
Journal of Mountain Science Promotion Flyer Design
邱敦莲 2015-7-12 15:10
Generally we commisioned professional art designer for journal promotion materials design. I designed two pages of flyer for our journal with microsoft publisher. This software provides many color pattens and background selections. It makes the design become simple. The follows are several desi ...
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给JMS 编辑人员的一封信-就审稿人邀请和编辑推荐问题
热度 1 邱敦莲 2015-7-6 10:18
A letter to an editor--on reviewer invitation and editor's recommendation Journal of Mountain Science has recruited a group of active international editors (usually young scientists) to manage manuscripts. Their responsibility is to select and invite reviewers, communicate with reviewers, ...
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2014 Impact Factor for Journal of Mountain Science out now!
邱敦莲 2015-7-1 12:21
The 2014 Impact Factor for the Journal of Mountain Science is out now. The changing trends in the past years can be seen from the figure below. . I'll tak e this opportunity to thank the authors, reviewers, editorial board m embers, readers and all others who c ...
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A discussion on language and writing with JMS colleagues
邱敦莲 2015-6-11 09:58
I know as a Chinese writing science paper in accurate, concise and fluent English is a difficult thing and maybe just a fancy. However, it's the author's responsibility to try to write the contents clearly and logically. Some Chinese authors just translate their science papers from Chinese ...
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News: Editorial Member Prof. Kenneth HEWITT visited IMHE
邱敦莲 2015-5-25 11:16
Prof. Kenneth HEWITT from WilfridLaurier University visited the Institute of Mountain Hazards (IMHE), ChineseAcademy of Sciences while he came to Chengdu to attend the 4 th International Symposium on Mega Earthquake InducedGeo-disasters and Long Term Effects which was held in the Cheng ...
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向Journal of Mountain Science 投稿须确认的内容
邱敦莲 2015-5-20 16:28
Confirm that the manuscript has been submitted solely to this journal and is not published, in press, or submitted elsewhere. Confirm that all the research meets the ethical guidelines, including adherence to the legal r ...
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邱敦莲 2015-3-31 16:18
应 成都理工大学地质灾害防治与地质环境保护国家重点实验室 胡伟老师的邀请,3月29日下午,我和我们刊的语言编辑Laurence Svirchev到该重点实验室,与部分老师和同学交流了论文写作和投稿的心得。我向大家介绍了Journal of Mounain Science的发展历程,向JMS投稿的稿件准备和投稿要求,作 ...
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副主编Prof. Iain Taylor 对如何提升期刊国际影响力的建议
热度 3 邱敦莲 2015-3-20 15:55
注: Prof. Iain Taylor from the British Columbia University (Canada) is the associate Editor in Chief of the Journal of Mountain Science. In the past several years he has given us a lot of valuable suggestions on how to be a good editor and how to publish a quality journal. In 2013, before we appli ...
个人分类: JMS信息|2814 次阅读|6 个评论 热度 3

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