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华人数学家张益唐获得2014年度麦克阿瑟“天才”奖 精选

已有 21101 次阅读 2014-9-19 08:41 |个人分类:数学研究|系统分类:人物纪事| 华人数学家, 张益堂, 麦克阿瑟“天才”奖





据美国麦克阿瑟基金会(John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation2014916宣布,将2014年度的麦克阿瑟奖(MacArthur Fellows)授予21位获奖者(21 new MacArthur Fellows),其中华人数学家张益榜上有名,因为张益在孪生素数猜想方面的突出贡献获奖。另外20位在创造方面有成就的获奖者包括科学家、律师、作曲家、诗人、历史学家等,每人将在未来5年获得62.5万美元的资助,且没有任何附加条件。

张益,华人数学家。1978年考入北京大学数学系,1982年本科毕业;19821985年,师从著名数学家、北京大学潘承彪教授攻读硕士学位;1992年毕业于美国普渡大学(Purdue University),获博士学位;1999年作为一名讲师加入新罕布什尔大学University of New Hampshire)之前,他曾经担任过会计师和交付员工作,目前,是美国新罕布什尔大学数学系教授。张益2013417向《数学年刊》(Annals of Mathematics)投稿证明存在无穷多对素数相差都小于7000万的论文《Bounded gaps between primes》。同年521,该篇论文被数学年刊接受[1] 。下面附上来自网络的相关信息:

张益,华人数学家。1978年考入北京大学数学系,1982年本科毕业;1982—1985年,师从著名数学家、北京大学潘承彪教授攻读硕士学位;1992年毕业于美国普渡大学,获博士学位。20135月,张益在孪生素数研究方面所取得的突破性进展,他证明了孪生素数猜想的一个弱化形式。在最新研究中,张益在不依赖未经证明推论的前提下,发现存在无穷多个之差小于7000万的素数对,从而在孪生素数猜想这个重要问题的道路上前进了一大步[2] 。甚至有人认为其对学界的影响将超过陈景润“1+2”证明[3] 

2013513,张益在美国哈佛大学发表演讲,介绍了他的这项研究进展。2013122,美国数学会宣布2014年弗兰克˙奈尔森˙科尔(Frank Nelson Cole)数论奖将授予张益[4] 2014213,张益又获得瑞典皇家科学院,瑞典皇家音乐学院,瑞典皇家艺术学院联合设立的的Rolf Schock奖中的数学奖。[5] 


2014916,获得麦克阿瑟天才奖[6] MacArthur Fellowship)。







张益2013417在《数学年刊》(Annals of Mathematics)投稿证明存在无穷多个质数对相差都小于7000。论文于2013521已经完成同行评审获正式接收[1] 








在英国数学家Tim Gowers等人发起的“Polymath”计划中,孪生素数问题成为了一个在全球数学工作者中利用网络进行合作的一个典型。人们不断的改进张益的证明,进一步拉近了与最终解决孪生素数猜想的距离。在20142月,张益的七千万已经被缩小到246[10] 


·       1  Bounded gaps between primes Pages 1121-1174 fromVolume 179 (2014), Issue 3 by Yitang Zhang  Annals of Mathematics [引用日期2014-08-8] 

·       2  华人科学家张益唐首次证明:存在无穷多素数对  .人民网 [引用日期2013-05-15] 

·       3  因破译孪生素数猜想的华人数学家张益唐个人资料简介  Jihot [引用日期2013-05-18] 

·       4  北大数学科学学院校友张益唐荣获2014年科尔数论奖  .北京大学 2013-12-9 [引用日期2013-12-9] 

·       5  The Rolf Schock Prizes 2014  .瑞典皇家科学院 2014-02-13 [引用日期2014-02-15] 

·       6  MACARTHUR FELLOWS / MEET THE CLASS OF 2014 YitangZhang   MacArthur Foundation 2014-9-16 [引用日期2014-09-17] 

·       7  数学家张益唐破译孪生素数猜想 .腾讯教育 2013-05-18 [引用日期2013-05-23] 

·       8  First proof that infinitely many prime numbers comein pairs  .《自然》杂志 2013-05-14 [引用日期2014-02-12] 

·       9  数学家张益唐破译孪生素数猜想《自然》杂志称之为重要的里程碑 .新华新闻 2013-5-18 [引用日期2013-05-23]

·       10  素数并不孤单  .科学松鼠会 2013-06-14 [引用日期2013-06-15] 

Yitang Zhang


Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics

University of New Hampshire

Durham, NH

Age: 59

Yitang Zhang is a mathematician who emerged from relative obscurity with a landmark achievement in analytic number theory: the so-called bounded prime gap, which essentially establishes that the difference in spacing between two consecutive prime numbers is, infinitely often, bounded by a fixed number.

Prime numbers have inspired great intrigue over the last centuries, and one of the most basic unanswered questions has been the spacing between two consecutive prime numbers, or the twin prime conjecture, which states that there are infinitely many pairs of primes that differ by two. Despite many efforts at proving this conjecture, mathematicians were not able to rule out the possibility that the gaps between primes continue to expand, eventually exceeding any particular bound. Zhang’s work shows that there are infinitely many consecutive primes, or pairs of primes, closer than 70 million. In other words, as you go to larger and larger numbers, the primes will not become further and further apart—you will keep finding prime pairs that differ by less than 70 million.

While these conjectures have no known direct applications, although some allude to possible impact in cryptography, they represent a quintessentially hard problem, an area that has frustrated generations of mathematicians. Zhang built on techniques developed by experts over the last fifty years but combined these in a masterful way to provide the best possible qualitative approximation of the twin prime conjecture. His work has generated significant collaborations across the community to expand on his effort, and within months of his discovery that number was reduced from 70 million to less than 5,000. Zhang’s impact will surely grow as he turns his focus and incredible perseverance to other truly hard questions in number theory.

Yitang Zhang received a B.S. (1982) and M.S. (1984) from Peking University and a Ph.D. (1991) from Purdue University. Recently named a professor in the Department of Mathematics at the University of New Hampshire, he worked in a wide array of positions, including as an accountant and a delivery worker, before joining the faculty of the University of New Hampshire as a lecturer in 1999. His seminal work was published in the Annals of Mathematics.

Zhang achieved an unexpected result last year when he showed that there are infinitely many pairs of prime numbers separated by a gap of a bounded size ("Bounded gaps between primes," Annals of Mathematics, Vol 179 (2014), issue 3). He was named a co-recipient of the 2014 Cole Prize in Number Theory for his work.

关于曾经获得麦克阿瑟奖(MacArthur Fellows)的更多华人科学家详细信息,请浏览王守业博主撰写的麦克阿瑟奖(MacArthur)及获该奖的华人”,或者张益唐的采访录


Hi-res photos for download. Photos licensed under a Creative Commons license. Courtesy of the John D. & Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. Right-click on the links below to save the file to your computer.


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