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“青年科学家”还是“GE青年生命科学家”?--谣言可以休矣! 精选

已有 16904 次阅读 2011-8-15 11:04 |系统分类:观点评述| 青年科学家

我开始没仔细看,不以为然。后来经其指出,才发现原来有人编辑了词条,自作聪明地把一段关于“青年科学家奖”的描述改成了“参赛论文获得“The GE & Science Prize for Young Life Scientists (通用电器保健和《科学》青年生命科学家奖)”2005年度北美地区的runner-up”
而在原始版本中的表述为“获得2005年由Science杂志和GE Healthcare评选的“青年科学家奖”(北美地区)。
我不认识这个词条的创建和修改者,而对于那位网名是“钟华宜”的修改者,号称“对“获得2005年由Science杂志和GE Healthcare评选的“青年科学家奖”一段认真修改,作准确清晰的表述,以免混淆视听”,也许您是好心,希望严谨,但是麻烦您多做一些考古,而不要以讹传讹
在我申请这个奖项的2005年,压根没听说过什么The GE & Science Prize for Young Life Scientists,那时候就叫做“Young Scientist Award”--任何人稍微做一点homework,google一下关键词Young Scientist Award,第二条就是2005年(我申请的年份)的链接(下文),顶多花一分钟,真相大白。我看不出当年清华大学配发的新闻里有任何问题,因为其中注明了“(北美地区)”,这与Science的网页及新闻是一致的“A judging panel selects the Young Scientist Award grand prize winner and may present regional awards in four geographic regions: North America, Europe, Japan and all other countries. These regional winners receive $5,000 awards. In addition to the grand prize, the 2005 awards also recognize the following regional winners”,是否也要指责Science不写runner up呀?
事情的前因后果,过去这么多年了,我都懒得理了。但是看了百度,我终于意识到一条谣言可以有多持久的影响。也终于明白了为何前几天有人在我的博文后面留下这么无聊的侮辱性留言(被我删的,不是编辑删的)。所以不论是谁修改了百度,请您为您的行为负责!很抱歉,我从来没有得过“The GE & Science Prize for Young Life Scientists” ,您这是干嘛呢!
也许有人会说,颜老师你好虚荣,为这么个名头还写篇博文。事实上,这条谣言流传已久,我根本懒得回应(谢谢我那位大朋友,如果早结识两年,我可以少很多烦恼 如果不是伊,我还不定无聊地唇枪舌剑到什么时候呢)。但是既然是“百度百科”,我揣度是想向Wiki看齐的意味,想做成百科辞典,那么大家都要严谨。这体现了我对不同消息渠道的一个态度,你知道的。
最后呢,也给这个后来更名为 GE & Science Prize for Young Life Scientists (忽然发现,如果直白翻译,应该是通用电器啊,哪儿冒出个保健呢?)的奖做个广告。这个奖还是很不错的,一旦获奖,除了奖金之外,自己的参赛essay会发表在Science上(咦?我是否可以拿来放到CV里充一篇publication啊),而在颁奖典礼上会碰到不少好玩的大中小牛们。当年我的师兄时松海获得了Grand Prize还被邀请到诺贝尔颁奖典礼观礼。自1995年以来,在81位获奖者中,尽管7位在国外留学的中国学生获得过,但是来自中国(大陆、港澳台)的博士毕业生没有一个获得过。大家也许是没有注意到,也许懒得写一篇不长的英文essay。不过,仅从我认识的北京地区的一些博士生,我认为是有竞争力的。你们不要偷懒不申请啊~~ 什么时候在北美、欧洲、日本之外,把中国单独列为一个竞争单元的时候,也许就说明中国的科研水平有了质的飞跃。如果没有歧视,这一天也许不会太远。在最近的HHMI International Early Career Scientists competition中,全球18个国家和地区700多人参赛,在选出的55名semifinalists中,听说进一半来自中国(没有官方统计,北方地区只有10位是确定知道的)。可喜可贺!
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Apply for the 2005 Young Scientist Award
The Young Scientist Award has been established to provide support to scientists at the beginning of their careers, because Science/AAAS and GE believe that such support is critical for continued scientific progress. In 2004, the prize will recognize outstanding graduate students in molecular biology from all regions of the world. This international prize will be awarded for the outstanding thesis in the general area of molecular biology as described in a 1000-word essay. The winning essay will be published in Science; essays of the regional award winners will appear on Science Online. The deadline for entries is 15 September 2005.
For the purpose of this prize molecular biology is defined as "that part of biology which attempts to interpret biological events in terms of the physico-chemical properties of molecules in a cell" (McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific and Technical Terms, 4th Edition).

