廖承清,徐家生,戴小华*, 赵小林. 潜叶铁甲及其寄主植物的多样性. 生态科学,2015, 34(5): 159-166.
LIAO Chengqing, XU Jiasheng, DAI Xiaohua, et al. Species diversity of leaf-mining hispines and of their host plants[J]. Ecological Science, 2015, 34(5): 159-166.
摘要和全文下载网址 Abstract and full text:http://www.ecolsci.com/CN/abstract/abstract1606.shtml
摘要 在国内外已有的文献资料基础上, 分别从世界和中国范围对潜叶类铁甲及其寄主植物的物种多样性进行系统研究。铁甲多样性非常丰富, 世界共计24 族185 属3273 种, 其中中国分布的共10 族32 属272 种, 占世界铁甲的8.3%;世界已报道的潜叶铁甲共383 种, 约占全部铁甲的11.7%, 主要集中在Chalepini 族和Hispini 族。潜叶铁甲的寄主植物种类繁多, 共涉及35 目80 科443 属, 其中以禾本科最多, 其次为菊科、豆科、棕榈科、锦葵科、壳斗科和蔷薇科等。不同潜叶铁甲类群的寄主谱差异明显: 在族级水平, Chalepini 族和Hispini 族的寄主范围最为广泛, 而Hispoleptini族和Prosopodontini 族寄主类群则比较单一; 在属级水平, 以趾铁甲属Dactylispa 寄主植物最多。研究发现, 铁甲在族级和属级阶元的种数与其寄主植物种数、属数和科数均呈现出明显的正相关性, 表明铁甲的种类越丰富, 所需要的寄主植物范围就越广泛, 反之则越狭窄; 不同寄主植物上的潜叶铁甲多样性也有明显不同, 单子叶植物上寄生的铁甲明显多于双子叶, 在科级水平上, 禾本科上潜食的铁甲种类最多, 其次为棕榈科、豆科、姜科以及蔷薇科。
Abstract: Using existing domestic and foreign literatures, we analyzed species diversity of leaf-mining hispines (Coleoptera: Chrysomeloidea) and of their host plants in the world and in China, respectively. Hispine diversity is rich, with 24 tribes, 185 genera and 2373 species in the world and 10 tribes, 32 genera and 272 species in China. There are 383 reported leaf-mining hispine species, accounting for 11.7% of total hispine species number, mainly in Chalepini and Hispini. Host plant diversity of leaf-mining hispines is also high, with 35 orders, 80 families and 443 genera, most of which belong to Poaceae, then Asteraceae, Fabaceae, Arecaceae, Malvaceae, Fagaceae and Rosaceae. Host plant spectra of different hispine groups have obvious differences: at tribe level, host range in Chalepini and Hispini is widest but it is narrowest in Hispoleptini and Prosopodontini; at genus level, Dactylispa holds the most host plants. Significant positive correlations between hispine species number at tribe or genus level and species or genus or family number of host plants were found. This suggests that the richer hispine species is, the wider their host range is, or vice versa. Leaf-mining hispine diversity varies with their host plants: monocots host much more hispine species than dicots; at host family level, Poaceae has most number of leaf-mining hispine species, and then Arecaceae, Fabaceae, Zingiberaceae and Rosaceae.
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