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已有 3079 次阅读 2013-9-1 11:04 |个人分类:知识发现|系统分类:科研笔记| 知识



知识发现与科学发现  http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-280034-713521.html


睾丸大小与心脏病关联的知识发现  http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-280034-714499.html



A-query: genes
C-query: Circadian Clock

The B-list contains title words and phrases (terms) that appeared in both the A and the C literature. 3636 articles appeared in both literatures and were not included in the process of computing the B-list but can be viewed here. The results of this search are saved under id # 24770 and can be accessed from the start page after you leave this session. There are 1039 terms on the current B-list (发现360个时差反应相关基因和蛋白质知识概念 are predicted to be relevant), which is shown ranked according to predicted relevance. The list can be further trimmed down using the filters listed in the left margin.

To assess whether there appears to be a biologically significant relationship between the AB and BC literatures for specific B-terms, please select one or more B-terms and then click the button to view the corresponding AB and BC literatures. Use Ctrl to select multiple B-terms.


job id # 24770 started Sat Aug 31 21:51:45 2013
Max_citations: 50000
Stoplist: /var/www/arrowsmith_uic/data/stopwords_pubmed
Ngram_max: 3
A_query_raw: Circadian ClockSat Aug 31 21:52:04 2013

A query = Circadian Clock started Sat Aug 31 21:52:05 2013
A query resulted in 10255 titles
A_query_raw: genesSat Aug 31 21:53:08 2013

A query = genes started Sat Aug 31 21:53:09 2013
A query resulted in 50000 titles
C_query_raw: genes Sat Aug 31 21:53:12 2013

C: genes 1026712

A: pubmed_query_A 1026712

AC: ( genes ) AND ( genes ) 1026712

C_query_raw: Circadian Clock Sat Aug 31 21:53:19 2013

C: Circadian Clock 10255

A: pubmed_query_A 1026712

AC: ( genes ) AND ( Circadian Clock ) 3636

C_query_raw: Circadian Clock Sat Aug 31 21:53:21 2013

C: Circadian Clock 10255

A: pubmed_query_A 1026712

AC: ( genes ) AND ( Circadian Clock ) 3636

C query = Circadian Clock started Sat Aug 31 21:53:21 2013
C query resulted in 10255 titles
A AND C query resulted in 3636 titles
11811 B-terms ready on Sat Aug 31 21:54:47 2013

Genes & Molecular Sequences, and Gene & Protein Names
1039 B-terms left after filter executed Sat Aug 31 21:57:20 2013

