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《生物医学信息学》(2013年 第四版)

已有 7211 次阅读 2013-9-16 16:01 |个人分类:生物信息|系统分类:科研笔记| 计算机, background, 哥伦比亚, default, images


         哥伦比亚大学医学院生物医学信息学专家Edward H. Shortliffe 主编的、2013年10月即将出版的《生物医学信息学:计算机在卫生保健和生物医学中的应用》(第四版)(Biomedical Informatics Computer Applications in Health Care and Biomedicine)


新增了 转化生物信息学的内容Translational Bioinformatics  

4th edition - Chapter 1 - complete.pdf

Fourth Edition
Biomedical Informatics Computer Applications in Health Care and Biomedicine
E.H. Shortliffe, Editor
J.J. Cimino, Associate Editor

Table of Contents

Front Matter

Front Pages and Dedication




I. Recurrent Themes in Biomedical Informatics

1. Biomedical Informatics: The Science and the Pragmatics

Edward H. Shortliffe and Marsden S. Blois

2. Biomedical Data: Their Acquisition, Storage, and Use

Edward H. Shortliffe and G. Octo Barnett

3. Biomedical Decision Making: Probabilistic Clinical Reasoning

Douglas K. Owens and Harold C. Sox

4. Cognitive Science and Biomedical Informatics

Vimla L. Patel and David R. Kaufman

5. Computer Architectures for Health Care and Biomedicine

Jonathan Silverstein and Ian Foster

6. Software Engineering for Health Care and Biomedicine

Adam Wilcox, Scott Narus, and David Vawdrey

7. Standards in Biomedical Informatics

W. Edward Hammond and Stan Huff

8. Natural Language and Text Processing in Health Care and Biomedicine

Carol Friedman and No閙ie Elhadad

9. Imaging and Structural Informatics

Daniel L. Rubin and James Brinkley

10. Ethics and Health Informatics: Users, Standards, and Outcomes

Kenneth W. Goodman, Reid Cushman, and Randolph A. Miller

11. Evaluation and Technology Assessment

Charles P. Friedman and Jeremy C. Wyatt

II. Biomedical Informatics Applications

12. Electronic Health Record Systems

Paul C. Tang, Clement J. McDonald, and George Hripcsak

13. The Health Information Infrastructure

William A. Yasnoff

14. Management of Information in Healthcare Organizations

Lynn Harold Vogel

15. Patient-Care Systems

Judy Ozbolt, Suzanne Bakken, and Patricia Dykes

16. Public Health Informatics

Martin LaVenture, David Ross, and William A. Yasnoff

17. Consumer Health Informatics

Kevin Johnson, Holly Jimison, and Kenneth Mandl

18. Telemedicine and Telehealth

Justin Starren, Michael Chiang, and Thomas S. Nesbitt

19. Patient Monitoring Systems

Reed M. Gardner, Terry Clemmer, Scott Evans, and Roger G. Mark

20. Imaging Systems in Radiology

Bradley Erickson and Robert A. Greenes

21. Information Retrieval and Digital Libraries

William Hersh

22. Clinical Decision-Support Systems

Mark A. Musen, Robert A. Greenes, and Blackford Middleton

23. Computers in Health Science Education

Parvati Dev and Titus Schleyer

24. Bioinformatics

Russ B. Altman and Sean Mooney

25. Translational Bioinformatics

Jessica Tenenbaum, Nigam Shah, and Russ B. Altman

26. Clinical Research Informatics

Philip Payne, Peter Embi, and James J. Cimino

III. Biomedical Informatics in the Years Ahead

27. Health Information Technology Policy

Robert Rudin, Paul Tang, and David Bates

28. The Future of Computer Applications in Biomedicine

Mark Frisse, Isaac Koohane, Valerie Florance, and Kenneth Mandl



Name Index

Subject Index



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