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已有 8086 次阅读 2011-12-8 00:47 |个人分类:信息博览|系统分类:海外观察| 科学家, 2009, 北大校友, 美国总统青年科学家奖



Wang Yingkuan

Beijing, China

December 8, 2011




2010115日,美国总统奥巴马宣布了获得2009年度的青年科学家总统奖Presidential Early Career Awards for Scientists and Engineers85位科学家的名单。在获得2009年度美国“青年科学家总统奖”的85人中,华人占据5席,其中1位女性,Haoxing Xu与江德恩(De-en Jiang2位为北京大学校友。据网友们统计,截至2011年底,共有12位北大校友获得此奖项:陈宪,金亦石,王卫东,林志宏,江雨红,秦宏,Yihua Yu,张砺,林浩,张江龙,江德恩,Haoxing Xu。他们为母校北大争光!为北大加油!特致祝贺!






能源部/Department of Energy


Dillon D. Fong,男,美国阿贡国家实验室,助理科学家,1994年获美国西北大学材料科学与工程学士学位,2001年获哈佛大学应用物理博士学位。

Dillon D. Fong, Argonne National Laboratory


江德恩(De-en Jiang),男,美国橡树岭国家实验室,研究员,1997年获北京大学化学学士学位,2001年获加州大学洛杉矶分校物理化学博士学位。

De-en Jiang, Oak Ridge National Laboratory


国立卫生研究院,卫生与公共事业部 /National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services


Haoxing Xu,男,美国密歇根大学,助理教授,于1992年从北京大学获生物化学学士学位,美国乔治亚州立大学获博士学位。

Haoxing Xu, University of Michigan


Doris Y. Tsao,女,美国加州理工学院,助理教授,2002年获哈佛大学博士学位。

Doris Y. Tsao, California Institute of Technology


Joseph C. Wu,男,美国斯坦福大学医学院,副教授,1997年获耶鲁大学医学院M.D.2004年获加州大学洛杉矶分校分子与医学药理学博士学位。

Joseph C. Wu, Stanford University School of Medicine







President Honors Outstanding Early-Career Scientists


For Immediate Release
November 5, 2010

Contact: Rick Weiss
Office of Science and Technology Policy
Executive Office of the President




President Obama today named 85 researchers as recipients of the Presidential Early Career Awards for Scientists and Engineers, the highest honor bestowed by the United States government on science and engineering professionals in the early stages of their independent research careers.

The Presidential early career awards embody the high priority the Obama Administration places on producing outstanding scientists and engineers to advance the Nation’s goals, tackle grand challenges, and contribute to the American economy. Ten Federal departments and agencies join together annually to nominate the most meritorious scientists and engineers whose early accomplishments show the greatest promise for assuring America’s preeminence in science and engineering and contributing to the awarding agencies' missions.

"Science and technology have long been at the core of America’s economic strength and global leadership," President Obama said. "I am confident that these individuals, who have shown such tremendous promise so early in their careers, will go on to make breakthroughs and discoveries that will continue to move our nation forward in the years ahead.”

The awards, established by President Clinton in 1996, are coordinated by the Office of Science and Technology Policy within the Executive Office of the President. Awardees are selected for their pursuit of innovative research at the frontiers of science and technology and their commitment to community service as demonstrated through scientific leadership, public education, or community outreach. Winning scientists and engineers have received research grants for up to five years to further their studies in support of critical government missions.

This year’s recipients are:

Department of Agriculture

Lee K. Cerveny, Forest Service

Michael L. Looper, Agricultural Research Service

Jeffrey S. Ross-Ibarra, University of California, Davis


Department of Commerce

R. David Holbrook, Jr., National Institute of Standards and Technology

Daniel S. Hussey, National Institute of Standards and Technology

Ian B. Spielman, National Institute of Standards and Technology

Matthew J. Menne, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Charles A. Stock, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

J. Christopher Taylor, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration


Department of Defense

Andrea M. Armani, University of Southern California

Adam E. Cohen, Harvard University

Eugenio Culurciello, Yale University

Nathan C. Gianneschi, University of California, San Diego

Ryan C. Hayward, University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Andrew A. Houck, Princeton University

Farinaz Koushanfar, Rice University

Emilia Morosan, Rice University

Abhay P. Narayan, Columbia University

Matthew A. Oehlschlaeger, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Willie J. Padilla, Boston College

Eric Pop, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Michelle L. Povinelli, University of Southern California

Emily A. Weiss, Northwestern University

Martin W. Zwierlein, Massachusetts Institute of Technology


Department of Education

Catherine P. Bradshaw, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

Jennifer G. Cromley, Temple University


Department of Energy

Ilke Arslan, University of California, Davis

Eric D. Bauer, Los Alamos National Laboratory

Jeremy T. Busby, Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Gavin E. Crooks, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Juan Estrada, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory

Dillon D. Fong, Argonne National Laboratory

Jacob M. Hooker, Brookhaven National Laboratory

Gianluca Iaccarino, Stanford University

De-en Jiang, Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Sergei V. Kalinin, Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Trent R. Northen, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Elena V. Shevchenko, Argonne National Laboratory

Jacob G. Wacker, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory


Department of Interior

Jeanne L. Hardebeck, U.S. Geological Survey

Nicolas Luco, U.S. Geological Survey

Pamela L. Nagler, U.S. Geological Survey


Department of Veterans Affairs

Pamela J. VandeVord, Wayne State University

Rachel M. Werner, Philadelphia VA Medical Center


National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Matthew J. Oliver, University of Delaware

Rahul Ramachandran, The University of Alabama in Huntsville


National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

Dominique C. Bergmann, Stanford University

Edward A. Botchwey III, University of Virginia

Brian P. Brooks, National Eye Institute, NIH

Mauricio R. Delgado, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

Amy N. Finkelstein, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Alfredo Fontanini, State University of New York, Stony Brook

Manolis Kellis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Jessica Y. Lee, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Bradley A. Malin, Vanderbilt University Medical Center

Ana P. Martinez-Donate, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Kimberly Nixon, University of Kentucky

Caryn E. Outten, University of South Carolina

Muneesh Tewari, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center

Doris Y. Tsao, California Institute of Technology

Charles P. Venditti, National Human Genome Research Institute, NIH

Amy J. Wagers, Joslin Diabetes Center

Ziv Williams, Massachusetts General Hospital

Joseph C. Wu, Stanford University School of Medicine

Haoxing Xu, University of Michigan

Martin T. Zanni, University of Wisconsin-Madison


National Science Foundation

Scott J. Aaronson, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

David M. Amodio, New York University

Alexandre M. Bayen, University of California, Berkeley

Rachel E. Bean, Cornell University

Magdalena Bezanilla, University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Jose H. Blanchet Mancilla, Columbia University

Virginia A. Davis, Auburn University

Jayne C. Garno, Louisiana State University

Michael T. Laub, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Steven K. Lower, The Ohio State University

Jerome P. Lynch, University of Michigan

Malcolm A. MacIver, Northwestern University

Shelie A. Miller, University of Michigan

Reza Olfati-Saber, Dartmouth College

Laura E. Schulz, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Joshua W. Shaevitz, Princeton University

Ivan I. Smalyukh, University of Colorado at Boulder

Edo Waks, University of Maryland, College Park

Katrin Wehrheim, Massachusetts Institute of Technology





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