B-list on Sat Aug 31 22:08:59 2013
1 jnk
2 wnt
3 akt
4 bdnf
5 chromatin remodeling
6 single nucleotide polymorphism
7 microrna
8 clock gene
9 adiponectin
10 cryptochrome
11 cyclin dependent kinase
12 casein kinase
13 transcription factor
14 cdna
15 early gene
16 operon
17 mtor
18 nf kappab
19 snp
20 5-ht1a
21 glycogen synthase kinase
22 n acetyltransferase
23 per2
24 neuroglobin
25 ryanodine receptor
26 leptin
27 repressor
28 phytochrome
29 gene encoding
30 rnai
31 transgene
32 rna binding
33 circadian gene
34 aquaporin
35 neurotrophin
36 dna binding
37 calmodulin
38 glutamate receptor
39 helix loop helix
40 signal regulated kinase
41 autophagy
42 bhlh
43 tyrosine kinase
44 rev
45 flowering locus t
46 cyclin
47 hypocretin
48 c myc
49 jak stat
50 genome wide
51 han
52 e box
53 ubiquitin
54 photolyase
55 ghrelin
56 pcr
57 pacap
58 map kinase
59 mdm2
60 trkb
61 vntr
62 homeobox
63 phototropin
64 retinoic acid receptor
65 kinase protein
66 histone deacetylase
67 signal regulated
68 p38 mapk
69 4e bp1
70 gastrin releasing peptide
71 body mass index
72 cbp
73 foxo
74 fdg
75 erk1
76 c jun
77 cdna library
78 response regulator
79 c jun n
80 pparalpha
81 sirt1
82 calbindin
83 connexin43
84 cbp p300
85 creb
86 promoter
87 phytochrome b
88 ck2
89 ampk
90 crem
91 interferon gamma
92 rack1
93 clock
94 nifh
95 xpa
96 myc
97 quantitative trait locus
98 helicase
99 parp1
100 nifh gene
101 histidine kinase
102 phytochrome a
103 neuropeptide
104 aromatase
105 pcc
106 kiss1
107 matrix metalloproteinase
108 luciferase
109 g c polymorphism
110 response element
111 glycogen synthase
112 egfr
113 estrogen receptor
114 aryl hydrocarbon receptor
115 tnf
116 gene involved
117 rhodopsin gene
118 vasopressin gene
119 fos
120 oct-2
121 flowering time gene
122 myc2
123 p450
124 gene expressed
125 cytokine
126 enhancer
127 tim-1
128 gsk-3beta
129 gene oral squamous
130 constan
131 metabolic syndrome
132 genomic
133 nestin
134 pituitary hormone
135 5-ht3
136 darpp-32
137 kelch
138 phyb
139 opioid receptor
140 nf
141 pai-1 gene
142 tlr9
143 reca
144 ethylene response
145 hnrnp u
146 target rapamycin
147 gsk3beta
148 synovial fibroblast
149 alzheimer disease
150 isoform
151 phytochrome interacting factor
152 gene variant
153 senescence
154 epilepsy
155 gabaa
156 transducin
157 c fos
158 estrogen receptor beta
159 wee1
160 p38
161 methyltransferase
162 hnrnp
163 imprinted gene
164 early flowering
165 s6
166 erg
167 protein kinase
168 erk
169 prohibitin
170 photosystem
171 gaba a receptor
172 opsin
173 arrestin
174 estrogen receptor alpha
175 tumor suppressor
176 5-ht1b
177 p42
178 f box protein
179 sirtuin
180 xrn1
181 c ebpalpha
182 resistance pseudomona syringa
183 resistance gene
184 g protein
185 pml
186 myosin
187 gene soybean
188 bat
189 gene transgenic
190 genome
191 fra-2
192 thioredoxin
193 peroxisome
194 chk1
195 magel2
196 nuclear localization signal
197 apurinic apyrimidinic endonuclease
198 box
199 actin
200 gsk-3
201 regulon
202 rna binding protein
203 p53
204 immediate early gene
205 rna operon
206 oscillator
207 mef2
208 lux
209 dna binding protein
210 rxralpha
211 dyrk1a
212 rna
213 dopamine receptor
214 cystatin c
215 rpod
216 pai-1
217 per1
218 prokineticin
219 e3
220 arabidopsis response regulator
221 myb domain protein
222 ampa
223 nodal
224 ap-1
225 trait
226 segment polarity gene
227 psba
228 huntington disease
229 untranslated region
230 receptor gene
231 domain
232 p300
233 glucocorticoid receptor
234 circadian rhythm
235 set1
236 hormone gene
237 peptidase gene
238 ubiquitin specific protease
239 jak
240 sos2
241 obese
242 tandem repeat
243 impaired glucose tolerance
244 cytochrome p450
245 locus
246 hdac3
247 locomotor activity
248 proopiomelanocortin gene
249 adp ribosylation factor
250 gene associated
251 srf
252 rna helicase
253 gonadotropin releasing hormone
254 ldl
255 bax
256 gene bombyx mori
257 olfactory
258 activin
259 diabetes
260 body mass



AB literature


BC literature

geneswntCircadian Clock

1: Comments on 'Over-expression of circadian clock gene Bmal1 affects proliferation and the canonical Wnt pathway in NIH-3T3 cells' 2013
Add to clipboard

2: Over-expression of circadian clock gene Bmal1 affects proliferation and the canonical Wnt pathway in NIH-3T3 cells. 2012
Add to clipboard


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