在王鸿飞教授的微信朋友圈读到他转发的一篇好文,题目叫 How The US College Went From Pitiful To Powerful? 英语文章链接: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MzIzMDI0NjYzNw==mid=2662397700idx=3sn=5b588d90abdc5f9f36e2e2ce6bc91c6echksm=f3f20686c4858f909e9e9b31870e1a4f4b0e83e7e2327ac782 ...
在 YouTube 上 看 今年的NBA全明星赛视频,不知怎么就看到了勇士队全明星球员 格林(Dramond Green)的一个记者发布会视频。那是2016年4月,勇士客场与休斯顿火箭第4场比赛后的发布会。 一个记者这样问: Draymond, here’s an interesting question. So last year, you visit us, game three, there ...
1. After the invention of the bicycle , the average distance between birthplaces of spouses in England increased from one mile to 30 miles. 自行车发明后,英格兰的通婚半径从1英里(1.6公里)增加到30英里。 The year 2017 is the bicentenary of the invention of th ...
爆笑+绝佳英语学习材料!每一个老二都算数 ---各国电视台模仿川普语言风格的反讽视频 http://everysecondcounts.eu/ 1. 先是荷兰电视台 搞了一个“美国第一,荷兰能当老二吗?”的视频,在Youtube 上 浏览量已经超过了两千万! 翻译是谷歌机器翻译 This is a message from the governme ...
https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/compost/wp/2017/01/24/the-true-correct-story-of-what-happened-at-donald-trumps-inauguration/?utm_term=.d505155864d4 顺便体验下google 机器翻译的结果。 The true, correct story of what happened at Donald Trump’s inauguration By Alexandra ...