汪帮主卫星遥感空间分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/zjwang 湖北鄂州人,2011年博士毕业于吉林大学。现从事卫星遥感技术工作。


How to call SCIATRAN in your program?

已有 8342 次阅读 2010-11-2 19:40 |个人分类:计算程序|系统分类:科研笔记

Author: Zijun Wang, Jinlin Unv. wzj08@mails.jlu.edu.cn

Case 1. You may want to do a large number of radiance simulation by SCIATRAN as a function of series satellite geometry or geophysical paramters;

Case 2. You may want to call SCIATRAN in your program used to retrieve trace gases profiles,  calculate weighting function, study the sensitivity of radiance or retrieved paramters to geophysical, atmospheric parameters, or satellite paramters

One of the method is

1. Embeding SCIATRAN in Your Program written as FORTRAN, C++, or MATLAB et al, which Executed as Command Line.  i.e.  calling the system function as system('SCIA_INTEL.exe'). 
2. Meanwhile, writing some interface function to set model paramters into SCIATRAN package and read the model radiance result used for your program.

Fig. A sample script in matlab illustrate the model parameters setting, SCIATRAN calling and modeled intensity reading out.

 Please Note that you may need to change your current directory where the SCIA_INTEL.exe is and Execute the Command 'ulimit -s unlimited' in the terminal, furthermore, the current directory of the running program is also the place loaded SCIA_INTEL.exe.

For case 1, you are greatly suggested to generate series model paramters in a file, and write a program to  call the function, which read one paramters set to write into the SCIATRAN setting files and perform the SCIATRAN recursively. It is notably that your may need execute the command 'ulimit -s unlimited' first of all in the terminal, and then can run your program happily.

For case 2, you just call the SCIATRAN where you need to model the radiance by the function 'system'  which is availabe in FORTRAN, C++, MATLAB Command Line at least. But Notably also you may need execute the command 'ulimit -s unlimited'  before running your program.


上一篇:SCIA_JLU-our trace gas retrieval program from limb radiance
下一篇:The function for reading MOPITT CO Level3 HDF data
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