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review: Editorial

已有 3377 次阅读 2013-7-4 21:52 |个人分类:Software|系统分类:科研笔记


1 Clouds and service-oriented architectures

2 Trust, security and privacy for pervasive applications

3 Special issue on collective intelligence

4 Novel approaches in the design and implementation of system/software architectures

5 Model-driven provisioning of application services in hybrid computing environments

6 Data mining for software trustworthiness

7 Collaborative business process technologies

8 Relational and algebraic methods in computer science

9  Introduction to Special Section on Formal Methods in Pervasive Computing

10 Special issue of the Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (JDPC)
on novel architectures for high-performance computing

11 Editorial
Pattern languages: addressing the challenges

12 Scanning the Issue
Special Issue on Modeling and Design of Embedded Software

13 Social Recommender Systems






[1] Clouds and service-oriented architectures

   Virtualisation technology


Clouds and service-oriented architectures.pdf



[2] Trust, security and privacy for pervasive applications

GuojunWang ·Wanlei Zhou · Laurence T. Yang

J Supercomput (2013) 64:661–663


   Pervasive computing ->



   -- The first paper, “A Holistic Approach Examining RFID Design for Security and

   -- The second paper, “Secure Localization and Location Verification inWireless Sensor
Networks: A Survey,”

   -- The third paper, “Requirements and Design for Neutral Trust Management Framework
in Unstructured Networks,”

   -- The fourth paper, “Dynamic Camouflage Event based Malicious Node Detection

   -- The fifth paper, “ADVS: A Reputation-based Model on Filtering SPIT over P2PVoIP

   -- The sixth paper, “User Requirements-Aware Security Ranking in SSL Protocol,”

   -- The seventh paper, “Detection of Blackhole Attack in a Wireless Mesh Network
using Intelligent Honeypot Agents,”

   The eighth paper, “VectorTrust: Trust Vector Aggregation Scheme for Trust Management
in Peer-to-Peer Networks,”



Trust, security and privacy for pervasive applications.pdf



[3] Special issue on collective intelligence

Information Sciences 180 (2010) 1–3



   Social and Semantic Web


   the emerging predominant research question: how can people and computers be connected
so that collectively they act more intelligently than any individuals, groups, or computers have ever done



   the mind of a digital ecosystem


Guest editorial Special issue on collective intelligence.pdf




[4] Novel approaches in the design and implementation of system/software architectures

The Journal of Systems and Software 85 (2012) 459– 462


System and software engineering
System and software architectures
Special issue
1. Introduction


   SSA:system and software architectures


   SHARK Workshop


Novel approaches in the design and implementation of system software architectures.pdf


[5] Model-driven provisioning of application services in hybrid computing environments

Future Generation Computer Systems 29 (2013) 1211–1215


   Cloud computing -> hybrid computing environments


   -- ever-increasing scale, performance, and energy saving



   The rest of this editorial paper is organized as follows:
Section 2 discusses the research challenges associated with
provisioning applications in hybrid computing environments;
Section 3 summarizes the research contributions that were
accepted for this special issue; Section 4 concludes the paper with
some future remarks.

2. Research challenges




    research challenges



3. Summary of contributions




Model-driven provisioning of application services in hybrid computing environments.pdf


[6-] Data mining for software trustworthiness

   Information Sciences 191 (2012) 1–2



   theoretical and practical problems in the area of data mining for software trustworthiness


   Question: How to select an appropriate classifier for a given task?


Data mining for software trustworthiness.pdf



[7] Collaborative business process technologies

   Maria E. Orlowska, Shazia Sadiq

Data & Knowledge Engineering 52(2 005) 1–3



   Workflow Management Systems

Collaborative business process technologies.pdf




[8] Relational and algebraic methods in computer science    

The Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming 81 (2012) 623–624



   12th International Conference on Relational and AlgebraicMethods in Computer Science (RAMiCS 2011)



I comment:  too complex to apply

Relational and algebraic methods in computer science.pdf




[9] Introduction to Special Section on Formal Methods in Pervasive Computing
MOHAMED BAKHOUYA, Aalto University
ROY CAMPBELL, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Performance Computing and Networking
ANAND RANGANATHAN, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center

ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems, Vol. 7, No. 1, April 2012.





   Ubiquitous and pervasive applications may present critical requirements from the point of view of functional
correctness, reliability, availability, security, and safety. Unlike traditional safety-critical applications, the
behavior of ubiquitous and pervasive applications is affected by the movements and location of users and
resources. In this article, we first present emerging formal methods for the description of both entities and
their behavior in pervasive computing environments; then, we introduce this special issue. Despite many
previous works that have focused on modeling the entities, relatively few have concentrated on modeling or
verifying behaviors; and almost none has dealt with combining techniques proposed in these two aspects. The   articles accepted in this special issue cover some of the topics aforementioned and constitute a representative  sample of the latest development of formal methods in pervasive computing environments.




   A key concept for pervasive applications is location


   main:  context modeling -> ontology

   few:  modeling and verifying the behavior of these entities


   tools: Ambient Calculus, Ambient Logic, and Bigraphical Reactive Systems




2.1. System Specification
2.1.1. Specification of Entities and Other Context Information.


   Ontology-based models: OWL-DL (Ontology Web Language Description Logics)



2.1.2. Specification of Behaviors.

   Ambient Calculus (AC)

       A complementary tool to AC is Bigraphical Reactive System (BRS)

2.1.3. Summary.

  A summary of features provided by these methods is reported in Table I.



2.2. Static and Dynamic Verification


2.2.2. Runtime Verification.


2.2.3. Summary.


   A summary of the characteristics of verification techniques is reported in Table II.



    Table III reports a summary of the tools or algorithms available for the formal methods
presented so far.








Introduction to special section on formal methods in pervasive computing.pdf




10 Special issue of the Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (JDPC)
on novel architectures for high-performance computing

J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 73 (2013) 1415–1416


   "The Free Lunch is Over" Herb Sutter 2004


   multi-core world: CPU + GPU + FPGA



Special issue of the Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (JDPC) on nov.pdf



【11】 Editorial:  Pattern languages: addressing the challenges




Softw. Pract. Exper. 2013; 43:743–745


   three main issues:

   -- First, how can we classify, develop, design,
and utilize analysis and design patterns together, following the path to a problem resolution?

   -- Second, what is the ‘behind-the-language’ that guides the sewing of patterns together as a whole?

   -- Third, how can we overcome and face challenges, other than pattern composition problems (patterns traceability,
etc.) that can hinder the development of a system of patterns?



Pattern languages  addressing the challenges.pdf





Scanning the Issue

Special Issue on Modeling and Design of Embedded Software

   embedded computing = Information processing + physical processes



Special Issue on Modeling and Design of Embedded Software.pdf




Social Recommender Systems

Ido Guy and David Carmel


The goal of this tutorial is to expose participants to the
current research on social recommender systems (i.e., recommender
systems for the social web). Participants will become
familiar with state-of-the-art recommendation methods,
their classifications according to various criteria, common
evaluation methodologies, and potential applications
that can utilize social recommender systems. Additionally,
open issues and challenges in the field will be discussed.


Social recommender systems.pdf














上一篇:review: Preface to Special Issue on Software Verification
下一篇:review: Io, a Small Programming Language
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