GWAS分析中SNP解释百分比PVE | 第一篇,SNP解释百分比之和为何大于1?
GWAS分析中SNP解释百分比PVE | 第二篇,GLM模型中如何计算PVE?
r$> mod_2 = lm(y ~ 1+pc1 + pc2 + pc3 ,data=dat1);summary(mod_2) Call: lm(formula = y ~ 1 + pc1 + pc2 + pc3, data = dat1) Residuals: Min 1Q Median 3Q Max -89.495 -19.318 -0.099 18.649 85.448 Coefficients: Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) (Intercept) 102.0467 0.8864 115.129 < 2e-16 *** pc1 -111.8205 28.0295 -3.989 7.11e-05 *** pc2 -21.6604 28.0295 -0.773 0.44 pc3 35.1350 28.0295 1.254 0.21 --- Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1 Residual standard error: 28.03 on 996 degrees of freedom Multiple R-squared: 0.01783, Adjusted R-squared: 0.01487 F-statistic: 6.028 on 3 and 996 DF, p-value: 0.0004546
r$> mod_2 = lm(y ~ 1+pc1 + pc2 + pc3 ,data=dat1);summary(mod_2) Call: lm(formula = y ~ 1 + pc1 + pc2 + pc3, data = dat1) Residuals: Min 1Q Median 3Q Max -89.495 -19.318 -0.099 18.649 85.448 Coefficients: Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) (Intercept) 102.0467 0.8864 115.129 < 2e-16 *** pc1 -111.8205 28.0295 -3.989 7.11e-05 *** pc2 -21.6604 28.0295 -0.773 0.44 pc3 35.1350 28.0295 1.254 0.21 --- Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1 Residual standard error: 28.03 on 996 degrees of freedom Multiple R-squared: 0.01783, Adjusted R-squared: 0.01487 F-statistic: 6.028 on 3 and 996 DF, p-value: 0.0004546
r$> x1 - x2 [1] 0.03100801
a3 = fread("04_glm_gapit/GAPIT.GLM.V3.GWAS.Results.csv") %>% arrange(P.value) # GAPIT GLM a3$Rs = a3$Rsquare.of.Model.with.SNP - a3$Rsquare.of.Model.without.SNP a3 = a3 %>% select(SNP,P.value,Rsquare.of.Model.without.SNP,Rsquare.of.Model.with.SNP,`FDR_Adjusted_P-values`,effect,Rs) head(a3)
❝来源:https://groups.google.com/g/gapit-forum/c/acp8bCjZuJo Jiabo Wang 2021年9月13日 13:32:02
收件人 GAPIT Forum Hi Manjeet,
In the GAPIT3, we can use "Random.model=TRUE" to calculate PVE (phenotype variance explained) with the significant markers. Sincerely, Jiabo
# GWAS 分析 library(data.table) source("http://zzlab.net/GAPIT/GAPIT.library.R") source("http://zzlab.net/GAPIT/gapit_functions.txt") myGd = fread("mdp_numeric.txt",header=T,data.table = F) myGM = fread("mdp_SNP_information.txt",header = T,data.table=F) myY = fread("dat_plink.txt",data.table = F) head(myY) covar = fread("cov_plink.txt",data.table = F)[,-1] names(covar)[1] = "Taxa" head(covar) myGAPIT = GAPIT(Y = myY[,c(1,3)],GD = myGd, GM = myGM, # PCA.total=3, CV = covar,Random.model=TRUE, model="MLM")
现在的GAPIT分析版本为:3.0 [1] "All packages are loaded already ! GAPIT.Version is 2020.10.24, GAPIT 3.0" [1] "MLM"
❝"rsquare_with_snp" is the R-sqaure_LR of the model WITH the tested SNP included in the model as an explanatory variable. In the context of the models fitted with GAPIT, this is the mixed model with the kinship matrix, PCs or any other covariates, and the SNP.
❝"rsquare_without_snp" is the R-sqaure_LR of the model WITHOUTthe tested SNP included in the mdoel as an explanatory variable In the context of the models fitted with GAPIT, this is the mixed model with the kinship matrix, PCs or any other covariates.
