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已有 5278 次阅读 2011-9-5 17:48 |个人分类:科研随想|系统分类:观点评述| 论文


The disastrous magnitude-7.9 earthquake in Sichuan, China, in May 2008 was a surprise because it occurred on a fault that had had little recent seismicity. Such surprises occur often for earthquakes within continents. In contrast to plate boundaries where large (magnitude M>7) earthquakes occur at expected locations along the boundary faults, continental interiors like Sichuan or the central and eastern United States contain many old faults, most of which show little seismicity over the past hundred years for which we have seismological data. Hence, we are uncertain of the times and locations of future large earthquakes. Present earthquake hazard assessments typically assume that recent small earthquakes indicate the location of large future earthquakes.


(1)    过去对强震孕震规律不清楚,没有建立岩石破裂前兆过程的力学准则;

(2)    没有孕震时空范围的概念,也不知道如何划分孕震时空区域;

(3)    忘记了世人公认的能量守恒原理。


Large earthquakes are typically followed by aftershock activity that decays to a lower level interpreted as ‘normal’ background seismicity2. This transition is difficult to identify precisely, because defining it depends on the area treated as the aftershock zone and the criterion used. For the majority of large earthquakes, which occur at plate boundaries, the transition generally occurs less than a decade after the main shock, as shown by both studies of individual events3–5  and a large global compilation6 (Fig. 1a). This duration is therefore regarded as the norm. In contrast, aftershock sequences can be much longer in other tectonic settings. In diffuse plate boundary zones such as the Basin and Range, aftershocks often continue for fifty years or more7–10 (Fig. 1b). Within continental interiors, aftershocks may continue for hundreds of years after the main shock. Seismicity in the areas of past large earthquakes, including those in New Madrid, Missouri (1811–1812), Charlevoix, Quebec (1663), and Basel, Switzerland (1356), may be aftershocks11. In the New Madrid seismic zone, the best-studied of these areas, seismicity delineates the areas thought to have ruptured in the main shocks, appears to be decreasing (Fig. 1c) and the largest earthquakes are at the ends of the presumed ruptures; all three observations are often found in aftershock studies12.

For most aftershock sequences, the number of earthquakes decreases approximately hyperbolically with time after the mainshock, following the empirical Omori’s Law. Hence the aftershock durations may be estimated, using the change in seismicity rates from decaying aftershocks to background seismicity, which can be directly measured for short aftershock durations2,5,6. However, identifying this transition becomes difficult and then impossible as the aftershock duration approaches and then exceeds the length of the short earthquake record (Fig. 1). For historic earthquakes, further problems arise from incomplete and nonuniform catalogues. Nonetheless, bounds on the duration of some aftershock sequences can be inferred. A lower bound comes from treating today’s earthquakes as aftershocks, and an upper bound comes where there is paleoseismic evidence of large (probably magnitude greater than 7) earthquakes but little seismicity today.

Figure 2 shows aftershock durations for selected events from three tectonic settings: plate boundary faults, broad plate boundary zones, and continental interiors. Despite the uncertainties in estimating both the duration and the rate at which tectonic slip loads the faults, the data indicate an inverse relationship between the aftershock durations and the slip rates. Faults at plate boundaries that are loaded by the rapid (typically faster than 10 mmyr-1) plate motion show aftershock durations of about ten years3–6. Faults within broad plate boundary zones but off the main boundaries move at only a small fraction of the plate motion (a few millimetres per year7–9) and have longer aftershock durations. Aftershocks continue today following the 1952 Kern County, California, and 1959  Hebgen Lake, Montana, earthquakes, and have a typical duration of about 100 years in the Central Nevada seismic belt10. Such a duration is consistent with the absence of aftershocks from large earthquakes on the Wasatch fault, the most recent of which occurred about 600 years ago9.

The longest aftershock sequences occur within continental plate interiors, which deform at rates typically less than a millimetre per year13–15. Today’s New Madrid and Charlevoix seismicity give lower duration bounds. Upper bounds come from the absence of seismicity at sites of past earthquakes such as the Reelfoot Rift’s eastern margin16 in the New Madrid area and the Meers fault in Oklahoma17. Thus, within continents, aftershock sequences can last hundreds of years or longer.

It is reasonable that within continents aftershocks should continue long after large earthquakes. Aftershocks result from changes of stress and fault properties induced by the main shock. At a plate boundary, steady plate motion quickly reloads the fault after a large earthquake and overwhelms the effects of the main shock. Within continents, however, the faults are reloaded much more slowly, allowing aftershocks to continue much longer.


我们同意“余震序列的长度和断层加载速率呈反比关系”的观点,因为加载速率快,岩石破裂的程度和速率越快,余震持续时间越短。原文继续说到:位于板块边界由快速(通常大于10 mma)板块运动所加载的断层,显示其余震持续时间在10年左右(根据已有文献得出的结论,但过去的研究能确定余震活动何时结束吗?显然不能,因为过去缺乏科学的方法和公认的准则);位于宽阔的板块边界带且远离主边界的断层,其运动速度只占板块运动的一小部分(每年几毫米),而其余震持续时间较长,最长的余震序列发生在大陆板块内部,那里的形变速率非常低,低于每年1mm,因而,大陆内部的余震序列可以延续数百年甚至更久。






Seth Stein & Mian LiuLong aftershock sequences within continents and implications for earthquake hazard assessment, Nature, Vol 462|5 November 2009| doi:10.1038/nature08502

Long aftershock sequences within continents and.pdf




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