蔚蓝海洋之子分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/fugangouc 浩瀚的海洋既是生命的摇篮也是风雨的故乡


东京大学教授Hiroshi NIINO先生担任日本气象学会理事长

已有 7473 次阅读 2007-7-26 23:37 |个人分类:休闲空间

本人在2007年6月10日在杂文《生活习惯与学术成就》里提到的日本东京大学“助教授N先生” 自2007年3月开始担任日本气象学会理事长(注下文中的last March为原作者笔误,应该理解为2007年3月),此事可以对作者原文的观点提供一个小小注释。


Dear Professor Fu,

Thank you for your email of congratulation.
Professor Hideji Kida, who was elected to the President of MSJ last July,
passed away last November.I was the Deputy President at that time and was elected to the President last March.

I am planning to attend the China-Korea-Japan Joint Conference on
Meteorology in Beijing in coming November.  If you are coming too, I will be able to see you there.

Best wishes,
Hiroshi NIINO
Dynamic Marine Meteorology Group
Physical Oceanography Department
Ocean Research Institute
The University of Tokyo
1-15-1 Minamidai Nakano164-8639
Tokyo, JAPAN


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