PVE = rsquare_with_snp - rsquare_without_snp
a2 = fread("05_lmm_gapit/GAPIT.MLM.V3.GWAS.Results.csv") %>% arrange(P.value) # GAPIT MLM a2$PVE = a2$Rsquare.of.Model.with.SNP - a2$Rsquare.of.Model.without.SNP head(a2)
> head(a2) SNP Chromosome Position P.value maf nobs Rsquare.of.Model.without.SNP Rsquare.of.Model.with.SNP FDR_Adjusted_P-values effect PVE 1: M98663 20 73 0.00001208 0.2220 1000 0.06567 0.08382 0.3635 -7.475 0.01815 2: M73233 15 64 0.00012951 0.2255 1000 0.06567 0.07953 0.9039 -6.450 0.01385 3: M82957 17 57 0.00017835 0.1685 1000 0.06567 0.07895 0.9039 7.436 0.01328 4: M82958 17 57 0.00017835 0.1685 1000 0.06567 0.07895 0.9039 7.436 0.01328 5: M37588 8 51 0.00021549 0.2705 1000 0.06567 0.07861 0.9039 -6.367 0.01294 6: M36594 8 31 0.00026062 0.3520 1000 0.06567 0.07827 0.9039 -5.610 0.01260
> # GAPIT 中的glm模型 > a1 = fread("04_glm_gapit/GAPIT.GLM.V3.GWAS.Results.csv") %>% arrange(P.value) # GAPIT GLM > a1$PVE = a1$Rsquare.of.Model.with.SNP - a1$Rsquare.of.Model.without.SNP > head(a1) SNP Chromosome Position P.value maf nobs Rsquare.of.Model.without.SNP Rsquare.of.Model.with.SNP FDR_Adjusted_P-values effect PVE 1: M57157 12 44 0.00000002658 0.3750 1000 0.01783 0.04884 0.0007997 7.518 0.03101 2: M57155 12 44 0.00000014999 0.3275 1000 0.01783 0.04543 0.0011567 7.242 0.02760 3: M57156 12 44 0.00000014999 0.3275 1000 0.01783 0.04543 0.0011567 7.242 0.02760 4: M98663 20 73 0.00000015377 0.2220 1000 0.01783 0.04538 0.0011567 -7.812 0.02755 5: M73233 15 64 0.00000051228 0.2255 1000 0.01783 0.04303 0.0029001 -7.526 0.02520 6: M8452 2 69 0.00000057828 0.4350 1000 0.01783 0.04279 0.0029001 -6.520 0.02496
> a2 = fread("05_lmm_gapit/GAPIT.MLM.V3.GWAS.Results.csv") %>% arrange(P.value) # GAPIT MLM > a2$PVE = a2$Rsquare.of.Model.with.SNP - a2$Rsquare.of.Model.without.SNP > head(a2) SNP Chromosome Position P.value maf nobs Rsquare.of.Model.without.SNP Rsquare.of.Model.with.SNP FDR_Adjusted_P-values effect PVE 1: M98663 20 73 0.00001208 0.2220 1000 0.06567 0.08382 0.3635 -7.475 0.01815 2: M73233 15 64 0.00012951 0.2255 1000 0.06567 0.07953 0.9039 -6.450 0.01385 3: M82957 17 57 0.00017835 0.1685 1000 0.06567 0.07895 0.9039 7.436 0.01328 4: M82958 17 57 0.00017835 0.1685 1000 0.06567 0.07895 0.9039 7.436 0.01328 5: M37588 8 51 0.00021549 0.2705 1000 0.06567 0.07861 0.9039 -6.367 0.01294 6: M36594 8 31 0.00026062 0.3520 1000 0.06567 0.07827 0.9039 -5.610 0.01260
> re = merge(a1,a2,by="SNP") > head(re) SNP Chromosome.x Position.x P.value.x maf.x nobs.x Rsquare.of.Model.without.SNP.x Rsquare.of.Model.with.SNP.x FDR_Adjusted_P-values.x effect.x PVE.x Chromosome.y 1: M100000 20 99 0.005662 0.1350 1000 0.01783 0.02541 0.1190 5.036 0.00758157 20 2: M10001 3 0 0.823235 0.0425 1000 0.01783 0.01788 0.9411 -0.716 0.00004923 3 3: M10003 3 0 0.490322 0.1175 1000 0.01783 0.01830 0.7910 -1.486 0.00046956 3 4: M10004 3 0 0.230065 0.3970 1000 0.01783 0.01925 0.5883 1.611 0.00142220 3 5: M10005 3 0 0.012427 0.2805 1000 0.01783 0.02402 0.1724 3.700 0.00618466 3 6: M10006 3 0 0.680577 0.3915 1000 0.01783 0.01800 0.8864 -0.547 0.00016722 3 Position.y P.value.y maf.y nobs.y Rsquare.of.Model.without.SNP.y Rsquare.of.Model.with.SNP.y FDR_Adjusted_P-values.y effect.y PVE.y 1: 99 0.19093 0.1350 1000 0.06567 0.06728 0.9877 2.7332 0.001606674 2: 0 0.73907 0.0425 1000 0.06567 0.06578 0.9927 -1.1751 0.000104136 3: 0 0.34225 0.1175 1000 0.06567 0.06652 0.9927 -2.2101 0.000846925 4: 0 0.47611 0.3970 1000 0.06567 0.06615 0.9927 1.0501 0.000476678 5: 0 0.08458 0.2805 1000 0.06567 0.06847 0.9877 2.8215 0.002796028 6: 0 0.92109 0.3915 1000 0.06567 0.06568 0.9957 -0.1459 0.000009211 > re %>% select(PVE.x,PVE.y) %>% cor PVE.x PVE.y PVE.x 1.0000 0.7875 PVE.y 0.7875 1.0000
> sum(a1$PVE) [1] 57.61 > sum(a2$PVE) [1] 28.31
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