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已有 1354 次阅读 2023-3-15 09:06 |个人分类:个人所思所想(2017--)|系统分类:科研笔记



黄安年文  黄安年2023315日发布(第32337篇)



    * 9:55-10:20am,看到对面马路开来了一辆Bell Atlantic地方电话公司的工程车,上面下了一位白发的工程人员,他身怀工具袋十分娴熟地将车上的两个“安全帽”路障放在路旁,接着到了车尾右侧的升降机旁,启动升降机,徐徐升到贴近空中线路的位置开始作业,完工后又缓缓下降,一切均在短期内一个人完成,收拾停当后驱车离去。这就是电话修理工人的作业。我还看到今天早上,环卫工人开着车沿路收拾垃圾,这辆车有一位司机,两位工人配成一个小组,自动化的程度很高。现代化也包含社会生活服务的现代化,我们国内和美国的差距将需要一个相当时间才能缩短。

    * 10:00-10:25am,吕去户外散步,深感空气新鲜,千金难买,White Plains实乃度假胜地。她的幽静和树木的繁盛为Cupertino所不及,也为洛杉矶地区所缺少。5:00-5:50pm, 和吕沿我晨练的路线散步,路上行人车辆均少,这样的环境比西部的北加州和南加州均好,气温尽管比那里要低,但是这里温差的变化给人以四季分明的感受,而太平洋地区则不然。这里虽然花季晚于西部而且品种不同,但是也有自己的特色,尤其是秋季红叶,为西部所不及。

* 不管美国税务机关的表格是否合理,是否符合中国移民和侨民的情况,但是你必须按照他的要求填写,否则在电脑里就会出现空缺,从而不符合他们的要求而遭拒绝,而再来一个回合将又是一个半月的时间。


2000年4月10日 (星期一)  阴历三月初六,White Plains,多云,C1-C10


    9:55-10:20am,看到对面马路开来了一辆Bell Atlantic地方电话公司的工程车,上面下了一位白发的工程人员,他身怀工具袋十分娴熟地将车上的两个“安全帽”路障放在路旁,接着到了车尾右侧的升降机旁,启动升降机,徐徐升到贴近空中线路的位置开始作业,完工后又缓缓下降,一切均在短期内一个人完成,收拾停当后驱车离去。这就是电话修理工人的作业。我还看到今天早上,环卫工人开着车沿路收拾垃圾,这辆车有一位司机,两位工人配成一个小组,自动化的程度很高。现代化也包含社会生活服务的现代化,我们国内和美国的差距将需要一个相当时间才能缩短。

    10:00-10:25am,吕去户外散步,深感空气新鲜,千金难买,White Plains实乃度假胜地。她的幽静和树木的繁盛为Cupertino所不及,也为洛杉矶地区所缺少。

12:40-3:30pm, 看录像片Space Age头两集,内容是有关太空时代的知识,介绍说:Space is no longer a new frontier. It’s a vital part of our world. Space Age takes a close-up view of that new world and tells the story of how it has changed our lives. From the dream-driven hopes of the early rocket pioneers to the far future. Space Age documents the latest advances in the age-old quest to go further, see deeper, find out more. State-of-the-art special effects. ‘pre-creations’ of future space missions, and worldwide location filming give each fascinating program an eye-opening view of the way space exploration has revolutionized how we see ourselves, our planet, and the universe beyond.  2> Celestial Sentinels Persian Gulf reconnaissance….global navigation…international communications instantly ..these are the work of the satellites that fill the skies above us. They have already drawn the world together. What new tasks will they undertake? Will the United States hold its technological edge as more nations vie for a piece of the sky? Will satellites have actually kept the peace and how new, nonmilitary used may help developing nations move into the 21th century.

5:00-5:50pm, 和吕沿我晨练的路线散步,路上行人车辆均少,这样的环境比西部的北加州和南加州均好,气温尽管比那里要低,但是这里温差的变化给人以四季分明的感受,而太平洋地区则不然。这里虽然花季晚于西部而且品种不同,但是也有自己的特色,尤其是秋季红叶,为西部所不及。当我们散步回到家时,Y已经提前到家了。


下午收到税务局给吕的信,拒绝发给吕申请减税的税号证明,理由是没有提供吕生父和生母的姓名。信的全文如下:Department of the Treasury, Internal Revenue Service, Philadelphia Service Center, Date of this notice: 04/10/2000 Number of this notice: CP-566A, Form: W7 982960710210 2821838645 10/081936  QiXiang Lu 169 Chatterton Pky White Plains NY 10606 For assistance call us at: (215) 516-ITIN (4846) Or you may write to us at: Internal Revenue Service Post Office Box 447 Bensalem, PA 19020  We Received your Application for IRS Individual Taxpayer Identification Number(ITIN) Thank you for your Form W-7 Application for IRS Individual Taxpayer Identification Number. We could not process Form W-7 for the following reason(s): Your father’s and/or mother’s name(s) is missing on your application. Please enter the names in the space(s) provided below.  Father’s maiden name (surname or family name) First name Middle name Mother’s maiden name  Please provide the requested information to us within 45 days from the date of this notice. Return this completed notice in the enclosed envelope or send it to us by FAX to (215) 516-3270. If we requested supporting documentation, please forward it along with this notice in the enclosed envelope. DO NOT sent supporting documentation by FAX. If you need to contact us further about this matter, please also include your telephone number, the hours we can reach you, and this notice. You may want to keep a copy of this notice for your records. Enclosure: EnvelopeY代写了复信,准备明天先用FAX发出,然后再发出信件。看来不管美国税务机关的表格是否合理,是否符合中国移民和侨民的情况,但是你必须按照他的要求填写,否则在电脑里就会出现空缺,从而不符合他们的要求而遭拒绝,而再来一个回合将又是一个半月的时间。

    晚上量了血压,很正常,121/76mm, P53.



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