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已有 4670 次阅读 2015-9-15 17:50 |个人分类:应力计算|系统分类:科研笔记


1) 应力计算:加应变, 计算应力(剪切应力+主应力)

2) 应力测试的方法:   氢脆、氦脆效应的研究



cat  constr_cell_relax.F
! At present, VASP does not allow to relax the cellshape selectively
! i.e. for instance only cell relaxation in x direction.
! To be more precisse, this behaviour can not be achived via the INCAR
! or POSCAR file.
! However, it is possible to set selected components of the stress tensor
! to zero.
! The most conveninent position to do this is the routines
! CONSTR_CELL_RELAX  (constraint cell relaxation).
! FCELL contains the forces on the basis vectors.
! These forces are used to modify the basis vectors according
! to the following equations:
!      A_OLD(1:3,1:3)=A(1:3,1:3) ! F90 style
!      DO J=1,3
!      DO I=1,3
!      DO K=1,3
!        A(I,J)=A(I,J) + FCELL(I,K)*A_OLD(K,J)*STEP_SIZE
!      ENDDO
!      ENDDO
!      ENDDO
! where A holds the basis vectors (in cartesian coordinates).

     USE prec
     REAL(q) FCELL(3,3)

!     just one simple example
!     relaxation in x directions only
!      SAVE=FCELL(1,1)
!      FCELL=0   ! F90 style: set the whole array to zero
!      FCELL(1,1)=SAVE


应力测试的方法:   氢脆、氦脆效应的研究

2008-Hydrogen Embrittlementof Metals

This fundamentaldifference in the phase diagrams results in a fundamental difference in thehydrogen damage processes. When the hydrogen content of aluminumor steel exceeds the solubility limit hydrogen gas bubbles should precipitate in the metal lattice,leading to hydrogen induced blistering or cracking.

In contrast,when the hydrogen content of zirconium, titanium, uranium and other hydrideforming metals exceeds the solubility limit, metalhydrides precipitate. The hydrides are typically low density, brittlecompounds whose presence degrades the ductility of the alloy.

Additionally,applied and/or residual stresses may interactwith the stresses associated with the volume expansion of the low densityhydride phase and effect the orientation and distribution of the hydrideprecipitates.

正文-氢损伤的N种表现-hydrogen embrittlement

 The four forms of hydrogen damage discussed previously


cracking from precipitation of internal hydrogen,

hydrogen attack ,

and crackingfrom hydride formation)

can be qualitatively understood by consideringthe influence of a phase transformation

(precipitation of a hydrogen gas bubble,t

he production of an insoluble gaseous product or the precipitation of ahydride) on the mechanical properties.

An understandingof the fifth form of hydrogen damage (hydrogen embrittlement)is much more elusive even though the first published papers on the subject werepublished over a century ago.

Early workdemonstrated that the susceptibility of mild steels to hydrogen embrittlementduring a tensile test is dependent on the testtemperature and strain rate, Figure 19.

Other workshowed that hydrogen embrittlement could occur whenthe applied stress level was below the yield strength of the material.

In this case thehydrogen embrittlement process is similar to thedelayed failure hydride embrittlement in titanium and zirconium welds,except that no hydride phase is formed. In fact, the term delayed failureoriginated from descriptions of hydrogen embrittlement in steels. Qualitatively delayed failure hydrogen embrittlement involves  the following generalized processes:

1) Hydrogen isintroduced into the component during manufacture (or service).

2) The absorbedhydrogen atom is too large to fit comfortably in the interstitial sites in the metal lattice and because of its mobility will migrateto extraordinary sites where the lattice is dilated【扩大的,膨胀的】.

3) The extraordinary sites in an unstressed componentare randomly distributed throughout the material and consist primarily ofinclusions, precipitates, dislocation tangles, grain boundaries and other suchmicrostructural features. The hydrogen is therefore distributed in amacroscopically random fashion and the local accumulations do not produce localfractures. This lack of hydrogen induced damage will persist until thecomponent is placed in service.

4) The serviceinduced loads will result in concentrated stresses which produce localized, macroscopicregions of lattice dilation. For example, the region immediately below a threadroot of a loaded bolt. Hydrogen will then migrate tothis region of lattice dilation.

When thehydrogen concentration in that localized region reachesa critical level, a crack will nucleate andpropagate through the region that has the high hydrogen concentration.

(Thetime required for this event to occur will depend on the metallurgicalcondition of the material, temperature of exposure, hydrogen content in thematerial and the magnitude of the stress concentration.The mechanism by which the hydrogen induced cracksnucleate and propagate remains a subject for scientific debate but this paperwill assume that hydrogen lowers the strength of the various microscopicinterfaces in the material and facilitates dislocationnucleation at the crack tip.)

5) The cracknucleation and/or extension process relieves thestresses and associated lattice dilationin the cracked region and moves the region of high stress and lattice dilationto a zone immediately below the new crack tip.

6) Hydrogen willrelocate to the newly dilated zone and the crack nucleation/propagation processwill repeat until either the crack reaches a critical size and the componentfractures or the stresses acting on the component have decreased to the pointthat a critical hydrogen concentration cannot be reached in the region oflattice dilation.




弹性力学;非均质材料力学 ;流固耦合力学























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