Rules of Eligibility

  • Entrants must have been awarded their Ph.D. between 1 January and 31 December 2004. Candidates for M.D./Ph.D. degrees are eligible to compete for the prize in either the year the Ph.D. is awarded or the year the final degree is awarded.
  • The research described in the entrant's thesis must be in the field of molecular biology as described above.
  • The prize will recognize only work that was performed while the entrant was a graduate student.
  • The prize will be awarded without regard to sex, race, or nationality.
  • Employees of GE, Science and AAAS, and their relatives are not eligible for the prize.

Procedures for Entry
Materials may be submitted in English, French, German, Spanish, Japanese, or Chinese (Mandarin). The entrant must submit the following items:

  1. An essay, written by the entrant, that describes his or her thesis work and places it in perspective with respect to current research in molecular biology. The essay must not exceed 1000 words in length.
  2. The abstract of the thesis (not to exceed four double-spaced typed pages).
  3. A one-page letter from any thesis committee member or your adviser, commenting on the applicant and the significance of the work.
  4. Typed listings of the following information:
    1. All published/in-press papers based on the thesis work. List full citation, including title and authors, in order.
    2. Academic and professional awards and honors the entrant received as a student.
    3. Relevant professional experience (work, presentations, etc.).
  5. A completed entry form. Submissions should be mailed to one of the following addresses:

    Young Scientist Award Selection Committee
    1200 New York Avenue, NW, Room 1049B
    Washington, DC 20005
    Young Scientist Award Selection Committee
    Science International
    Bateman House
    82-88 Hills Road
    CB2 1LQ
Deadline for Entries
8 October 2004

Judging Procedures
For judging purposes, the essays will be grouped according to the geographic location of the degree-granting institution: North America, Europe, Japan, and all other countries. Initial screening of the submissions will be done by regional judges. Essays will be judged on the quality of the research and the entrant's ability to articulate the contribution of the research to the field of molecular biology. The top five essays from each geographic region will be forwarded to a panel of judges. The Science editors retain the right to forward fewer than five essays if they deem the quality or quantity of submissions in any of the groups to be inadequate. The judging panel will be composed of prominent international researchers in the field of molecular biology.

The judges may select up to three winners for each of the four geographic regions. The number of prizes awarded to each region is at the discretion of the judging panel and will be based on the comparative quality of the submissions. Total prizes will not exceed eight. The judges may choose not to award a prize to one or more of the regions if they determine that such a prize is not warranted. All regional winners will compete for the grand prize of US$25,000. The regional winners who do not receive the grand prize will be awarded US$5,000.

Winners will be announced in Science and the prize will be awarded in St. Louis, MO in February. The grand prize essay will be published in Science, and essays of the regional winners will be published on Science Online.

Please write clearly. Entries can be continued on a separate sheet if required. Please mark the additional sheet with your name and the section and number of the item being continued.

Name of entrant


Current address








List institution, date awarded, and field of study for each degree you have received. Begin with your Ph.D.

Ph.D. _________________________________________________

2. ____________________________________________________

3. ____________________________________________________

Ph.D. Thesis




Thesis Committee (include name and departmental affiliation)





I certify that the work described in the submitted essay is based upon my thesis work and that the degree was awarded between 1 January and 31 December 2004.

Signature of entrant



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