英文写作中的一些常用缩写 阅读英文文献,经常会遇到 e.g., etc., et al., i.e., viz. ,它们都是拉丁文的缩写,但在现代科技文献中仍广为使用。这是因为任何语言和文化都有惯性。 e.g. 是英文中比较常见的拉丁文缩写 , 它是 exempli gratia 的缩写 , 意思是 for example (举例)为了方便记忆 ...
Our team of Hokkaido University scientists has succeeded in creating “fiber-reinforced soft composites,” or tough hydrogels combined with woven fiber fabric. These fabrics are highly flexible, tougher than metals, and have a wide range of potential applications. The newly developed fi ...