticoid receptor
328 stat6
329 sod1
330 gonadotropin releasing hormone
331 neurofibromatosis
332 lmna
333 waf1
334 a2a
335 glutathione peroxidase
336 protein tyrosine kinase
337 tgf beta1
338 thioredoxin
339 s100a9
340 tgf beta
341 transferrin
342 tnfa
343 motilin
344 enhancer
345 paf
346 cdh1
347 igf
348 chop
349 prostaglandin e receptor
350 tetraspanin
351 promoter rat
352 trail
353 ifn gamma
354 3d
355 fibrosis transmembrane conductance
356 vector gene
357 calpain
358 protein kinase c
359 lc
360 mao
361 ct
362 cytosolic phospholipase a2
363 zo-1
364 interleukin
365 bypass
366 nag-1
367 pml
368 tsh
369 nude
370 flt1
371 lhrh
372 p21cip1
373 hsp27
374 han
375 cxcr3
376 transthyretin
377 cd40l
378 ctnnb1
379 myc
380 thrombomodulin
381 von willebrand factor
382 sir
383 hyperlipidemia
384 neuregulin
385 jun
386 rxralpha
387 prolactin
388 thrombin
389 insulin level
390 copd
391 mra
392 lip
393 c fos
394 cd105
395 rna
396 cell cycle progression
397 pci
398 resistin
399 lfa-1
400 ikk
401 cd25
402 estrogen receptor
403 atm
404 neuropeptide y
405 avidin
406 tlr
407 amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
408 orbit
409 promoter variant
410 lipocalin
411 stat
412 thymosin
413 p75ntr
414 fat mass
415 alfa
416 inducible
417 promoter a
418 myocardial infarction
419 cell adhesion molecule
420 p2y
421 fibroblast growth factor
422 hes1
423 thrombopoietin
424 adp
425 rante
426 trex1
427 domain
428 lymphokine
429 ck
430 tau
431 lox
432 thyrotropin releasing hormone
433 tgfbeta1
434 fgf
435 tumor suppressor gene
436 pdgf b
437 plc gamma
438 hemoglobin
439 cx3cl1
440 promoter gene
441 sigma
442 bv2
443 gp91phox
444 p21
445 cd63
446 calcium channel
447 mpges-1
448 rac1
449 glutathione s transferase
450 sting
451 resistance gene
452 histone
453 gli1
454 flt
455 growth hormone
456 phospholipase d
457 ldl
458 sulfotransferase
459 tgfbeta
460 abeta
461 cd3
462 urocortin
463 blind
464 prof
465 e2
466 lox-1
467 genome
468 interferon
469 s1p2
470 igfbp-3
471 rela
472 peroxisome
473 meta
474 nod
475 tcf4
476 proto oncogene
477 egf
478 erk-1
479 cyst
480 body mass
481 et-1
482 5alpha reductase gene
483 cd36
484 pkb
485 hepatocyte growth factor
486 reporter gene expression
487 rct
488 alpha fetoprotein
489 c lectin
490 hsv-1
491 na k atpase
492 ivf
493 renin
494 factor gene
495 lps
496 cpg island hypermethylation
497 wallerian degeneration
498 prion protein
499 ap-2alpha
500 cgrp
501 ifn
502 proteoglycan
503 oncogene
504 5-ht
505 crp
506 growth arrest specific
507 pgc-1alpha
508 nuclear overhauser enhancement
509 potassium channel
510 p65
511 neurotensin
512 erbb2
513 gene nf kappab
514 mb
515 ldlr
516 spatial learning
517 g protein
518 integrin linked kinase
519 ep3
520 phosphatase
521 nfkb
522 albumin
523 interferon alpha
524 t11
525 cholesterol
526 protein phosphatase 2a
527 cgmp
528 insulin
529 adenylate cyclase
530 c rel
531 adenosine a3 receptor
532 st
533 k atpase
534 ca2
535 angiogenesis related gene
536 phospholipase
537 kinase
538 erythropoietin
539 interferon gamma
540 cyp2e1
541 mesh
542 breast cancer




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