人工全关节置换(total joint arthroplasty)是处理严重退行性关节疾病的最终选项。随着技术的成熟,人工全关节置换现在被看做是外科史上最成功的干预形式之一。可是,人工关节植入所引起的关节假体周围感染(periprostheticjoint infection, PJI)却是骨整形学面临的最严峻的挑战。
正确区分开PJI和其它导致关节假体移植失败的因素十分重要。PJI最常见的症状为疼痛,急性期多在局部呈现红肿热疼等炎症经典症状;而慢性炎症下的症状并不典型,可能只表现为疼痛,并可能主诉在骨移植界面移植假体的松动感。总之,无论是急性还是慢性感染,所呈现的症状都难于和其它类型炎症呈现的症状区分。骨整形外科中用于诊断PJI所用影像学手段包括MRI,PET扫描,骨扫描和铟标记WBC扫描等,但这些方法所获结果常常并不理想,成像手段并不能直接确认PJI;而PJI的实验室检测多都有参考意义,却未能解决诊断特异性的问题,指标包括红细胞沉降率(ESR),血清C反应蛋白(CRP),滑膜液中白细胞数和类型,白细胞酯酶检测试剂(LeukocyteEsterase Test Strip)等。滑膜液细菌培养常常失败,可能与抗生素使用,细菌数量偏低和培养技术有限等有关。
相应学术论文:Deirmengian C1, Kardos K,Kilmartin P, Gulati S, Citrano P, Booth RE Jr. The Alpha-defensin Test forPeriprosthetic Joint Infection Responds to a Wide Spectrum of Organisms. ClinOrthop Relat Res. 2015 Jan 29.
The alpha-defensin test has beenpreviously demonstrated to be highly accurate in the diagnosis of prostheticjoint infection (PJI), nearly matching the Musculoskeletal Infection Societydefinition for PJI. However, the relationship between alpha-defensin levels anddiffering infecting organism has not yet been investigated.
The purpose of this study is to describethe breadth of organisms that can trigger a positive synovial fluidalpha-defensin test result in the setting of PJI and also to assess themagnitude of the alpha-defensin result in terms of various pathogencharacteristics.
Between December 2012 and March 2014,one laboratory processed 2319 synovial fluid samples for alpha-defensintesting. The present study reviewed the results of the 1937 samples thatsimultaneously had a synovial fluid culture performed; these came from 418surgeons in 42 states. The overall culture-positive rate was 49% (244 of 498)among alpha-defensin-positive synovial fluids and 1% (19 of 1439) amongalpha-defensin-negative synovial fluids. The organisms recovered from 244alpha-defensin-positive, culture-positive fluids were recorded and groupedbased on various characteristics, including Gram type, species, virulence, oralpathogenicity, and source joint. Alpha-defensin-negative samples served asuninfected controls. Median alpha-defensin levels were calculated for eachgroup, and Dunn's multiple comparison test for nonparametric data was used toidentify any statistically significant (p < 0.05) organism-specificdifferences in the alpha-defensin level.
The alpha-defensin test for PJI waspositive in the setting of a wide spectrum of organisms typically causing PJI.The median alpha-defensin level for all 244 alpha-defensin-positive, culture-positivesamples (4.7 [interquartile range {IQR}, 3.7-5.3]) was higher than negativecontrols (0.26 [IQR, 0.22-0.33]) with a median difference of 4.4 (p <0.001). There were no differences in the median alpha-defensin levels whenperforming a multiple comparison test among Gram-positive organisms (4.7 [IQR,3.6-5.3]), Gram-negative organisms (4.8 [IQR, 4.2-5.3]), yeast (4.1 [IQR,2.2-5.1]), virulent organisms (4.7 [IQR, 3.8-5.2]), less virulent organisms(4.8 [IQR, 3.6-5.4]), oral pathogens (4.5 [IQR, 3.2-5.2]), knees (4.7 [IQR,3.7-5.3]), hips (4.9 [IQR, 4.1-5.8]), or shoulders (5.3 [IQR, 4.0-10.7]) withall comparisons having a p > 0.999.
The alpha-defensin test providesconsistent results regardless of the organism type, Gram type, species, orvirulence of the organism and should be seriously considered to be a standarddiagnostic tool in the evaluation for PJI. Future research should focus on theperformance of this test in specific clinical scenarios such as the immediatepostoperative period in the setting of severe immunocompromise and in thesetting of a native joint.
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