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已有 1777 次阅读 2022-11-24 10:28 |个人分类:期刊精选|系统分类:博客资讯

征稿特辑:Calls for Papers





Physics-informed machine learning and its real-world applications 


客座编辑:Eleni Chatzi, Marta D'Elia, Jian-Xun Wang

Advances in machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) are undoubtedly enabling significant breakthroughs in all areas of science and technology. ML/DL models, however, do not necessarily obey the fundamental governing laws of physical systems and often fail to describe and predict scenarios beyond the ones they have been trained on. In addition, training deep neural networks requires a huge amount of quality data, which is not always available for scientific problems. To solve these challenges, a new paradigm that integrates physical principles into ML models is emerging: physics-informed machine learning. Incorporating physics into ML models makes it possible to build physically consistent predictive models which are faster to train, more generalizable, interpretable, and trustworthy.

This Collection aims to gather the latest advances in physics-informed machine learning applications in sciences and engineering. Submissions that provide evidence of scalable, robust, and reliable physics-informed machine learning approaches for large-scale, real-world applications are particularly welcome.



Carbon capture and storage 


客座编辑:Rouhi Farajzadeh,Qinjun Kang,Haiqing Lin, Hasmukh Patel, Jhuma Sadhukhan, Lidija Šiller

Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is a vital building block in any climate mitigation strategy and International Energy Agency (IEA) and the UK’s Committee on Climate Change (CCC) agree that the targets for greenhouse gas emissions, set out in the Paris Agreement, cannot be met without CCS. CCS can be used to decarbonise current and future industries, like steel, cement, and refining chemicals. Research is ongoing in all elements of CCS, including materials and chemical processes for CO2 removal, how to integrate new technologies into industry and the potential for long-term storage of carbon in geological reservoirs. This Collection brings together the latest research in carbon capture and storage.



Archaea evolution and diversity


客座编辑:Thorsten Allers,Jaime Iranzo,Anna Valenti

In the late 1970’s, our understanding of the tree of life was fundamentally changed with the discovery and recognition of Archaea, a third domain of life along with Bacteria and Eukarya. While superficially similar to bacteria, archaea display unique characteristics that allow them to occupy nearly all environments, including some of the most extreme conditions where they especially thrive.

The Collection offers a platform for the latest research on how archaea diversified and key adaptive features flourished, along with their evolutionary and ecological impacts.



Sports engineering and biomechanics 


客座编辑:Simon Choppin,Steph Forrester,Andrew Post

As for other aspects of life, technology and innovation play a pivotal role in sport. From optimizing the material and design of swimwear in order to reduce water resistance, to developing immersive virtual reality experiences capable of simulating the competitive environment, technology has changed how sports are coached, played, and experienced. As sports systems become more complex and technology-driven, a relatively new but rapidly expanding, multidisciplinary field – one that aims to identify and solve problems associated with sport, health, and exercise – is emerging: sports engineering.

This Collection is dedicated to research in sports engineering and biomechanics with a focus on the design of human-centred solutions to improve the performance, health, and safety of players and athletes. We will consider advances in equipment design, sports surface design, wearable technologies, athlete performance analysis, sports injury prevention solutions, and novel coaching tools.



Machine learning applications in medical image analysis


客座编辑:Syed Ahmad Chan Bukhari,Simon Duchesne,Huazhu Fu

Significant breakthroughs in the capabilities of machine learning (ML) algorithms in recent years coupled with advancements in imaging tools have precipitated a revolution in automated medical image analysis.  ML-based methods are increasingly being used to extract data from diverse imaging modalities and guide clinical decision making in a range of specialties including radiology, ophthalmology, neurology, respiratory medicine and cancer. 

 This Collection aims to bring together original research on all aspects of ML-based medical image analysis, including but not limited to technological developments and new clinical applications.



Symbiotic relationships in plants 


客座编辑:Raffaella Balestrini,Nijat Imin,Sudisha Jogaiah

Most plants will form some kind of symbiotic relationship, with fungi, bacteria, and even insects – an example of the latter being patrolling ants housed in specialist organs. Some of these relationships (as with the ants) afford plants increased protection versus herbivores, whilst others help plants tolerate stressful environments; both invaluable, given the impact of climate change on our environment, and the need to feed an increasing population. However, symbionts can also provide significant nutritional benefits, most notably, nitrogen-fixing bacteria housed in the root nodules of specific plants. Understanding what underlies this compatibility could reduce the need for nitrogen fertilisers.

