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已有 5372 次阅读 2013-5-20 15:56 |个人分类:科技杂谈|系统分类:论文交流| 期刊标识

1. ISSN: 国际标准书号

ISSN (International Standard Serial Number) is a unique eight-digit number used to identify a print or electronic periodical publication. Periodicals published in both print and electronic form may have two ISSNs, a print ISSN (p-ISSN) and an electronic ISSN (e-ISSN or eISSN). The ISSN system was first drafted as an ISO international standard in 1971 and published as ISO 3297 in 1975. The ISO subcommittee TC 46/SC 9 is responsible for the standard.

ISSN codes are assigned by a network of ISSN National Centres, usually located at national libraries and coordinated by the ISSN International Centre based in Paris. The International Centre is an intergovernmental organization created in 1974 through an agreement between UNESCO and the French government. The International Centre maintains a database of all ISSNs assigned worldwide, the ISDS Register (International Serials Data System) otherwise known as the ISSN Register. As of 2011, the ISSN Register contained records for 1,623,566 items.

The ISSN of the Journal of Mountain Science is 1672-6316


2. CN号:中国标准刊号.


   《山地科学学报(英文版)》(Journal of Mountain Science)的CN号为51-1668/P。


3. DOI: 数字对象唯一标识符

A Digital Object Identifier (DOI) is a string of numbers and letters that uniquely identify a source.

DOI names can identify a journal, an individual issue of a journal, an individual article in the journal, or a single table in that article. The choice of level of detail is left to the assigner, but in the DOI system it must be declared as part of the metadata that is associated to a DOI name, using a data dictionary based on the indecs Content Model.

DOI是由一串数字和字母组成的可以唯一标识文献来源的标识符. DOI号可用于识别一个期刊,某一期刊的单篇文献,甚至是某篇文章中的某个图或者某个表.

在一篇文章的每条参考文献中加上该条文献的DOI, 可以方便他人查找这篇文献,特别是当某篇文献的来源地址发生改变的时候. 同时, DOI号也便于编辑人员或者其它人核对作者著录文献是否正确.


我刊 (Journal of Mountai Science) 自今年第3期开始要求作者添加每条参考文献的DOI号 (如果有的话).


4. 期刊基本参数(Serial parameter):




期刊基本参数] CN 21-1117/N*1950*B*16*128*ZH*P*?6.00*1300*24*1998-01

英文版期刊的基本参数以“Serial parameters:”作标识。?

出版周期代码,为1位字母:    W——周刊,S——半月刊,M——月刊,B——双月刊,Q——季刊,F——半年刊,A——年刊。?

期刊标准开本按 GB 788 采用A系列代号表示,如 A4;对传统开本仍用数字表示,如16?

语种代码,根据  GB 4880  用双字母表示:汉文 —— zh,英文 —— en,蒙古文—— mn,哈萨克文——kk,维吾尔文——ug,藏文——bo,朝鲜文——ko 。对于混合文种,可以同时列出,如zh+en?

文献载体代码,根据GB 3469规定,采用1位字母:P——印刷本,M——缩微制品;有关电子文献的载体类型见14.3.4?





上一篇:Rejection letter to the authors
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