
Senior Research Fellowship at the Oxford-Man Institute
刘建国 2010-10-22 21:03
Senior Research Fellowship at the Oxford-Man Institute, University of Oxford Three year post, starting 1st September 2011 Grade 09S 42,563 - 49,342 (with a discretionary range to 53,981 p.a.) The fellowships are likely to be accompanied by non-stipendiary College resear ...
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Winter School on "Network Theory and Applications"
刘建国 2010-10-14 19:13
Network Theory and Applications will take place from January 05-08, 2011 at the University of Warwick organised by the Warwick Centre for Complexity Science and the CABDyn Complexity Centre at the University of Oxford. This school is primarily intended for students and young researchers i ...
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IMPORTANT INFORMATION:Senior Research Fellow in Complex Syst
刘建国 2010-10-13 21:50
CABDyN VACANCIES Sad Business School Senior Research Fellow in Complex Systems CABDyN Complexity Centre Grade 8 (36,715 - 43,840 with discretionary range to 47,905), Fixed term post for two and a half years We are seeking to recruit a Senior Research Fell ...
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刘建国 2010-10-13 18:16
从10月7日抵达牛津已经近一个礼拜了,期间经历了准备签证材料的忙忙碌碌,递交材料的小心翼翼和拿回结果的忐忑不安。现在空闲下来把过程贴出来与大家共享。 我申请的Tier-1签证,是所有签证中最难得。打分需要达到100分才可以。不过如果英 ...
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刘建国 2010-10-13 16:48
从10月7日抵达牛津到今天已经近一个星期了,总算把生活琐事都安顿下来了。学院秘书Jennie发来一个本地租房网的信息,找打了一个当地人家。在国内就约好了10月7号上午来看房子,如果可以直接入住。还好一切都很顺利。房东人很好,不用交押金也不用交当月的房租直接让我入住,晚 ...
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刘建国 2010-10-12 16:09
刚刚收到的信息: We are offering a Marie Curie Fellowship for Early Stage Researchers. The research will be carried out in the framework of the Marie Curie Initial Training Network ManETEI (www.manetei.eu ). The ManETEI network offers a research-led training program to create a rigorous collaborati ...
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刘建国 2010-10-6 15:16
The Omidyar Postdoctoral Fellowship offers: unparalleled intellectual freedom transdisciplinary collaboration with leading researchers worldwide up to three years in residence in Santa Fe, New Mexico discretionary research and collaboration funds individual ...
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刘建国 2010-9-27 13:45
超网络中心的网站刚刚发布,帮忙宣传一下,哈。下面是中心简介。 超网络研究中心简介 &nbs ...
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上海理工大学复杂系统学术报告(by Prof. Frank Schweitzer from ETH)
刘建国 2010-9-16 23:53
各位老师,您们好! 为了庆祝中瑞建交60周年,由上海理工大学复杂系统科学研究中心,瑞士联邦政府科技文化中心,上海系统科学研究院共同主办的学术交流活动将邀请苏黎世联邦理工学院系统设计专业教授兼主任(Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich)的Frank Schweitzer教授进行学术交流。 报告的时间为:2010 ...
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