Title: Holographic Description of BPS Wilson Loops in Flavored ABJM Theory
Speaker: Mr. Meng-Qi Zhu (SISSA, Italy)
Time: 3:30PM, Aug. 26 (Wednesday)
Place: Theoretical Physics Division,319
As holographic description of BPS Wilson loops in N=3 flavored ABJM theory with Nf=k=1, BPS M2-branes in AdS4×N(1,1) are studied in details. Two 1/3-BPS membrane configurations are found. One of them is dual to the 1/3-BPS Wilson loop of Gaiotto-Yin type. The regulated membrane action captures precisely the leading exponential behavior of the vacuum expectation values of 1/3-BPS Wilson loops in the strong coupling limit, which was computed before using supersymmetric localization technique. Moreover, there is no BPS membrane with more supersymmetries in the background, under quite natural assumption on the membrane worldvolume. This suggests that there is no Wilson loop preserving more than 1/3 supersymmetries in such flavored ABJM theory.