This Collection invites original research on plants and their symbionts, from the mechanisms of these association, to how these relationships may contribute towards sustainable agriculture.



Compound hazards 


客座编辑:Kyung-Ja Ha,Jeremy Phillips,Andrea Toreti

In recent years the concept of compound hazards, or multirisks, has emerged to better comprehend the effects of multiple hazards occurring simultaneously or one after another, dynamically coupled or independent, in close association. Extreme climatic events like droughts or cyclones, volcanic eruptions, landslides and other natural hazards, and even public health crises such as pandemics, threaten human lives, societies, and the natural and built environments. Often compound hazards include couplings between natural and anthropogenic processes, for example housing developments on steep slopes exacerbating landslide hazard, or informal refuse dumping contributing to urban flood risk.

The Collection will welcome the latest research on compound hazards, their origin, how they are connected and their short and long term impacts in a rapidly changing world.



Bioinspired robotic locomotion


客座编辑:David Hu,Jia-Yang Juang(台湾大学),Robert Siddall

Robotic locomotion has always been inspired by nature, as we strive to achieve the same levels of efficiency, fluidity and grace often observed when animals move through air, water and on land. On the other hand, developing bioinspired robots allows us to better understand highly intricate biological systems, in both living and extinct species. Whether employing insect leg structures, streamlined body shapes of fish or the flapping motions of birds, by using state of the art technology the possibilities are almost endless.

This Collection aims to facilitate interdisciplinary collaboration and gather original research focused on the development of robotic locomotion systems inspired by animal movement, as well as studies using robots to provide insights into biological locomotion.



Structural integrity of additively manufactured materials  


客座编辑:Sara Bagherifard, Giovanni Bruno, Andrey Molotnikov, Thomas Niendorf, Xueju Wang

This Collection aims to gather research articles advancing our current understanding of the interplay between microstructures and process attributes, in order to determine the structural integrity of additively-manufactured materials. With this in mind, we will consider submissions in the areas of fatigue and fracture mechanics, characterization, testing, and modelling of additively-manufactured structural components, as well as novel structural integrity assessment techniques.



Plate tectonics


客座编辑:Andrea Billi, Zheng-Xiang Li, Masaki Yoshida

The theory of Plate tectonics – developed from Alfred Wegener’s theory of Continental Drift to explain the movement of the continents – has become the prevailing theory underpinning our understanding of the Earth; how land forms, and the origin of extreme events. Plate tectonics explains why mountains form, earthquakes happen and why volcanoes occur where they do. Research in plate tectonics is broad, including constructive and destructive plate boundaries, intra-plate volcanism, and the origin and evolution of the lithosphere.

This Collection brings together the latest research across the breadth of the field of plate tectonics.



Zoonotic diseases 


客座编辑:Neil A. Mabbott, Stephan Pleschka, Zheng Xing

Zoonotic diseases, or zoonoses, are various kinds of illnesses caused by pathogens that jumped from non-human animals to humans. Zoonoses can be highly infectious and deadly, representing a serious public health problem around the world, disrupting individual well-being and societies as a whole. They may become even more of a threat under future climate scenarios and if habitat loss is not halted, increasing the chances of contact between humans and wildlife.

This Collection welcomes studies providing the latest insights on zoonotic disease emergence and spread, pathogen life cycles, development of new treatments and vaccines, preventive healthcare, and many other aspects from a variety of fields.



Cryo-electron microscopy 


客座编辑:Shashi Bhushan, Wei-Hau Chang(台湾“中央研究院”), Christiane Riedel, Suparna Sanyal, Hans-Joachim Wieden, Nan Yao

The first light microscope is thought to have been produced in the early 16th century. Of course it was much simpler than what is now available, however, as imaging technology has improved, resolution is no longer limited by the microscope, but by the wavelength of light itself; a different source of illumination is needed. Electron microscopes use a beam of electrons in place of light, and are therefore able to produce much higher resolution images. However, in order to visualise biomolecules directly (without burning them up), samples must be frozen and a gentler electron beam used: cryo-electron microscopy. Following a number of breakthroughs in the associated hardware and software over the last ten years, we have seen an explosion in the number of protein structures being determined by cryo-electron microscopy, and its application to studying larger structures – macromolecules, viruses, cells – has become much more widely mainstream.

This Collection invites original research presenting structures derived from cryo-EM as well as contributions to the underlying methods and technology.


Scientific Reports 《科学报告》

An open access journal publishing original research from across all areas of the natural sciencespsychologymedicine and engineering.


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