
钟伟 2009-11-30 20:13
2009年发表论文目录: 1. Magnetic properties and large-scale synthesis of novel carbon nanocomposites via benzene decomposition over Ni nanoparticles, X.S. Qi, M.H. Xu, W. Zhong* , X.J. Ye, Y. Deng, C.T. Au, C.Q. Jin and Y.W. Du, J. Phys. Chem. C 113, 2267 (2009). ...
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钟伟 2009-9-24 09:54
2009年9月23日的南京大学物理系第200923期工作简报中,附录3刊登了一段关于我的文字,全文如下: 教学一线的热心教师--钟伟教授 钟伟教授非常重视本科教学。他在为本科一年级开设的《物理学史》课程中,运用大量生动详实的史 ...
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钟伟 2009-5-11 14:36
1. Bulrush-Like Double Perovskite: Synthesis, Tunneling Magnetoresistance, and Magnetocaloric Effects, W. Zhong* , N. J. Tang, C. T. Au, Y. W. Du, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology , 2008, 8 , 2793 ( review ) 2. &l ...
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钟伟 2009-1-14 08:05
PRL投稿需注意的问题(转载) PRL投稿需注意的问题: 转载自http://www.bylm.net/forum/simple/t246785.html 1. PRL登载的LETTERS文章长度不超过4页,COMMENTS文章长度不超过1页。 2. 结果必须是新颖的 ...
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钟伟 2008-3-19 17:05
1.Tunnelling magnetoresistance of double perovskite Sr2FeMoO6 enhanced by grain boundary adjustment W Zhong , W Liu , C T Au, Y W Du, Nanotechnology , 17, 250 (2006) 2. Highly stable carbon-coated Fe/SiO2 composites: synthesis, structure a ...
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钟伟 2008-3-19 16:44
1. Large-Scale Synthesis, Annealing, Purification, and Magnetic Properties of Crystalline Helical Carbon Nanotubes with Symmetrical Structures, Nujiang Tang,* Wei Zhong ,* Chaktong Au, Aharon Gedanken, Yi Yang, and Youwei Du, Adv. Funct. Mater. ...
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