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To 海归or not to海归 – that is the question 精选

已有 21124 次阅读 2014-3-9 21:20 |个人分类:生活点滴|系统分类:海外观察

(For new reader and those whorequest 好友请求, please read my 公告 first) 

This is certainly a question faced by many Chinese students currently  in the US or even students planning to come to the US. Its answer is no longer  as straightforward as it was several decades ago when I came to the US  as a teenager. My Father’s association with the KMT government, the Korean  War,   the Cultural Revolution, and my growing up in the US all made  the  choice obvious. However, during the past decade, China has come of age  economically  and administratively. Various incentives to entice student  to return have been launched. For students who are in their twenties or  early thirties. This is a real question. Here below I give my own simplified view.

Reasons for staying in the US:

  1. Freedom of thought and speech

  2. Environment of innovation

  3. A comfortable life with relatively little risks

  4. Freedom of travel and movement

  5. Above all you control 80% of your life and  career while  the reverse seems to be true even in current China

Reasons for not staying inthe US:

  1. Returning to homeland and be with relatives

  2. Government incentives

  3. No covert discrimination

  4. Greater opportunity with your own kind

  5. Glass ceiling in the US for top positions

  6. No need to adapt to a foreign culture (科学网—[转载]中国海外人才归国潮:不能融入西方主流社会)

  7. Future of my children (a two edge sword)


One can write a long  article for each of the factors above.  On the  other hand, there seems to be a third alternative in this globalized world  that in some sense combines the best of both. You choose  to be based in either the US or China (by keeping citizenship in one of the  countries) but utilize you bi-cultural background to do business in the other country where you may enjoy some competitive advantage. I am seeing increasing number of examples (both ways)  of personnel in this category.   In fact, people may say that my own second and third career  in RETIREMENT can also be put in this category even though my reasons for doing this is not for CAREER considerations  above since 90% of my work  are voluntary and done without monetary compensations.

Note added 3/9/2013 Just so that there is no misunderstanding I am comparing ONLY the consideration of younger Chinese students studying in the US vs. returning to China. I am not considering the general quality of life of residents of one country vs other countries. Don't read more into this article than what is stated.


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