chinahrm的个人博客分享 孙健敏 中国人民大学管理学教授


Meeting with Tim
2007-12-13 12:15
Tim feels much better now so we can continue our regular meeting on Tuesday. We didn't have meeting lastTuesdaybecause Tim had his wisdom teeth removed and it was hurting so much. I'm really glad to know they also call it the wisdom teeth, exactly the same with that in China. I remembe ...
个人分类: 日常活动|3295 次阅读|1 个评论
University of Maryland
2007-12-13 05:29
UM的校门很多,这是南校门之一,人家不叫门,叫Entrance 进了门就可以看到不同的光景了 我很喜欢这个设计,有点创意啊。 校园一角 5个图书馆之一 校长在这里 他们的体育场不如UF 的大 &nb ...
个人分类: 行万里路|4349 次阅读|3 个评论
2007-12-13 04:41
一年级的博士们: 我还没有给新生讲过,在你们的训练中,必须加强思想方法的训练。例如,人大没有要求你们学《自然辩证法》这门课,但我觉得你们自己应该看一些这方面的书!对于你们的思维训练是由好处的。 在谈思想方法的书中,有两本书之值得认真阅读的。一本是《The Structure of Scie ...
个人分类: Seminars|3902 次阅读|1 个评论
2007-12-13 04:21
欢迎光临我的博客。您可以从左边的栏目清单中选择您所感兴趣的内容进行浏览。 我的博客的服务对象是我的学生,我的企业界的朋友,我的学术界的朋友。同时欢迎任何感兴趣的其他人光临指导。 谢谢!
个人分类: 痴人说梦|3806 次阅读|没有评论
2007-12-13 04:06
我对硕士研究生没有特殊的要求,只要符合人大和劳动人事学院的招生条件,基本上都可以接受。 我的硕士生的培养目标是两个:一个是毕业后从事人力资源管理工作,或者自己去创业;二是将来毕业后继续攻读博士学位,无论是在国内还是到国外。 但这并不等于说什么人都可以做我的学生。我对硕士生的要求和希望体现在 ...
个人分类: Master application|4993 次阅读|1 个评论
announcement for applicants
2007-12-13 03:51
I receive emails conerning about apply for my Ph.D students almost every day in the past two months. I have to answer the same questions to different people, which is really time consuming. I hope this message could help to answer your questions and concerns about applying for the Ph.D program in ...
个人分类: Ph.D application|3461 次阅读|没有评论
Department party
2007-12-13 03:20
It's the holiday season now here in the US. There would be a christmas party organized by the deparment at the end of the semester or near the beginning of the holiday. Yesterday (December 11th) is our department party or the christmas dessert party as they called it. The so called Party is in fac ...
个人分类: 日常活动|2654 次阅读|没有评论
2007-12-13 00:16
Recently, I was informed by the authority of RUC that a new college called International College was just establishedthis past June in Suzhou, Jiangsu province.Some of the programs at the main campus ware allowed to recruit Ph.D students on Suzhou campus. The Ph.D program of HRM ...
个人分类: Ph.D application|2917 次阅读|没有评论
2007-12-13 00:07
个人分类: Students|3241 次阅读|4 个评论
2007-12-12 00:08
开题报告 : 这是2002年根据学校和学院规范研究生培养的要求,我负责起草的一个基本的论文规范。实际上距离国际标准还有一定距离,只是基本要求而已。但能按照这个标准照猫画虎对于很多学生来说已属不易了。 现在,人大研究生院已经明确规定:硕士生的毕业论文可以有三种方式:调查报告、案例分 ...
个人分类: Students|3235 次阅读|没有评论

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