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博导的责任 The Care of Your Graduate Students

已有 4881 次阅读 2011-2-1 00:34 |系统分类:科研笔记| graduate, career






A recent commentary in Nature prompted me to write a small piece in my blog on The ScienceNet.cn to reflect on my thoughts on the responsibility of a graduate student in ensuring timely advances of his or her career.


In that piece I asked the students to 1) proactively arrange meetings with the boss; 2) write good quality reports with a note attached in the front to remind the boss the key issues in the report, and 3) raise questions but at the same time come up with solutions from the student’s perspective.


Someone then says: Hey, what about the responsibilities of the advisers? Now the following are what I had the good fortune to observe when I was a student myself:


1) Be a responsible adviser


Dedicate one meeting with each of the students at least once every six months. Give assessment on the student’s accomplishment thus far. Point out in unambiguous terms the good, the not so good, and the bad. Clearly outline the goals for the next six months.  Make sure someone is taking notes during the meeting.


2) Make every effort to attend the weekly lab meetings


The importance of a regular weekly lab meeting cannot be over-emphasized. Make sure that the students did their homework before coming to the meeting. Notebooks must be handy. Ask the students to speak succinctly on their own project, stating the purpose of the experiments, the findings, and the interpretations. Ask them to pay attention not only to their own projects but of the others, and actively take part in the discussion.


3)  Reward the students for their hard work


Reward the students generously.  Make sure their intellectual contributions are recognized by proper authorship in scholarly publications as well as in patent applications. Have them personally present their discoveries at national and international conferences. Help the students as they advance to the next stop in their career. Write a candid recommendation letter when asked.


Come to think about it, there is something missing in the Chinese systems of graduate studies. Every PhD student in the United States has a “Dissertation Committee” from the very beginning that meets with him or her every six months or so until dissertation defense. The committee behaves like a good old hen to make sure the often confused youngster not to go astray. 

The absence of a dissertation committee in the life of a Chinese graduate student is quite unfortunate in my opinion. The role of an adviser becomes all the more important under these circumstances.


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